Conservative Kids: Make English Official Language

To bad Newt is the only potential Presidential hopeful who is has strong convictions and is not afraid to voice them.

Newt Gingrich Decries 'Ghetto' Nature of Bilingual Education

Saturday, March 31, 2007

WASHINGTON — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich equated bilingual education Saturday with "the language of living in a ghetto" and mocked requirements that ballots be printed in multiple languages.

"The government should quit mandating that various documents be printed in any one of 700 languages depending on who randomly shows up" to vote, said Gingrich, who is considering seeking the Republican presidential nomination in 2008. He made the comments in a speech to the National Federation of Rebulican Women.

"The American people believe English should be the official language of the government. ... We should replace bilingual education with immersion in English so people learn the common language of the country and they learn the language of prosperity, not the language of living in a ghetto," Gingrich said to cheers from the crowd of more than 100.

"Citizenship requires passing a test on American history in English. If that's true, then we do not have to create ballots in any language except English," he said. nd="5" style="font-size:85%;">In the past, Gingrich has supported making English the nation's official language. He has also said all American children should learn English and that other languages should be secondary in schools.

In 1995, for example, he said bilingualism poses "long term dangers to the fabric of our nation" and that "allowing bilingualism to continue to grow is very dangerous."

Bilingual programs teach students reading, arithmetic and other basic skills in their native language so they do not fall behind while mastering English.

On voting, federal law requires districts with large populations of non-English speakers to print ballots in multiple languages.

Mark Steyn on the London Jihadists

A call for Britian to wake up to the threat of extremist Islam and anti-western hatred within its borders.

Democrat Hypocrisy on Iraq

A showcase of Democrats who were soberly warning the country about the neccessity to act against Saddam Hussein and the need for Regime Change in Iraq. A collection of Video clips they now wish you would forget.


Whadda'ya know! History really DOES repeat itself. James Baker does his bit for "Peace in our Time".

Crossroads How to Win or Lose in Iraq

Author and History professor Arthur Herman has an insightful commentary in Thursday's Opinion Journal Online.

Mr. Herman elaborates on the stunning similarities in methods used to prevail against insurgencies spanning a period of over 50 years. In the stuggle to create a free and democratic Iraq today and the French struggle to keep Algeria from falling into the hands of the murderous FLN during the 1950's and early 60's the strategy used to defeat terrorists remains the same.

Out of the shadows of the struggles for Algeria and Iraq Mr. Herman recalls the foreign policy failures of the "Peace Democrats" of 1974 who callously turned victory in Vietnam into defeat once they had taken control of the Congress during the mid-term elections of that year. Despite the U.S. Armed Forces victory over the Viet Cong and and its halting of aggression on South Vietnam by the North, Democrats sounded the familiar refrain of "let them find their own solutions to their problems." This had been the siren song of anti-war agitators, communists, leftists and their familiars whenever a western power found itself in conflict with tyranny. We hear that song today from the mouths of those who hate and disdain this country.

With Nixon's Presidency destroyed by Watergate the Democratic controlled Congress cut funding for South Vietnam's self-defense and coldly stood by as a faithful American ally was swallowed up by the resurgent North Vietnamese Army's invasion of the South in 1975.

Mr. Herman points out the methods that have worked in fighting, stopping and uprooting insurgencies in the past but notes that today as in Algeria and Vietnam the key to winning these wars is on the Homefront.

We dare not lose.

2005 CAMPOS REALES (La Mancha, Spain)

A very good value. Lots of flavor for the money.

Deep, bright, luminescent ruby. Super-rich, ripe plummy-blackberry nose, with some gingerbread/scorched balsa wood notes. Rich, dense, ripe, and full-bodied. Not a heck of a lot of complexity, but lots of flavor and a rich texture. Big and satisfying. 100% Tempranillo grape, which is surprising to me because I usually figure Tempranillo based wines to be more the elegant, medium-bodied type. This was under $10, but I can't remember if I got it at Spec's or Central Market. 88.

UPDATE (4/3): Saw this last night at Central Market for $7.99.

No Chairs in Conservative Kids Classroom

Presidential hopeful Huckabee gave a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference earlier this month. Among his rambling speech he told a story that fits the theme of this blog for raising conservative kids.

Since a politician told this story, I am not sure how true it is, but the message is good.

I have a friend who's a schoolteacher at the Robinson High School in Little Rock, Arkansas. Her name is Martha Cothren. She's a social studies teacher and a coach on the side. Back in September of 2005, on the first day of school, Martha Cothren did something that I'll never forget. Martha, on the first day of school, with permission of the school superintendent, the principal and the building supervisor, took all of the desks out of the classroom.

The kids came into first period, they walked in, there were no desks. They obviously looked around and said, "Ms. Cothren, where's our desk?" And she said, "You can't have a desk until you tell me how you earn them."

They thought, "Well, maybe it's our grades."

"No," she said.

"Maybe it's our behavior."

And she told them, "No, it's not even your behavior."

And so they came and went in the first period, still no desks in the classroom. Second period, same thing. Third period. By early afternoon television news crews had gathered in Ms. Cothren's class to find out about this crazy teacher who had taken all the desks out of the classroom. The last period of the day, Martha Cothren gathered her class. They were at this time sitting on the floor around the sides of the room. And she says, "Throughout the day no one has really understood how you earn the desks that sit in this classroom ordinarily." She said, "Now I'm going to tell you."

Martha Cothren went over to the door of her classroom and opened it, and as she did 27 U.S. veterans, wearing their uniforms, walked into that classroom, each one carrying a school desk. And they placed those school desks in rows, and then they stood along the wall. And by the time they had finished placing those desks, those kids for the first time I think perhaps in their lives understood how they earned those desks.

Martha said, "You don't have to earn those desks. These guys did it for you. They put them out there for you, but it's up to you to sit here responsibly to learn, to be good students and good citizens, because they paid a price for you to have that desk, and don't ever forget it."

My friend, I think sometimes we forget that the freedoms that we have are freedoms not because of celebrities. The freedoms are because of ordinary people who did extraordinary things, who loved this country more than life itself, and who not only earned a school desk for a kid at the Robinson High School in Little Rock, but who earned a seat for you and me to enjoy this great land we call home, this wonderful nation that we better love enough to protect and preserve with the kind of conservative, solid values and principles that made us a great nation.

Sean Penn continuing a family tradition?

Joseph Farah of the WorldNetDaily does a take-down of Sean Penn's unhinged anti-Bush rant during a recent townhall meeting in Oakland California. Recalling how Hollywood history repeats itself, Farah points out how some people in Hollywood vigorously protested any action against by the U.S. government against Adolf Hitler and his "New Germany" of the 1930's.

Farah alludes to the left’s opposition to giving aid to Great Britian. During this time President Franklin Delano Roosevelt used the Lend-Lease program which was approved by Congress on March 11, 1941 to aid Great Britian in its fight against Hitler and Nazism. Lend-Lease was a controversial program oppossed by leftists and conservatives given the isolationist mind-set of the time. After its passage, the program was later extended to China in April and the Soviet Union in September of 1941. By then Germany's Wehrmarcht was capturing Kiev and Hitler who once was a cause celebre among some of the Hollywood elite with his signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was now a mortal enemy.

