Bill Frist Heard Conservative Kids Calling for Fred

After Washington Whispers / Zogby concluded Hillary was the most Reaganesque - I started blogging about Fred Thompson. That was on January 22, 2007.

Washington Whispers

By Paul Bedard
Posted 1/14/07

Hillary: Filling the Boots of the Gipper

It was one of those in-the-shower brainstorms for pollster John Zogby:Ronald Reagan, at 28 percent, FDR at 26 percent, JFK at 21 percent, Abraham Lincoln at 16 percent, and just 6 percent for George Washington. And who's viewed as most Reaganesque? Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. She also grabs the FDR and Washington mantle but falls far short of upstart Sen. Barack Obama for the JFK title. Let's see which past A-list president voters wish they could put in the Oval Office to fix the nation and which of the major 2008 presidential hopefuls best matches that pick. Drumroll, please. In order:

Zogby says there are several messages from his just completed poll, provided exclusively to Whispers. Most obvious: If voters want a Reaganesque or Rooseveltian firm hand and vision in the White House, then Clinton looks like a good bet. But if they prefer the inspiration of JFK and Lincoln, then Obama's their guy. "It looks like youthful vigor has the best crossover appeal," says Zogby. It's not so clear on the GOP side. Only Rudy Giuliani scores well, seen as the most Lincoln-like and beating Sen. John McCain in every "most like" category. Ex-Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney ranks last in all but one. Zogby sees a biblical race between Jeremiah and Moses in how some major themes play out. "Moses had a plan to get to the Promised Land, and for Jeremiah the sky was falling." Who wins? "Hopefulness is the key."

Since that time, Fred Thompson has been the most popular topic on my site. It was a slow build but traffic with people looking for info on Fred Thompson has exploded ever since.

I linked to small bloggers who were talking about Fred. Those combined voices of small bloggers resonated very loud.

Bill Frist (VOLPAC) heard the call and he has Fred's ear.

I believe that future of Conservative Kids will be so much brighter with Fred Thompson as the leader. The ultra liberal Obama and the deceitful, cold, selfish power hungry politician Clinton will not lead this country in a positive direction.

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