Sean Penn continuing a family tradition?

Joseph Farah of the WorldNetDaily does a take-down of Sean Penn's unhinged anti-Bush rant during a recent townhall meeting in Oakland California. Recalling how Hollywood history repeats itself, Farah points out how some people in Hollywood vigorously protested any action against by the U.S. government against Adolf Hitler and his "New Germany" of the 1930's.

Farah alludes to the left’s opposition to giving aid to Great Britian. During this time President Franklin Delano Roosevelt used the Lend-Lease program which was approved by Congress on March 11, 1941 to aid Great Britian in its fight against Hitler and Nazism. Lend-Lease was a controversial program oppossed by leftists and conservatives given the isolationist mind-set of the time. After its passage, the program was later extended to China in April and the Soviet Union in September of 1941. By then Germany's Wehrmarcht was capturing Kiev and Hitler who once was a cause celebre among some of the Hollywood elite with his signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was now a mortal enemy.

The left’s honeymoon and love affair with Hitler was over for good once he attacked the Soviet Union on June 22nd 1941. All pro-Hitler and anti-intervention in Europe agitation abruptly stopped in the U.S.A. and the Nazis became an enemy to be defeated. Once the hero of the left, Hitler was cast as a villian by Hollywood leftists, communists and communist supporters after his attack on the Soviet motherland.

Farah points out that up to this time, one of the outspoken leftist actors opposed to any U.S. action against Hitler was Leo Penn, the late father of actor Sean Penn.

Is Bolshevism alive and well in Hollywood?

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