The left’s honeymoon and love affair with Hitler was over for good once he attacked the Soviet Union on June 22nd 1941. All pro-Hitler and anti-intervention in Europe agitation abruptly stopped in the U.S.A. and the Nazis became an enemy to be defeated. Once the hero of the left, Hitler was cast as a villian by Hollywood leftists, communists and communist supporters after his attack on the Soviet motherland.

Farah points out that up to this time, one of the outspoken leftist actors opposed to any U.S. action against Hitler was Leo Penn, the late father of actor Sean Penn.

Is Bolshevism alive and well in Hollywood?

An Incontinent Truth

Chinese Researchers look to use fiber rich panda poop to make paper. (Panda poop paper) The Thai make paper out of elephant dung.

It turns out that Al Gore's An Inconvienient Truth was printed on Bull Shit paper.

Conservative kids do not believe everything they read.

Support Fred Thompson For President

For a few weeks there has been a groundswell of support for former Senator Fred Dalton Thompson to run for president. Thompson is probably best known as District Attorney Arthur Branch of Law & Order.

Fred Thompson is the closest thing conservatives have to former President Ronald Reagan. His voting record in Congress was conservative and he has a strong presence. He was chosen to handle the nomination of Justice John Roberts and make sure he was confirmed by the Senate.

If Thompson throws his hat in the ring, the other pseudo-conservatives like Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, and Mike Huckabee will drop like a rock.

A recent Gallup Poll showed Thompson at #3 among Republican candidates and he isn't even running! A GOPBloggers poll had Thompson at #1, almost double the #2 candidate, Giuliani.

Vote for the only real conservative who has a chance of winning. Vote for and support Fred Dalton Thompson.

Famous People with ADHD Provide Hope

My hardworking grandfather worked the fields of the farm he owned from 5:30am to 1:30p. Then he jumped on a bus headed to Philadelphia to go to his job in a book bindery to work a shift there. I am not sure how he did it.

I was a city boy according to grandfather. But every summer, I would work on the farm for a week or two. The pay was terrible, the days were long and it was completely voluntary. I imposed this self torture to be with the grandparents I loved so very much. My parents and my friends thought I was crazy. I did it every summer from age 12 to age 17.

The days I worked the farm were the most exhausting days of my life. I would get up at 5:30a to cut, wash and pack squash. After a quick breakfast break, we would go out into the fields and pick peppers and tomatoes and cut eggplant and butternut squash. Then we would load the truck for market. We would typically end the day at 5:30p. Eat dinner. Play in the yard and be sleeping by 8:30p so we could do it again the next day.

I remember on brutally hot day. My cousin Tony and I were in a butternut squash field slaving away. We decided that we needed a quick break after working for 2 straight hours. Wouldn't you know that that is when my grandfather came to check on us. He yelled and called us good for nothing, lazy bastards before he drove off mad in a cloud of dust.

I was so mad, but not at him. I was mad at myself for letting the man I admired down. Not long after, at the farmers market, I was unloading the truck when I overheard my grandfather talking to his farming buddies. He was talking with pride about his hardworking city boy grandson. The next time he called me a lazy good for nothing. I just smiled to myself.

My son has ADD/ADHD. Many kids with ADD / ADHD are label as stupid and lazy. I tried every trick in the book to motivate him. Money. Stickers. Hugs. All with no results. I admittedly and repeatedly have tried my grandfathers method and called my son out as a lazy good for nothing. This does not work either. Nothing seems to motivate my son. I told to lower my expectations. I was told that you do not have to be a hard working rich man to be happy. I was told to just let him be what he is going to be. I was going to take this advice until I had a chance meeting with a man who is an expert in ADD/ADHD

This man has ADD/ADHD. This man had a mother who 30 years ago realized that her son needed different learning strategies to succeed. He is now a successful businessman on the verge of making it really big with an i-learning product develop for ADD/ADHD kids. This man is teaching my that my son is not stupid and lazy and to not give up on him.

He told me that my son has a gift, the gift to think differently. He then went on to tell me that many famous people in the world had ADD/ADHD. Winston Churchill failed 6th grade. Thomas Edison's teachers said he was too stupid to learn anything. Tolstoy failed out of college. Einstein did not talk until four and did not read until seven. Lincoln and Kennedy had ADD/ADHD. He also told me that 40% of people in jail have ADD / ADHD.

Kids with ADHD have low self-esteem and do not feel like they fit into the world. This list of people shows that kids with ADD/ADHD can not only fit in, but can also define the world. Parents just need to steer them in the right direction.

I admire so many people on the list. I would love to admire my son one day.

Red State Update: Lawyers, Gonz and Mimzy

Jackie and Dunlap on the Justice Department scandal, Alberto Gonzales, and Jesus in the Temple. Plus: The Last Mimzy!

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Red State Update: John Edwards Stays In Race

Jackie and Dunlap on John and Elizabeth Edwards' decision to continue their quest for the White House, plus an update on the Jackie '08 campaign.

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Red State Update: Sheriff of Mousetown

Jackie and Dunlap on children's literature.

Shot for The Fizz, airing on DirecTV's The 101.

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Red State Update: Fixin' The Flag

Jackie and Dunlap say thanks to all the viewers who wrote to let us know that their American flag was displayed incorrectly.
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Red State Update: Are You Sexier Than A 5th Grader?

Jackie and Dunlap on Jeff Foxworthy, Howie Mandel, the new Hustler store in Nashville, and the future of television.
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Red State Update: Fizz Promo #1

Red State Update:Fizz Promo #2

Red State Update: Goat Class

Red State Update: Featured on YouTube

We'd like to say thank you to the hundreds and hundreds of YouTube editors who featured our video ( 4-k) over the hundreds and hundreds of other videos they get every month. Also, ladies, if you'd like a hook-up, IM me. That includes any interested YouTube editors.

Thank you kindly.
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Red State Update: Anna Nicole's Funeral

Dunlap attempts to Explain the whole Anna Nicole mess to Jackie.

Originally recorded for The Fizz, airing on DirecTV's The 101.

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Red State Update: Britney Spears

Jackie and Dunlap discuss the sad, familiar story of Britney Spears.

Originally recorded for The Fizz, airing only on DirecTV's The 101.

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2003 Domaine Fourrier MOREY-ST. DENIS "Clos Solon" Vieille Vigne (Burgundy, France)

This was a truly decadent wine.

Rich, vibrant ruby, with no trace of lightening or ambering at the rim. Extravagantly perfumed, almost indescribable nose: watermelon, black cherry cola, ginger root, spearmint, freshly-baked bread, and minerals. Intense, forward, full-bodied flavors of cherry liqueur, minerals, pepper, and scorched earth. Long, perfumey finish with a little heat and tannin in the back end. With just a touch more concentration in the back of the palate, this would have been nearly perfect. As it is, it is superb, and is a great example of why Pinot Noir is such an amazing grape. 92. Was $29.99 -- and worth every penny and more -- from Flickinger Wines in Chicago.

