Bill Gates Says Conservative Kids Should Study Math.

Bill Gates testified on capital hill today. He is concerned with the limit of 65,000 visas for highly skilled immigrants. Gates said. “America will find it infinitely more difficult to maintain its technological leadership if it shuts out the very people who are most able to help us compete.”

Federal Law provides 65,000 H1-B visas for scientists, engineers, computer programmers and other professionals every year. Many from India and China. Employers say that it is not enough.

Gates has been unable to fill 3,000 jobs at Microsoft because of this limitation. That is 3,000 high paying tax generating jobs.

But the bigger issue that Gates brought up is the current state of American Schools. A federal study showed that 1/3 of the kids fail to take
a standard-level curriculum, which is defined as including (at least 4 credits of English and 3 credits each of social studies, math and science). On a national science test, about 50% of 12th-graders failed to show basic skills.

Gates also called on lawmakers to give more resources to improving the teaching of math and science.

Sen. Edward Kennedy D-Mass., chairman of the Committee on Health (that's laughable isn't), Education, Labor and Pensions, said the issue would be addressed when Congress takes up BROAD immigration reform legislation this session.

When pressed to specify his comments - Sen Kennedy raised his gin and tonic and vowed to eliminate the visa caps for all broads. Saying, "You can never have enough good looking broads!" When his aide told him that Gates wants highly skilled programmers, Kennedy said, "We all have our
fetishes" as he burped and reached for a bag of pork rinds.

Conservative Kids would be well served to study math and science. And not take health advice from a slurring fat cat.

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