Rebutting Mr. Anonymous

My last essay, "After Action Report," drew some fire from "anonymous." I hate it when people don't have the courage to identify themselves. Anyone that starts their responses to my posts with "Hate-speech and bloviating aside..." is not reading what I am posting and is just firing blindly with typical liberal ad hominem attacks. I engage in neither. In fact, if Mr. Anonymous had the courage to read the post, he would have seen that it is his comrades that engage in hatred. It is not "hateful" to stand on a moral position that says you are opposed to gay marriage or abortion. This is hateful:

Now note, that the Ban on Gay Marriage was approved in California - the deepest blue state next to Vermont. So, I assert again, that this country remains center right. And to say that to be anti-gay is anti-black or anti-woman is silly. A majority of blacks voted for Prop 8 in California and resent being lumped in with the gays. This is not to hate gays; it is simply to take a moral position that I feel their behavior is wrong based on fundamental Judeo-Christian principles. I do not hate them, and as cliche as it sound, I have several friends that are of that persuasion. Do I feel they deserve marriage rights and dilute the rite of matrimony absolutely not; nor do I wish to have that legislated from the bench. Are they entitled to rites of civil union, I have no problem with that.

To my friend's comment about mandates...if Bush said he had a mandate in either election he was wrong. But 58.2 million people voted AGAINST Obama, 46% of the nation. My comparison to a real mandate stands. Not everyone is like Mr. Anonymous prepared to march blindly forward chanting "yes we can, hope, change!"

For some strange reason, much of Mr. A's hatred is directed at religion - seems, like many on the left to have a particular problem with Jesus - doesn't want him in society, doesn't want him running the government, defunding stem-cells, allowing faith based initiatives and so on. Not sure where that comes from, but suffice to say, the Constitutional principles of this nation are rooted in the traditions of Judeo-Christian thought. The concepts of equality that we value so dearly could not have existed without the Gospel. You certainly won't find those lessons in Islam, Hindu or any other religion of significance. It is the foundation of WESTERN Civilization and all the dances around the Maypole of Diversity aren't going to change that fact. Does that therefore mean that I want the Pope or Billy Graham running the country? Of course not - remember, it was Christ who said, "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's." A far cry from Marx and Obama's "give me everything you have including your mind." Believing in something beyond our world is not a sign of inferior intellect as Mr. A believes, nor is it a sign of superior intellect. It is a matter of faith - and while he wishes to put his in the O, I put mine in something that has been around a lot longer and at least has the true hope of something better.

Mr. A is correct that liberals do yearn for control of the schools: "And if Obama gets his education agenda passed, the next generation will be even less likely to fall for the party line of ignorance and apathy." Listen, the left has controlled the schools for the last thirty years...can you say Bill Ayers? And look what it has produced...scholars like Mr. A who actually believe that raising taxes is a good thing for an economy. Further, that very sentence is at the core of what many of us on the right find so chilling about the Big O - he's not talking about education, he's talking about indoctrination - that is immoral and wrong. The Communists liked to do it - take the kids away from their parents so they could turn them into mind-numbed bots willing to do the bidding of the state like sitting around and singing "yes we can!"

Now instead of spouting a bunch of platitudes from, Mr. A should study the following's 2005, but the policy hasn't changed. Please note that the top 20% of income earners pay 70% of the taxes. The bottom 20% pay nothing. To increase the burden on the top and give it to the bottom is not "sharing" or "paying a fair share" it is income redistribution which is Communism.

Worse, it is an insidious form of welfare designed to create a permanent voting block to keep Democrats in power. A strategy that worked well until Republicans forced Bill Clinton to sign welfare reform. B.O. wants to bring it back without calling it that. That top 20% has some scoundrels, no do all the quintiles. But they are also the driving force for progress and change. They are the small businesses that create the jobs that help others move out of the second, middle and fourth quintiles...a fact that Mr. A is too blind to ever accept. Further, using government as the entity to create jobs is the path to slavery. We tried it with the WPA and it didn't work then either. Took a good old fashioned war to get us out of that Democrat nose dive.

He finishes his diatribe with the predictable assaults on Sarah Palin, the last eight years of hell he's lived in, guns and Jesus banter...insults fellow blogger, Blue Collar Muse, and basically rants like a teenager that's been told they don't get the car keys until they do their homework. He suffers from BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) and rails at the President in the sickeningly disrespectful tone of the left...not to be confused with the coyish fun tone we on the right have towards our future "ruler." I have disagreed mightily with Bush on issues like spending and the expansion of the Federal government...but I owe him a large debt of gratitude. He took the fight to the enemy, which was his number one priority (if we are dead, it's hard to do much else here on earth) and we have not suffered another catastrophe like 9/11.

I don't know if his predictions are correct or not...they are in the future and not even the great O the Magnificent, can tell us. The Republicans got whipped bad - no doubt about it - and in large part deserved it. The country demanded "change" and at that juncture of history, coupled with a financial crisis, the roots of which are in Democrat policy, the American people tossed 'em out. I do know this though - America is still a fundamentally good country, a beacon of opportunity despite the rough times we are in now. I have soundly based fears that we could lose that stature with the dawn of the Age of O. We shall see.

Now, if Mr. A wishes to post, I have a few rules of engagement:
1) Identify yourself - don't hide behind the banner of anonymity.
2) No bad language - this is a family station.
3) No taunting - I do have a life on top of this meager scribing.
Failure to live by the rules...failure to get your name in lights!

Rumble on!

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