2005 Abrazo GARNACHA (Carinena, Spain)

This is a fantastic value. At $6.99, it's a great choice for a big party or cook-out.

Medium ruby withbright magenta glints. Bright, sassy nose of spicy raspberr juice and flinty minerals. Soft, round, mouthfilling flavors of sappy raspberries -- not that concentrated, complex, or deep, but lots of fun, upfront fruit. Pretty good, balanced finish. Drink by the fall. This wine could even take a slight chill for summertime drinking. 87. Got it at Whole Foods on Bellaire.

2004 Cambria Santa Maria Valley CHARDONNAY "Katherine's Vineyard" (California)

This widely-available white is very good, and shows a much more restrained use of oak than most other California chardonnays, and so avoids that cloying, overly-sweet butterscotchy character I've grown sick of. It also avoids the slight residual sugar sweetness that many California producers leave in their Chardonnays.

Light straw gold color. Sweet nose of tropical fruit, with wet stones and some subtle butterscotch in the background. Rich, intense flavors of minerals, pear, and grape skins. Full-bodied, long, dry finish. A hybrid California/French style, but show more resemblance to the French branch of the family. Reminiscent of a top-flight Pouilly-Fuisse. 88. Was $16 on sale at Randall's a couple of months ago, but I think most stores now stock the 2005, which I haven't had yet.

Three Pigs and a Puppy Die

In Britain, a school decided to change the 150-year-old Three Little Pigs story to something less offensive to Muslims. (Story) The Koran states that Muslims cannot eat or touch pigs. In their infinite wisdom the school district replaced the three pigs with three puppies. Here was their first attempt.
Once upon a time, there were three little puppies living with their mum (this is Britain). They decided to leave their mum to make it in the big world. The youngest was full of hate toward Jews, Christians Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, Americans, capitalists, pigs and other Muslims that did not share his radical puppy beliefs.

This young puppy did not have much optimism, self-esteem or drive so he built a modest medieval doghouse made of mud and straw. His brothers opted for more substantial housing further from home in mountain caves in the tribal territories of Pakistan.

One day a big bad wolf came to the mud and straw house of the youngest puppy and knocked on the door. "Let me in," the wolf yelled, “or I will huff and puff and I will blow your house down.” The radical puppy opened the door and said praise Allah and blew up himself and the wolf. The End.
There is a war going on against our culture. The enemies are radical Islam, the ACLU, secular progressives and good people who are paralyzed by political correctness.

Victims in the war include Christmas, George Washington and Abe Lincoln, the Ten Commandments, and now the three pigs. Rest in peace.

We need to fight this to preserve our great nation for our Conservative Kids.

Actually, to be fair, Islamic leaders in the British community condemned the politically correct move to change pigs to puppies as misguided and said decisions like this were turning Muslims into 'misfits' in society.

I hate to tell you Mr. British spineless Islamic leader - The radical faction of your religion is turning Muslims into misfits. Denounce radical Islam, not scared Christians who think that they need to appease the aggressor by changing our culture.

2005 A to Z Oregon PINOT NOIR

Now here's a very nice French-styled Pinot Noir. Medium garnet/ruby. Delicate nose of spicy cherries, minerals, earth, and birch beer. Soft, silky, and dry in the mouth, with a feminine style and lengthy, light-bodied flavors. No jammy-ness at all. In fact, it's almost on the austere side. Like a very good village wine from Beaune or Volnay. 87. $17.99 at Central Market.

2003 Echelon "Driving Range Vineyard" ZINFANDEL (Contra Costa County)

Here's a repulsive glass of wine. Smells and tastes of nail polish remover and rancid prunes. F. Is it just this bottle? Or all of this lot? I'm not going to find out. If someone cares enough to find out, please let me know.

Steve Emerson on CAIR kicking out CBN

Steve Emerson blasts CAIR. Outlines group's ties to terrorist orginazations.


Now it gets nasty. Barak hits at Hillary in 1984 send up.

Bill Frist Heard Conservative Kids Calling for Fred

After Washington Whispers / Zogby concluded Hillary was the most Reaganesque - I started blogging about Fred Thompson. That was on January 22, 2007.

Washington Whispers

By Paul Bedard
Posted 1/14/07

Hillary: Filling the Boots of the Gipper

It was one of those in-the-shower brainstorms for pollster John Zogby:Ronald Reagan, at 28 percent, FDR at 26 percent, JFK at 21 percent, Abraham Lincoln at 16 percent, and just 6 percent for George Washington. And who's viewed as most Reaganesque? Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. She also grabs the FDR and Washington mantle but falls far short of upstart Sen. Barack Obama for the JFK title. Let's see which past A-list president voters wish they could put in the Oval Office to fix the nation and which of the major 2008 presidential hopefuls best matches that pick. Drumroll, please. In order:

Zogby says there are several messages from his just completed poll, provided exclusively to Whispers. Most obvious: If voters want a Reaganesque or Rooseveltian firm hand and vision in the White House, then Clinton looks like a good bet. But if they prefer the inspiration of JFK and Lincoln, then Obama's their guy. "It looks like youthful vigor has the best crossover appeal," says Zogby. It's not so clear on the GOP side. Only Rudy Giuliani scores well, seen as the most Lincoln-like and beating Sen. John McCain in every "most like" category. Ex-Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney ranks last in all but one. Zogby sees a biblical race between Jeremiah and Moses in how some major themes play out. "Moses had a plan to get to the Promised Land, and for Jeremiah the sky was falling." Who wins? "Hopefulness is the key."

Since that time, Fred Thompson has been the most popular topic on my site. It was a slow build but traffic with people looking for info on Fred Thompson has exploded ever since.

I linked to small bloggers who were talking about Fred. Those combined voices of small bloggers resonated very loud.

Bill Frist (VOLPAC) heard the call and he has Fred's ear.

I believe that future of Conservative Kids will be so much brighter with Fred Thompson as the leader. The ultra liberal Obama and the deceitful, cold, selfish power hungry politician Clinton will not lead this country in a positive direction.

2005 "GARNACHA de Fuego" Old Vines (Bodegas Zabrin) (Calatayud, Spain)

This was a very good value. Imported by Jorge Ordonez, a great source for Spanish wines, this wine had a vivid dark ruby color. Vibrant nose of crunchy raspberries & blueberries, with some of the classic rock dust-y/minerally scents that frequently grace the Grenache-based wines of the Calatayud region. Dense and youthful in the mouth, with lots of straightforward raspberry/black cherry fruit, and some noticeable rustic tannin as well. Needs a year or so to settle down and drop some of the coarser tannin, but hard to resist now with pasta dishes and stews. Nice balance and length. 87+. Was $7.99 at Whole Foods on Bellaire.

2002 Peteroa CARMENERE Reserve (Central Valley, Chile)

This wine wasn't bad, but was made in a style that I don't like much.

Medium ruby with some brick at the rim. Nose very closed at first, giving up only vaguely cardboardy scents. I then put it under a Vacu-Vin closure for almost a week and forgot about it (I would estimate that this is the equivalent of about 4-8 hours in a decanter). When I later re-opened it, somewhat more pleasant (though not particularly assertive) scents of sweet cream, boysenberries, and dusty earth came forward. In the mouth, it reminded me of a middle of the road Bordeaux from a relatively cool year. It was kind of austere, but had decent concentration and length. 84. If you want to try this, I would definitely recommend opening and decanting it several hours ahead of time. Would match nicely with simple roasted or grilled lamb, but little else. $10.40 at Spec's on Richmond.

