I really want to be angry and say things that I can't really say on this blog but that anger is turning into apathy. I really don't care anymore.
If the majority of this country thinks they can get handouts from the government then I'll just quit work and join with them. If I can get free money from the government then why would I kill myself working?
If you've ever seen the Disney/Pixar movie The Incredibles, there's a great line in there by the villain. He is making gadgets so everyone can be a superhero. He says, "When everyone is super, no one will be."
"When everyone is on welfare, no one will be."
And this crap about Obama, the most liberal Senator, leading from the center, please stop. I'm going to hurt myself from laughing.
When is your friend Ahmadinejad coming over for dinner and a movie?
Barry, we'll see you in 2012 after the train wreck. I just hope the casualties are minimal.
Side Question: How many people will be injured or killed in Obama "celebrations?"
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