MSNBC: Shameless. Classless. Clueless.

Obama did not need his own channel on Dish Network. He already had (and has) MSNBC (Mostly Stupid National Barack Channel).

A few years ago I had a little respect for Chris Matthews. Even when some conservative talk radio hosts were saying he was a liberal. Well, I was wrong. I have gone from some respect to no respect to disrespect of Hardball and Chris Matthews. He's on the same level as Keith Ogremann.

Hardball cannot be happy with the fact that Obama has won and will soon be crowned king. They are making sure they get final pot shots in at George W. Bush before he leaves office. There is nothing journalistic about what they are doing. It is nothing more than petty, angry, liberal hatred. (Yes, I know Chris Matthews wasn't hosting but tell me he isn't in love with Obama.)

I really wish you people would grow up and stop acting like a bunch of teenage gangstas.


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