Teacher Teaches Capitalism Burns at Stake.

My last post got me thinking about the most memorable teacher I ever had.

In sixth grade, I had Mrs. Steele. She taught the requisite broad spectrum of subjects like math, English, social studies, etc. But she also taught capitalism.

Mrs. Steele created a market economy in her class. She printed Steele dollars. She gave everyone a job and a base salary. She also gave us the opportunity to earn more dollars by providing a meaningful service to the class. This was strictly optional. Like any real world economy, some people worked harder than others and soon a social class structure emerged.

To earn extra money, I approached Mrs. Steele with an idea to start a class newspaper. She as delighted and was supportive. I got started right away. I covered the news of the class; Kickball highlights. The much anticipated announcement of the dodgeball MVP. I listed upcoming events. I acknowledged the personal achievements of class members. I had a horoscope. I listed birthdays.

Mrs. Steele helped me with story ideas and editing. She also gave me supplies - the mimeograph paper. It is easy to make money when the cost of goods is zero. She also strongly encouraged everyone to buy my paper. This endeavor added $1,000 per week to my salary.

I also made a lot of money tutoring kids in Math.

Every last Friday in the month was market day. Kids would bring in unwanted toys and Mrs. Steele would bring in candy, baseball cards and some other small things she bought. The stuff Mrs. Steele brought in was sold at a fixed price. All the other stuff went to auction and went to the highest bidder. It was always quite exciting.

I never bought anything. I set a goal to have $100,000 at the end of the school year. My buddy and I had a secret competition to be the richest kid in the class. I ended up exceeding my goal and winning. I'm still winning thanks to Mrs. Steele.

If Mrs Steele taught capitalism in school today, she would be burned at the stake. The liberals and Psychologists like Doctor Ablow (or Dr. AimLow as I like to call him) would go on the TODAY show and call Mrs. Steele out and tell her that she is hurting the self-esteem of poor Johnny.

Johnny was literally poor (in school). He was making the minimum salary and getting fined for missing homework. Johnny was also literally stupid. He went into Mrs. Steele's desk when we had a substitute and stole a wad of Steele Dollars. When Mrs. Steele returned, she questioned the class regarding the missing money. No one confessed. It was the top story in the newspaper.

A week later at Market Day, Johnny, flush with cash, went on a buying spree. Mrs. Steele knew Johnny's financial situation, so she took the cash back and reported the situation to the principal and Johnny's mom. I reported the capture of the thief in the newspaper. (Mrs. Steele would not let me report the name of the robber).

Liberals would say that the capitalism experiment caused Johnny to steal. I had known Johnny since kindergarten. He was a punk on the road to no where and even the great Mrs. Steele could not teach him the cause and effect of hard work. But she taught me.

Thank you Mrs. Steele.

Conservative Kids Don't Need Dr. AimLow Ablow

In Texas kids are paid $100 for each AP exam passed.

A non-profit called Advanced Placement Strategies established the program. It was featured on the Today Show this morning. Two executives affiliated with Advanced Placement Strategies provided irrefutable data that clearly illustrated the power of the corporately funded project.
From 1991 to 1995 about 300 AP exams were taken in 10 DISD Schools in Math, Science and English about 150 passed.

In 2006, 3,965 tests were taken and 1,300 passed.
Wait for it.


Yep I heard it. This program discriminates against African Americans and Hispanics.

Not true Jessee.
From 1991 to 1995 about 25 AP tests were passed by minorities in the test schools.

In 2006, 532 AP tests were passed by African Americans and Hispanics. WOW.

US Public Schools have about 25 minority kids pass an AP test per 1,000. In the Texas test program that number is 3X.

The scores in Math and Science for all students went from an average of 70 in the early 90's to 877 in 2006. The program is working.

There are more results on the website.
Are the tests easier? No. Are the teachers better? Yes.

Teachers are given extra training and cash incentives too. Add in professional management (not government oversight), measurement and accountability and you have a successful program.

Of course the Today Show had to parade out a liberal psychologist (Dr. Ablow). Dr. AimLow told a very unconvincing theory about how this program will hurt the self-esteem of the kids who do not take AP classes or happen to be artists. Dr. AimLow, we have programs to reward artists, especially those high achievers who smear elephant dung on the Virgin Mary.

Dr. Aimlow did not seem to care about the improved self-esteem of the considerable number of additional students who not only challenged themselves to take the AP classes but also passed and earned college credits. His great evidence was the he had great passionate teachers who motivated him without paying him. Focus group of one, doctor. Thanks for the shallow insight. I agree that everyone has one or two teachers who touched them, but let's face it the vast majority of teachers were dull and quite forgettable.

And Doctor, you are not considering the other side of the equation. Teachers are given incentives to get better and more schools are encouraged to offer AP classes. Plus the program provides incentives to kids in the form of food and door prizes to show up to review sessions on a Saturday. I know this hurts the self-esteem of kids who hate prizes and do not eat.

Dr. AimLow you called this program a shortcut to getting back on track in Math and Science. I am not sure if you noticed but America is getting passed up in Math and Science by the rest of the world while the Bush / Kennedy No Kid Gets To Far Ahead Else Little Johnny Might Feel Bad and Start to Wet his Bed Again Plan sputters along in bureaucratic red tape and while child psychologists try to protect the self-esteem of the lowest common denominator at the expense of the self-esteem of the kids who work hard to get ahead.

Dr. AimLow went to Brown and Johns Hopkins but he got schooled today on Today.

The Today Show had another liberal, Robert Scheaffer, who was also against the program. He stated that this kind of motivation generally does not work. (Did you see the data?). And this program will lead to a cynical attitude in student who will not study unless paid. The consequences for not studying are the same with or without the program. Mr Scheaffer, we would not want to teach kids that they get paid for pushing themselves to succeed. That never happens in the real world. Please think before you talk on TV.

You all know that my oldest son has ADHD. (Story here and here) At home, he watches his brother and sister excel academically, socially and athletically. At school, his schoolmates jokingly call him a retard for taking the remedial classes. My son's self-esteem would not be changed in the least if an AP student earned a Benjamin or three.

Conservative kids need radical new thinking to compete in this world.

What is More Important Stature or Stance?

Seems that there is now quite a bit of interest in Fred Daulton Thompson. From my site meter I can see what the real important issues are. Google's referring search terms can be very telling.

Using this very unscientific data, I have determined that Fred's stature is more important then Fred's stance on the issues; Fred's height, his age, where he went to college and how many times he has been married and whether he is Catholic or not are much more important than his stance on abortion, gun control, taxes and the death penalty.

Here is what I have found

Fred was born in Sheffield, Alabama on August 19th 1942. That would make him 64. When Fred Thompson puts his hand on the bible during the inauguration, he will be 3 years younger than when Ronald Reagan took office as the oldest president at the age of 69. McCain is 70 for those keeping score.

