Joy Behar Is A Complete Idiot

I really try hard not to call people names but my flawed humanity causes me to fail. With that said, Joy Behar is a complete, unabridged idiot. She is a certified hypocrite. She's mean. She's nasty. And she hates everything about conservatives.

To say that home schooled children are "demented" is beyond lunacy. Joy, parents that home school their children are simply trying to shield them from left-wing liberal indoctrination by public school teachers like you and you can't stand it. Parents are sick and tired of the crap that is shoved down their children's throats in the American educational system.

You sit there on The View in a huff anytime a conservative is on the show like Bill O'Reilly. You look like a three-year-old who didn't get the candy they wanted in the checkout line at the supermarket.

Do us all a favor. Work on your attitude or just shut up.

P.S. Joy, I'll put a home school kid up against a public school kid any day.

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