A Big Tent Revival

One of the big themes that is emerging early in the post-election circular firing squad that is the Republican Party of today is that social conservatives cost McCain the election and that they need to be drummed out of the party. If it wasn't for the Jesus-freaks, McCain would have won in a landslide, because they really creep the Independents out. It was all that Bible-thumping that "Youbetcha" Palin was doing that scared the electorate away. Strange how facts can get in the way...this from the First Amendment Center right here in little ol' Nashville:

Sixty-five percent of Americans believe that the nation's founders intended the U.S. to be a Christian nation and 55% believe that the Constitution establishes a Christian nation, according to the “State of the First Amendment 2007” national survey released Sept. 11 by the First Amendment Center.

Come again...did you just say 65%? Now I am not in favor of establishing a Christian nation. But I am a strong supporter of religion's role in the public forum and feel that much has been lost without it. I was over at another blogsite arguing a similar point. There is a tremendous misunderstanding that has made it into our common belief system. It is the notion that the first amendment guaranteed us "separation of church and state" AND that such separation means that church stuff is allowed nowhere near state stuff...ixnay, onay, don't go there! Well, as Sargeant Friday might say, "just the facts ma'am:"

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Anyone recognize that? Yes, you in the back..."the First Amendment?"...correctamundo! So what were our Founding Fathers saying? Break it down:

1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion... they did not want a national church a la Church of England. Escaping from the clutches of a state run church once is enough for a lifetime, ask the refugees from the Taliban.
2. ...or prohibiting free exercise thereof... OK, that's the freedom of religion part.
3. ...or abridging the freedom of: speech, the press, right to assemble, right to petition the government. - nothing in here about the Church shall not be allowed anywhere near a government building.

So, the country-club-republicans (and their liberal allies) want us to believe that if it wasn't for fear of some Christian Christ Centric Clergyocracy McCain would have won. And, following that logic one step further, if ONLY he had gone more to the center, Republicans would not have experienced a rout. Well, what are the facts? This from a study over at American University:

A downturn in the number and percentage of Republican voters going to the polls seemed to be the primary explanation for the lower than predicted turnout. The percentage of eligible citizens voting Republican declined to 28.7 percent down 1.3 percentage points from 2004. Democratic turnout increased by 2.6 percentage points from 28.7 percent of eligibles to 31.3 percent.
Consider this too - Obama was very clever not to offend the Christian Right. This from a pro-Hillary leftist site:

The big story here is the Christian right. While ostensibly, the Saddleback debate put McCain on top and no one showed up at Obama’s Values tour, it is clear to me that deals were made behind closed doors.

The anecdote about the Bush voter who stayed home because this time his pastor didn’t tell him to go is even more significant if one considers the passage of proposition 8 in California.

The Obama campaign allowed Obama’s voice to be used in robocalls saying Obama opposed gay marriage.

B0bots were not told to vote against it. They did vote for a proposition taking care of chickens. left the gays out - as price for the Christian right staying home.

During the primary, Bush’s spiritual adviser endorsed Obama. Said he told Bush about it and agreed. Bush in turn added: He (Obama) is a good man.

Look at the numbers again: PUMAs voting McCain might have overcame the - REAL - new voters.

The real difference in numbers is the nearly 6 million Bush voters whose ministers didn’t tell to go out and vote.

Furthermore, Catholics, whose values line up with the Christian Right voted for Barry O 54% to 45%. Sadly, Catholics voted for the most pro-abortion candidate in history. Despite a terrific performance in the Saddleback forum, McCain simply did not energize Catholics enough to make them overcome the excitement around BHO. So let me sum up the election thusly (and I have already done so extensively in an earlier post):

1. Republicans lost because the Democrats had a far better candidate who ran as a CONSERVATIVE! (Tax cuts, hold people responsible, hope for America, yadda yadda yadda). Our guy ran as a moderate - err, I mean, "maverick."
2. They did NOT lose because the values held by the Christian right turned off a large percentage of the electorate. They lost because other than Sarah Palin and a brief show of hands at Saddleback, the campaign expressed NO VALUES. We didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings!

If we can get over the idea that Social Conservatives need to be thrown overboard, then we can get back to the notion that I advance which is this. The American people are hungry for religion and values to be part of the national discussion. They are sick and tired of having to say "Happy Holidays" to avoid hurting anyone's feelings. They are sick and tired of a culture that glorifies the most sinister forms of sex and violence. They are looking for a champion of good...you know, someone like this:

We have so expunged faith and values from the public schools and the public discourse that it is no surprise that we have CEO's that behave like they do...taking millions of dollars in parachutes as they exit the companies they have wrecked. There is no remorse if your only value is to "get rich." There is no responsibility if all you see is yourself. A culture of success will not long stand if it is devoid of responsibility and remorse and we are well down that path. If the Republicans want to truly turn the ship around, they need to become a party of opposition not accomodation. They need to understand that the American people are hungry for a leadership that braves the media waters of political correctness and shouts "Stop, enough is enough." We have sacrificed our future on the altar of diversity, but it is not too late. As they adjust to the new reality of a Democrat majority (and possible super-majority in the Senate), Republicans need to embrace the groups that they have run away from in this last election cycle and get back to work reaffirming our core conservative principles. Then a candidates can be fielded that offer a true choice to the electorate instead of the choice between hot water couched in syruppy rhetoric and lukewarm water couched in dry droll. After two years of the Obamots, the American people will be ready for true change...maybe the Republicans won't screw it up this time!

Rumble on!

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