What Thompson lacks in experience vis-a-vis Reagan, he makes up in height. Fred Thompson is 6' 6" or 5 inches taller than Reagan. And a full 11 inches taller than McCain and 12 inches taller than Hillary Clinton.

Thompson has been married the same amount of times as Reagan. He is currently married to Jeri Kehn married June 2002 and they have one daughter. He was married to Sarah Lindsey from 1959 to 1985 and they had two boys and a daughter together. They divorced. He has five grandchildren.

He is not Catholic. The 106th Congressional Record has Church of Christ (Stone Campbell) listed as his church affiliation. On the Issues lists him as Protestant since 2002. That was the year he was remarried.

Senator Thompson went to Memphis State University in 1964 and Vanderbilt University in 1967.

Fred Thompson worked as a shoe salesman. Jack Reagan, Ronald's Dad, was a shoe salesman. Fred's dad was a used car salesman. Which makes both dads more noble than 95% of the politicians in Washington.

Do Conservative Kids Have Their Man?

Fred Daulton Thompson is considering a run for the White House in '08. Chris Wallace Fox News interviewed him today.

I can not wait for the debate between the ice queen and the quick-witted and affable Thompson.

2004 Lengs & Cooter "The Victor" SHIRAZ (South Australia)

This wine is usually a decent value and not that expensive.

Deep ruby color. Rich nose of blackberries, cedary pencil-shavings, and sweet cream. Soft, ripe, salty fruit in the mouth: sappy raspberry and blackberry, with some minerality underneath. Soft, relatively long finish, with no tannin left to speak of and relatively full body. Very nice, balanced, if not complex, Shiraz. 88. Was $14 and change at Spec's on Richmond.

2005 Sebastiani Sonoma Coast PINOT NOIR (California)

This was a pretty good value for a Pinot Noir.

Bright, sparkling ruby with purplish glints. Sweet nose of cherry cola, pomegranate, and fragrant foresty scents. Rich, ripe fruit (dry blackberry and plum essences) with lots of stony mineral flavors. Very expressive. Not complex or Burgundian, but lots of character. 87. Very good value (for a Pinot Noir) at $14.50 at Spec's on Richmond.

Caveat: I had a couple of glasses of this two nights in a row, and each night, it clobbered me. I felt completely bombed. Every once in a while, a wine will do this to me. It usually doesn't have any correlation to the stated alcohol level. I have no idea what causes this, although the last time it happened it was also a pretty good-tasting California wine (reviewed here.)

2004 Espelt SAULO (Emporado, Spain)

A gutsy blend of Garnacha and Carinena (grenache and carignane), but too tannic at present.

Saturated, blood-like black ruby. Medium intensity, deep-toned nose of blackberry liqueur, graphite, and sweet cream. Deep-toned flavors as well, with lots of scorched earth and a tad of cassis. Some chalky tannins and lemony astringency shorten up the finish. Needs a couple of years to drop some of the coarse tannins, and I bet when it does, the finish will lengthen and smooth out a bit. 84+ Was $10 at Central Market.

Fred Thompson Favors Conservative Kids Issues

I have noticed that a lot of Fred Thompson traffic to my site is from Google search. People looking for Fred's views on the issues.

I have highlighted a few from his past voting record:

  • Voted YES on maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions. (Jun 2000)
  • Voted YES on banning partial birth abortions. (Oct 1999)
  • Voted YES on prioritizing national debt reduction below tax cuts. (Apr 2000)
  • Voted YES on Balanced-budget constitutional amendment. (Mar 1997)
Civil Rights
  • Voted NO on adding sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes. (Jun 2002)
  • Voted YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage. (Sep 1996)
  • Voted YES on Amendment to prohibit flag burning. (Dec 1995)
  • Voted NO on banning affirmative action hiring with federal funds. (Jul 1995)
Crime and Tort Reform
  • Voted YES on limiting death penalty appeals. (Apr 1996)
  • Voted YES on limiting product liability punitive damage awards. (Mar 1996)
  • Voted YES on restricting class-action lawsuits. (Dec 1995)
  • Voted YES on allowing more foreign workers into the US for farm work. (Jul 1998)
  • Voted YES on visas for skilled workers. (May 1998)
  • Voted YES on limit welfare for immigrants. (Jun 1997)
  • Voted YES on eliminating the 'marriage penalty'. (Jul 2000)
  • Voted YES on across-the-board spending cut. (Oct 1999)
  • Voted YES on requiring super-majority for raising taxes. (Apr 1998)
Strongly Opposes: Abortion; Same Sex Marriages

Strongly Favors: School Choice Vouchers; Gun Rights; Increased Spending on Military

Favors: Affirmative Action, Teaching Family Values in School; Privatize Social Security; Death Penalty; Decrease in Taxes on Wealthy; Free Trade; Stricter limits on campaign funding.

Opposes: More federal funding for health care.

No Strong Opinion: Immigration; Patriot Act Harming Civil Liberties

For a more complete analysis click Fred Thompson on the Issues.

All in all a good choice for the future of Conservative Kids.

An inconvenient truth about Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald

If the legal gig doesn't work out, Patrick Fitzgerald might consider a second career as a pitcher in the Major Leagues or public relations hack. The spin he's able to put on a fastball when briefing the news media will make for a great line item on his next resume.

Sweetness and Light points out the Very Misleading Statements of Patrick Fitzgerald when addressing members of the press corps about the Libby case. Mr. Fitzgerald makes frequent reference to Valerie Plame's "classified" employment at the CIA. While anyone from the Janitor to the Director has a "classified" status at the agency, the Special Prosecutor fails to mention that there are several levels of security "classifications".

From his statements the casual observer would be left with the impression that Valerie Plame had been a covert operative of the CIA which in fact she was not. Had that been the case, Richard Armitage the man who revealed her employment as an analyst with the agency would be the one facing jail time.

When confronted by a reporter that Richard Armitage came forward as the leaker and that this fact was known to him from the begining of his investigation the Special Prosecutor spins a story line fit for Charlotte's Web.

Mr. Fitzgerald answers the reporter's question with the following statement as recorded on C-Span here. (Sweetness and Light supplies the transcript of Mr. Fitzgerald's remarks.)

I would say this. It’s not the verdict that justifies the investigation. It’s the facts. And if people would step back and look at what happened here. When the investigation began in the fall of 2003, and then we got appointed to the special counsel at the end of December 2003.

What is now clear is what we knew at that time. By that point in time we knew Mr. Libby had told a story. That what he had told reporters had come not from other government officials, but from reporter Tim Russert.

It’s also now public that by that point in time the FBI had learned that in fact Tim Russert did not tell Mr. Libby that information. In fact, Tim Russert didn’t know it. Tim Russert could not have told him.

