Obama was fairly elected by a majority of voters. Okay, maybe he got some votes illegally but not enough to change the outcome of the election.
The death threats need to stop immediately. We are a civilized people. When someone doesn't agree with us we don't kill them, especially when it is an elected leader. That is what happens in third world countries.
Let Obama take his shot at the presidency. If he is successful, we all benefit. If not, then we vote him out in 2012, or impeach him if he's really bad. I know, that would be virtually impossible with a Democrat Congress.
As much as I would like to smack people like Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Hank Paulson, and Jack Murtha in the nose, none of them deserve death just for being stupid. Exile maybe.
Assassinating Obama will not accomplish anything other than making Joe Biden president. On the contrary, it will cause much damage and pain. Damage and pain that could take decades to heal.
Look, I am not an Obama fan. Just read this blog. I would like to see him out of office ASAP but killing him is morally wrong. He has a wife and kids. He hasn't done anything to deserve it.
If you are one of those people who thinks he is unfit to serve because of his color then I have nothing to say to you. Your ignorance is beyond arguing with.
Your time and efforts would be much better spent talking to people about conservative ideals and how they have no place in the Democrat party. Most Americans are right of center and most Democrats are not. Show them the records. Show them what Democrats want to do to America. Therein lies our true power. Not in being able to take out the opposition's leader.
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