Pardon Scooter Libby Now!

The verdict in the I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby is an outrage and a aggregious miscarraige of Justice. This has been a show trial from the start, driven by an overly ambitious special prosecutor eager to make a name for himself and bask in the adulation of the fickle liberal media.

Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the special prosecutor in this case whose zeal was reminiscent of the halcyon days of the Spanish Inquistion was able to get a D.C. Jury to convict the former Chief-of-Staff for the Vice-President on four of the five charges leveled against him.

A Jury of his peers found Libby guilty on two counts of perjury, one count of making false statements and one count of obstruction of justice. The former Chief-of-Staff was found not guilty on a single count of lying to the FBI.

Lying to Police or Federal investigators is a serious matter on that there is no doubt. We are rightfully expected to cooperate fully with law enforcement whenever we are asked about matters pertaining to an investigation. In the matter of the Libby trail, the technical aspects of one person's recollection of events to investigators are far overshadowed by the circus-like atmosphere surrounding Mr. Fitzgerald's obsessive pursuit of Lewis Libby, a public servant of whom nothing was known prior to the dragnet that ensued from the Valerie Plame kerfuffle.

Amidst all the millions of dollars spent, all the depositions filed and all the shoe leather worn down to the nubs to find who "outed" Valerie Plame a not-so-conspicous analyst at the CIA, the answer came down to Richard Armitage, right hand man to former Secretary of State Collin Powell.

Have you ever heard of an indictment leveled against Richard Armitage? No. Because none was ever filed! No one was ever supoened in that case because a case was never submitted!

For three year federal investigation and interviews and money spent on chasing the wind the only thing that this special prosecutor could come up with was an indictment of an administrative employee of the Vice-President on charges that he lied because he was afraid he'd lose his job! The President had said that anyone who leaked Plame's identity would be fired. Libby was afraid that because he had been discussing classified information that he would lose his job and so by attibuting talk about Plame to reporters Libby hoped to deflect attention away from himself. At no time was Libby ever accussed of "outing" Valerie Plame.

In her characteristic fashion, Ann Coulter takes aim at the sport of shooting Elephants in a barrel, which is just what this "special investigation" is all about.

The gist of the article is, Lewis Libby has now been found guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice for lies that had absolutely no legal consequence.

(Valerie Plame) was not a covert agent. If it had been a crime, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald could have wrapped up his investigation with an indictment of the State Department's Richard Armitage on the first day of his investigation since it was Armitage who revealed her name and Fitzgerald knew it.

With no crime to investigate, Fitzgerald pursued a pointless investigation into nothing, getting a lot of White House officials to make statements under oath and hoping some of their recollections would end up conflicting with other witness recollections, so he could charge some Republican with "perjury" and enjoy the fawning media attention.

This makes it official: It's illegal to be Republican.

Coulter goes on to compare and contrast how Democrats are treated by an overtly partisan legal system and media proxies where prominent Democrats who commit crimes go free and are ignored while prominent Republicans get prosecuted and are the focus of media "hit pieces".

Some examples:

Since Teddy Kennedy walked away from a dead girl with only a wrist slap (which was knocked down to a mild talking-to, plus time served: zero), Democrats have apparently become a protected class in America, immune from criminal prosecution no matter what they do.

As a result, Democrats have run wild, accepting bribes, destroying classified information, lying under oath, molesting interns, driving under the influence, obstructing justice and engaging in sex with underage girls, among other things.

Meanwhile, conservatives of any importance constantly have to spend millions of dollars defending themselves from utterly frivolous criminal prosecutions. Everything is illegal, but only Republicans get prosecuted.

It's time for the President and Republicans and moral Democrats to stand up and push back against the pogrom being waged against them by the leftist, amoral Democrats and their media lackeys.

Those who don't fall in lockstep with Liberalism, Israel-bashing, Christian-baiting and anti-Americanism are singled out in any manner and for any reason by leftists given even a modicum of power and influence in today's world. It's time to wake up, stand up, and speak up.

Relevant articles on the Libby trial are posted on The Daily News Journal, The Washington Post, Captain's Quarters Blog, and The Drudge Report.

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