The series of events pitched by Mr. Fitzgerald's verbal sliders and fastballs before the Press in no way lines up with reality. What did happen was back in October of 2003 Richard Armitage confessed to the Department of Justice that he was the source of reporter Bob Novak's column in the Washington Post "Mission to Niger" which began this whole three year fiasco. Eleven days later on October 14th of 2003 the FBI interviewed Lewis "Scooter" Libby about what he knew of the Valerie Plame affair which was probably about as much as anyone with an up-to-date subscription to the Washington Post knew at the time. Tim Russert's name did not come up during the Libby interviews until November 14th and 24th of 2003. This tact used by Libby to deflect attention away from himself would be used by Fitzgerald to hang Libby on his legal petard. Fitzgerald had not been brought in to investigate this matter as Special Prosecutor until the end of December of that year. By then the identity of the culprit had been known for two months by investigators!

By the time Fitzgerald arrived on the scene the matter of who leaked Valerie Plame's identity had been settled on October 3rd 2003 with Richard Armitage's confession to the Department of Justice. Case closed! Brilliant investigative work Mr. Special Prosecutor!

Upon his assignment, Patrick Fitzgerald's mandate was to find out who leaked Mrs. Wilson's identity, why was it done, and did it violate the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, the Espionage Act, or some other law. That's all the Special Prosecutor was asked to do. But even with the knowledge of who the source of Bob Novak's column was Mr. Fitzgerald went far beyond his mandate and began skulking around Washington searching for "leakers", giving press conferences, threatening reporters with jail time and looking important.

After three years and millions of dollars spent and hundreds if not thousands of man-hours of legal work expended, Fitzgerald found no conspiracy, no cover-up, no push-back from the neo-cons, no obfuscation from the Bush White House and no proverbial smoking gun. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Naaada. All he found was a "process crime" of someone who's stories to Federal Agents did not line up with those of others in this whole convoluted mess of an investigation.

And so Mr. Fitzgerald bravely and confidently sallied forth and decided to go after the one thing he can find in a saga where no crime had been committed and no party had been wronged. Mr. Fitzgerald went after a "process crime" committed by an administrative employee who was afraid he'd lose his job. That's the real crime that has been committed in the tale of this sorry, sordid affair.

Bravo Mr. Fitzgerald.

Give yourself a much deserved pat on the back.

Now we can all sleep better at night knowing that you're on the job protecting us from "process criminals" like "Scooter" Libby.

Clarice Feldman issues a call for justice in wake of this pathetic affair.

Conservative Kids Want School Vouchers


Test scores for high school students have hit a new, 40-year low, says Pat Buchanan, a founding editor of American Conservative magazine.

A National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test of 12th-grade achievement was given to what the New York Times called a "representative sample of 21,000 high school seniors attending 900 public and private schools from January to March 2005."

What did the tests reveal?

* Since 1990, the share of students lacking even basic reading skills has risen by a third, from 20 percent to 27 percent.
* Only 35 percent of high school seniors have reached a "proficient" level in reading, down from 40 percent.
* Only 16 percent of black and 20 percent of Hispanic students had reached a proficient level in reading.
* Among high school seniors, only 29 percent of whites, 10 percent of Hispanic students and 6 percent of black students were proficient in math.

Factor the dropouts back in, and the NAEP test suggests:

* Of black kids starting in first grade, about one in eight will be able to read at the level of a high school senior after 12 years, and one in 33 will be able to do the math.
* Among Hispanic kids, one in 10 will be able to read at a high-school senior level, but only one in 20 will be able to do high-school math.

Under George W. Bush, U.S. Department of Education funding has risen 92 percent in six years, from $35.5 billion in 2001 to $68 billion in 2007. Sinking test scores are what we have to show for it. Taxpayers are being lied to and swindled by the education industry, which has failed them, failed America and flunked its assignment -- and should be expelled for cheating, says Buchanan.

Source: Patrick J. Buchanan, "Dumbing-Down of America,", March 6, 2007.
I will bet the the number of ritalin scrips written have gone up exponentially.

Time for a new approach. Time for School Vouchers and competition. Time to pay the good teachers what they are worth. And time to send the poor performing teachers to packing.

Bill Gates Says Conservative Kids Should Study Math.

Bill Gates testified on capital hill today. He is concerned with the limit of 65,000 visas for highly skilled immigrants. Gates said. “America will find it infinitely more difficult to maintain its technological leadership if it shuts out the very people who are most able to help us compete.”

Federal Law provides 65,000 H1-B visas for scientists, engineers, computer programmers and other professionals every year. Many from India and China. Employers say that it is not enough.

Gates has been unable to fill 3,000 jobs at Microsoft because of this limitation. That is 3,000 high paying tax generating jobs.

But the bigger issue that Gates brought up is the current state of American Schools. A federal study showed that 1/3 of the kids fail to take
a standard-level curriculum, which is defined as including (at least 4 credits of English and 3 credits each of social studies, math and science). On a national science test, about 50% of 12th-graders failed to show basic skills.

Gates also called on lawmakers to give more resources to improving the teaching of math and science.

Sen. Edward Kennedy D-Mass., chairman of the Committee on Health (that's laughable isn't), Education, Labor and Pensions, said the issue would be addressed when Congress takes up BROAD immigration reform legislation this session.

When pressed to specify his comments - Sen Kennedy raised his gin and tonic and vowed to eliminate the visa caps for all broads. Saying, "You can never have enough good looking broads!" When his aide told him that Gates wants highly skilled programmers, Kennedy said, "We all have our
fetishes" as he burped and reached for a bag of pork rinds.

Conservative Kids would be well served to study math and science. And not take health advice from a slurring fat cat.

Pardon Scooter Libby Now!

The verdict in the I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby is an outrage and a aggregious miscarraige of Justice. This has been a show trial from the start, driven by an overly ambitious special prosecutor eager to make a name for himself and bask in the adulation of the fickle liberal media.

Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the special prosecutor in this case whose zeal was reminiscent of the halcyon days of the Spanish Inquistion was able to get a D.C. Jury to convict the former Chief-of-Staff for the Vice-President on four of the five charges leveled against him.

A Jury of his peers found Libby guilty on two counts of perjury, one count of making false statements and one count of obstruction of justice. The former Chief-of-Staff was found not guilty on a single count of lying to the FBI.

Lying to Police or Federal investigators is a serious matter on that there is no doubt. We are rightfully expected to cooperate fully with law enforcement whenever we are asked about matters pertaining to an investigation. In the matter of the Libby trail, the technical aspects of one person's recollection of events to investigators are far overshadowed by the circus-like atmosphere surrounding Mr. Fitzgerald's obsessive pursuit of Lewis Libby, a public servant of whom nothing was known prior to the dragnet that ensued from the Valerie Plame kerfuffle.

Amidst all the millions of dollars spent, all the depositions filed and all the shoe leather worn down to the nubs to find who "outed" Valerie Plame a not-so-conspicous analyst at the CIA, the answer came down to Richard Armitage, right hand man to former Secretary of State Collin Powell.

Have you ever heard of an indictment leveled against Richard Armitage? No. Because none was ever filed! No one was ever supoened in that case because a case was never submitted!

For three year federal investigation and interviews and money spent on chasing the wind the only thing that this special prosecutor could come up with was an indictment of an administrative employee of the Vice-President on charges that he lied because he was afraid he'd lose his job! The President had said that anyone who leaked Plame's identity would be fired. Libby was afraid that because he had been discussing classified information that he would lose his job and so by attibuting talk about Plame to reporters Libby hoped to deflect attention away from himself. At no time was Libby ever accussed of "outing" Valerie Plame.

