Astronomer says Sun not Humans cause for Global Warming

Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, says the cause for Earth’s warming is due to the level of irradiance coming from the Sun and not from carbon emissions generated by humans. The scientist notes that Mars is also going through an interval of warming as is the Earth.

The scientist says that both Mars and Earth have had periods of ice ages throughout their histories. Abdussamotov states, "Man-made greenhouse warming has made a small contribution to the warming seen on Earth in recent years, but it cannot compete with the increase in solar irradiance,". (Emphasis mine.)

The article posted on National Geographic goes on to state, By studying fluctuations in the warmth of the sun, Abdussamatov believes he can see a pattern that fits with the ups and downs in climate we see on Earth and Mars.

The scientist’s observations are in stark contrast to the view sported by the most recent IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] stating that Global Warming is very likely caused by Human activities.

A stumbling block for proponents of man-made Global warming is Abdussamatov's dismissal of a greenhouse effect. The article explains that, atmospheric gases such as carbon dioxide help keep heat trapped near the planet's surface. (Abdussamatov) claims that carbon dioxide has only a small influence on Earth's climate and virtually no influence on Mars.

The article goes on to note that the Astronomer remains contrarian to the popular view of Global warming,....suggesting that the sun holds something quite different in store. "The solar irradiance began to drop in the 1990s, and a minimum will be reached by approximately 2040," Abdussamatov said. "It will cause a steep cooling of the climate on Earth in 15 to 20 years."

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