Fred Thompson Favors Conservative Kids Issues

I have noticed that a lot of Fred Thompson traffic to my site is from Google search. People looking for Fred's views on the issues.

I have highlighted a few from his past voting record:

  • Voted YES on maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions. (Jun 2000)
  • Voted YES on banning partial birth abortions. (Oct 1999)
  • Voted YES on prioritizing national debt reduction below tax cuts. (Apr 2000)
  • Voted YES on Balanced-budget constitutional amendment. (Mar 1997)
Civil Rights
  • Voted NO on adding sexual orientation to definition of hate crimes. (Jun 2002)
  • Voted YES on prohibiting same-sex marriage. (Sep 1996)
  • Voted YES on Amendment to prohibit flag burning. (Dec 1995)
  • Voted NO on banning affirmative action hiring with federal funds. (Jul 1995)
Crime and Tort Reform
  • Voted YES on limiting death penalty appeals. (Apr 1996)
  • Voted YES on limiting product liability punitive damage awards. (Mar 1996)
  • Voted YES on restricting class-action lawsuits. (Dec 1995)
  • Voted YES on allowing more foreign workers into the US for farm work. (Jul 1998)
  • Voted YES on visas for skilled workers. (May 1998)
  • Voted YES on limit welfare for immigrants. (Jun 1997)
  • Voted YES on eliminating the 'marriage penalty'. (Jul 2000)
  • Voted YES on across-the-board spending cut. (Oct 1999)
  • Voted YES on requiring super-majority for raising taxes. (Apr 1998)
Strongly Opposes: Abortion; Same Sex Marriages

Strongly Favors: School Choice Vouchers; Gun Rights; Increased Spending on Military

Favors: Affirmative Action, Teaching Family Values in School; Privatize Social Security; Death Penalty; Decrease in Taxes on Wealthy; Free Trade; Stricter limits on campaign funding.

Opposes: More federal funding for health care.

No Strong Opinion: Immigration; Patriot Act Harming Civil Liberties

For a more complete analysis click Fred Thompson on the Issues.

All in all a good choice for the future of Conservative Kids.

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