In her characteristic fashion, Ann Coulter takes aim at the sport of shooting Elephants in a barrel, which is just what this "special investigation" is all about.

The gist of the article is, Lewis Libby has now been found guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice for lies that had absolutely no legal consequence.

(Valerie Plame) was not a covert agent. If it had been a crime, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald could have wrapped up his investigation with an indictment of the State Department's Richard Armitage on the first day of his investigation since it was Armitage who revealed her name and Fitzgerald knew it.

With no crime to investigate, Fitzgerald pursued a pointless investigation into nothing, getting a lot of White House officials to make statements under oath and hoping some of their recollections would end up conflicting with other witness recollections, so he could charge some Republican with "perjury" and enjoy the fawning media attention.

This makes it official: It's illegal to be Republican.

Coulter goes on to compare and contrast how Democrats are treated by an overtly partisan legal system and media proxies where prominent Democrats who commit crimes go free and are ignored while prominent Republicans get prosecuted and are the focus of media "hit pieces".

Some examples:

Since Teddy Kennedy walked away from a dead girl with only a wrist slap (which was knocked down to a mild talking-to, plus time served: zero), Democrats have apparently become a protected class in America, immune from criminal prosecution no matter what they do.

As a result, Democrats have run wild, accepting bribes, destroying classified information, lying under oath, molesting interns, driving under the influence, obstructing justice and engaging in sex with underage girls, among other things.

Meanwhile, conservatives of any importance constantly have to spend millions of dollars defending themselves from utterly frivolous criminal prosecutions. Everything is illegal, but only Republicans get prosecuted.

It's time for the President and Republicans and moral Democrats to stand up and push back against the pogrom being waged against them by the leftist, amoral Democrats and their media lackeys.

Those who don't fall in lockstep with Liberalism, Israel-bashing, Christian-baiting and anti-Americanism are singled out in any manner and for any reason by leftists given even a modicum of power and influence in today's world. It's time to wake up, stand up, and speak up.

Relevant articles on the Libby trial are posted on The Daily News Journal, The Washington Post, Captain's Quarters Blog, and The Drudge Report.

Conservative Kids are Scared of Hillary not Chinese

Let me preface this by saying that I am an engineer turned marketer, I am not an economist.

Recently Hillary raised a red flag about the amount of American debt being held by foreign countries, namely China and Japan. The opportunistic timing of the announcement was the day after Greenspan burped, China hiccuped and the Dow Jones Stock Exchange Index took a 400 point header.

Most financial experts would agree that this was a healthy correction after a long long upward run. Not the Yale grad opportunist, she blamed Bush and trade deficits.

She seems to think that we will be held hostage by China. Perhaps I do not understand, and if I am wrong please enlighten me, but China is buying American debt so essentially they are investing in our country. Therefore they would have a vested interest in our prosperity. Plus That means, we have their money. Right? So who has the power?

Again, I am not an economist, but I do not see the risk that the women with forked tongue sees.

Conservative kids: Chinese military might, the over population of Chinese males vis-a-vis Chinese women and the old line Chinese Communists party scare me a little. The Chinese investing in the US actually alleviates some anxiety. One can only hope that the Chinese population continues to enjoy the fruits of economic prosperity and the old line Chinese government does not get threatened by a population hungry for increased prosperity instead of food. Seriously, what scares me more is a Hillary presidency where she sells the Lincoln bedroom for cash and gives out military secrets like the Wok and Roll restaurant gives out fortune cookies or extra packets of duck sauce.

I will look for economists opinions on this subject and let you know if I am right on or if I am going to have to take a refresher course in economics.

Be careful Hillary. You already lost money from your Jewish friends in Hollywood to Obama. Don't bite the other hand that feeds you.

Hillary Let's Chat About Deceit

Hillary let's talk, let's chat, let's start a dialogue about deceit.

/dɪˈsit/ Pronunciation Key -[di-seet] –noun
1. the act or practice of deceiving; concealment or distortion of the truth for the purpose of misleading; duplicity; fraud; cheating: Once she exposed their deceit, no one ever trusted them again.
2. an act or device intended to deceive; trick; stratagem.
3. the quality of being deceitful; duplicity; falseness: a man full of deceit.


Do you remember Bill Clinton's ever changing hair color?


By Craig M. Brown

What do you call a man who changes his hair color almost every day?
(A) Vainglorious
(B) Dennis Rodman
(C) Indecisive
(D) Mr. President

While all of these answers are correct, if you picked D, you qualify to enter phase two of our contest.

If you have been at all attentive over the past six years, you will have noticed that practically every time President Clinton appears in public, his hair is a different color. The colors range from brown, to salt and pepper to gray to white. Also, each time the President appears in public, he either is about to do or has just done something. Realizing this, the renowned sociologist, Corky Sashoon, is in the process of completing a study based upon his theory that the President's activity for any given day can be determined by observing the hair color the President has chosen.

Using this theory, we now ask you to match the presidential hair color with the activity he is about to or has just engaged in.

The choices are: brown, gray, salt & pepper, white, and black (with bangs).

Now for our question:
"If the President's hair color is _____, he is about to or has just ____."

And, the activities are:

Make a speech at the UN
Make a speech at a high school
Veto a military spending bill
Dodge the draft
Order an air strike on someone or something
Sleep with an intern
Lie to a Grand Jury
Sign an executive order
Accept money from a Chinese "partner"
Lie to cute and perky Katie Curic on national TV
Play Sax on MTV*
Make a speech to the AARP*
* I added these last two.

Seems that Hillary Clinton is taking cues from Bill's strategy book. And the cornerstone of the strategy is Chameleon Deceit. Listen to the accent as she speaks to a African American Church Supporters. It is not long before she lies under oath.

If we are going to have an actor in the White House - let's at least get a good one. Elect Fred Daulton Thompson.

Hillary's Speech at Selma, AL

The Reverand Hillary affects a Southern drawl ya'll while patronizing local Church Members in Selma, Alabama. Can she possibly be more insulting? Were the whoops and hollers from paid shills sitting in the congregation?

Documentary disputes claim of man-made Global warming posts an article about a documentary debunking the Global warming myth. The film by Martin Durkin agues that because of the hysteria over man-made Global warming other more explanations for climate change are not even being considered.

From the article:

The film brings together the arguments of leading scientists who disagree with the prevailing consensus that a 'greenhouse effect' of carbon dioxide released by human activity is the cause of rising global temperatures.

Instead the documentary highlights recent research that the effect of the sun's radiation on the atmosphere may be a better explanation for the regular swings of climate from ice ages to warm interglacial periods and back again.

The film argues that the earth's climate is always changing, and that rapid warmings and coolings took place long before the burning of fossil fuels. It argues that the present single-minded focus on reducing carbon emissions not only may have little impact on climate change, it may also have the unintended consequence of stifling development in the third world, prolonging endemic poverty and disease.

The film hears from scientists who dispute the link between carbon dioxide levels and global temperatures.

Methinks the cat is out of the Global warming myth bag and won't go back in.

2005 Mas Carlot ROSE "Cuvée Tradition" (Rhone Valley, France)

This was an excellent, food-friendly rosé.

Bright pink color with a slight orangey tint. Although an orangey tint in a rosé isn't usually a good thing -- usually it means the wine is losing freshness -- this wine was in perfect condition and will drink well for another several months.

Fresh ripe nose of raspberries and strawberries, with a bit of fragrant, earthy minerality. Beautiful, fruity, bright, mouthfilling flavors. Not complex, but who cares. Lots of fun to drink with spicy dishes. 89. $9 at many Richard's stores.

2003 Alexander Valley Vineyards "TWO BARREL" (50% Syrah, 50% Merlot)

I've seen this around for a while and have had it on my mind to try. Not bad, but not a repeat purchase.

Dark ruby color. Nose promises more than the flavors deliver. Sweet scents of blackberries and graphite, with a lemony component that's nice on the nose but hints at the excess acidity that mars the palate. In the mouth, the acidity pinches the flavors and shortens the finish. I'm pretty sure it was added by the winemaking crew, since the alcohol is listed at 14%, and it doesn't seem likely that that much acidity was present in grapes that had enough sugar to reach that level of alcohol. 83. Was about $14 or $15 at Spec's on Smith.

A Convenient Lie

Let me state my position plainly. Man-made global warming is a multi-billion dollar myth. The only thing about it that is man-made is that it exists.

This planet was not created by man and man does not have the power to destroy it. We might be able to make portions of it temporarily uninhabitable, but we are too small and insignificant to affect global weather.

It reminds me of the movie, The Core. I enjoy science fiction movies, even ones that go beyond believable. [Warning: Movie Spoiler] In The Core, a government funded scientist has created a weapon that inadvertently caused the earth's outer core to stop spinning, resulting in the loss of the protective electromagnetic field around Earth. Super-electrical storms destroy cities and fissures in the electromagnetic field allow radiation from the sun to fry everything.

Do we have the power to stop the Earth's outer core from spinning? We have just about as much chance of doing that as we do changing the Earth's temperature.

I have a question. To what cause do we attribute ice ages and worldwide droughts prior to industrialization? I'm not aware of any combustion engines used in Mesopotamia or factories built by the dinosaurs.

I have always been taught that if you want to get to the bottom of something, follow the money. The global warming scare is being used to drive billions of dollars into government coffers for distribution to government programs and "scientific" research.

It doesn't appear that this man-made panic is going away anytime soon so if you want to make some good money, set up a business that preys on the global warming suckers and you could get rich. That's what Al Gore and his band of "scientists" are doing.

Astronomer says Sun not Humans cause for Global Warming

Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the cause for Earth’s warming is due to the level of irradiance coming from the Sun and not from carbon emissions generated by humans. The scientist notes that Mars is also going through an interval of warming as is the Earth.

The scientist says that both Mars and Earth have had periods of ice ages throughout their histories. Abdussamotov states, "Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance,". (Emphasis mine.)

The article posted on National Geographic goes on to state, By studying fluctuations in the warmth of the sun, Abdussamatov believes he can see a pattern that fits with the ups and downs in climate we see on Earth and Mars.

The scientist’s observations are in stark contrast to the view sported by the most recent IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] stating that Global Warming is very likely caused by Human activities.

A stumbling block for proponents of man-made Global warming is Abdussamatov's dismissal of a greenhouse effect. The article explains that, atmospheric gases such as carbon dioxide help keep heat trapped near the planet's surface. (Abdussamatov) claims that carbon dioxide has only a small influence on Earth's climate and virtually no influence on Mars.

The article goes on to note that the Astronomer remains contrarian to the popular view of Global warming,....suggesting that the sun holds something quite different in store. "The solar irradiance began to drop in the 1990s, and a minimum will be reached by approximately 2040," Abdussamatov said. "It will cause a steep cooling of the climate on Earth in 15 to 20 years."

Gore pays his own company for carbon offsets

Sweetness and Light reports on an article that appeared in today's Opinion Journal from the Wall Street Journal Editorial Page.

In his editorial piece James Taranto relays how the former Veep buys his carbon offsets through
Generation Investment Management, a firm that reportedly Al Gore helped found and of which he is the chairman. When it comes to energy use Al Gore is his own best customer.

The most cogent part of the article is contained below when Taranto notes, "In other words, he (Gore) "buys" his "carbon offsets" from himself, through a transaction designed to boost his own investments and return a profit to himself. To be blunt, Gore doesn't buy "carbon offsets" through Generation Investment Management--he buys stocks. . . ."

Meanwhile, Gore runs around the country and the world trumpeting "climate crisis" and blaming man's use of carbon-based energy--burning thousands of gallons of jet fuel as he goes.

The Opinion Journal piece goes on to mention a speech the former Vice-President gave on Tuesday in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Mr. Gore told a crowd of about fifty people attending the U.S. Media Ethics Summit II that the most provocative slide from his global warming presentation displays contrasting results of two long-term studies. The Tennessean writes, a 10-year University of California study found that essentially zero percent of peer-reviewed scientific journal articles disagreed that global warming exists, whereas, another study found that 53 percent of mainstream newspaper articles disagreed the global warming premise.

He noted that recently the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its fourth unanimous report calling on world leaders to take action on global warming.
"I believe that is one of the principal reasons why political leaders around the world have not yet taken action," Gore said. "There are many reasons, but one of the principal reasons in my view is more than half of the mainstream media have rejected the scientific consensus implicitly — and I say 'rejected,' perhaps it's the wrong word. They have failed to report that it is the consensus and instead have chosen … balance as bias."

Mr. Gore chastised editors and reporters who are skeptical of global warming by noting, "I don't think that any of the editors or reporters responsible for one of these stories saying, 'It may be real, it may not be real,' is unethical. But I think they made the wrong choice, and I think the consequences are severe. "I think if it is important to look at the pressures that made it more likely than not that mainstream journalists in the United States would convey a wholly inaccurate conclusion about the most important moral, ethical, spiritual and political issue humankind has ever faced."

In Mr. Gore's estimation the only viable option for editors and journalists skeptical of global warming is to get on board with those who believe in an anthropogenic warming of the planet.

In the Rocketeer's estimation, the more likely cause of the urgency and hysteria surrounding "global warming" is the desire to promote and cash in on investments that are deemed to be "green" by forward-thinking investors. The promotion of these products and services is designed to create a business climate favorable to "eco-friendly" companies billed as helping us "save the planet". In addition if certain politicos were to have their way, such entities would appear as government-mandated environmental enterprises earmarked in fat Congressional appropriations bills.

I can almost hear the pork barrels rolling in like thunder.

More Conservative Kids Calling for Fred Thompson (II)

I update the post where I listed the bloggers who are calling for or talking about Fred Thompson. I added 15 more. Momentum is growing.

Several bloggers and newspapers have linked to the post.

No Porn Star Left Behind

Tennessee High School students film a risque video between classes. The conservative right is appalled this happened in the Bible Belt. Ted Kennedy wants to get these kids more funding, better video equipment and for God's sake better lighting.

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