Wines from Grandma and Nonno’s visit -- Part 5 (short-form notes)

2006 Jean-Max Roger SANCERRE ROSÉ “Cuvée La Grange Dimière” (Loire, France) -- This Pinot Noir rose had a beautiful light salmon pink color, with a fresh nose of minerals, flowers, and strawberry/cherry. Refreshing and bone dry, with ripe fruit and excellent acidity.

2005 Domaine de la Noblaie CHINON “Les Chiens-Chiens” (Loire, France) -- Classic Loire Cabernet Franc nose and flavors: mineral and walnut oil, and herbal black cherry. Medium-full body and bone dry, stony black cherry skin flavors with underbrush and tomato notes.

2006 Razor’s Edge SHIRAZ (75%)-GRENACHE (25%) (McLaren Vale, Australia) -- Tastes like it’s got more Grenache than Shiraz, rather than the other way around, with great kirsch and spice aromas, medium full body, and ripe, sweet cherry/raspberry and earth flavors. Excellent buy at $13.99.

Spies Like Us

The National Intelligence Council's "Global Trends 2025" is a report that jumbles the thoughts of all 17 of our intelligence agencies into a periodic piece that is pretty much worthless the day it is published. Here are the four central "findings" in the report just released:
  • The whole international system—as constructed following WWII—will be revolutionized. Not only will new players—Brazil, Russia, India and China— have a seat at the international high table, they will bring new stakes and rules of the game.
  • The unprecedented transfer of wealth roughly from West to East now under way will continue for the foreseeable future.
  • Unprecedented economic growth, coupled with 1.5 billion more people, will put pressure on resources—particularly energy, food, and water—raising the specter of scarcities emerging as demand outstrips supply.
  • The potential for conflict will increase owing partly to political turbulence in parts of the greater Middle East.

Now there is some truth in each of these points, but let's take them one at a time.

1) The whole international system will be revolutionized...Brazil, India, China and Russia bring new stakes. Fair enough. The hegemony of U.S. power will wane and these four rising superstars will gain equal footing with the United States. Let's start with GDP - here's 2005, which is the closest year for comparing:

USA: $ 12,416,510,000,000
China: $ 2,234,297,000,000
Brazil: $ 796,055,200,000
India: $ 805,713,800,000
Russia: $ 763,720,000,000

Those other four nations put together are about 1/3 of the US's GDP. On a per capita basis, the numbers are more stark:

USA: $39,319.40
Russia: $9,821.52 (Just ahead of Botswana)
Brazil: $7,967.52 (Three below Grenada)
China: $5,453.31 (Just above Swaziland)
India: $3,113. 10 (Just below Djibouti)

I point this out because inherent in growth will be the needs of the populace. The citizens of all these nations will place a lot of demands upon their governments in their ascension.

Can each of these field militaries that could pose regional problems for the United States? Absolutely. Fortunately, Brazil and India seem to get along pretty well with the US. Russia has been reduced to being a pain in the arse...float some old cruiser down to Venezuela and call that "projection of power?" I remember hunting submarines in the "Box" off Bermuda when the Soviets were a serious contender. Russia, now? Mmmm, not so much. China is aggressively pursuing a blue water navy, but are years away from being able to project conventional power.

2. The transfer of wealth from west to east will continue. Now how long did these cats have to think about this one? As long as we are unwilling to pursue our own energy sources and do it as a matter of national security, it doesn't take a rocket science to figure this one out. BUT, there are limits. In the "tip of the iceberg" category, Yemen will be out of oil by 2012. The consequences of that are dramatic enough with piracy becoming so common in the waters of the Gulf of Aden, but they are also indicators of what will eventually happen throughout the Middle East...some oil experts believe even mighty oily Saudi Arabia has reached peak production. The point being, the transfer of wealth, though huge enough when oil is at $140 per barrel, let alone $65, but it will begin to slow and reverse course over the next twenty five years, not continue. If we wanted to be adults about our energy policy and not "hope for change" to come from some green revolution, we would put all hands on deck and build nuclear power plants, coal gasification facilities and drill for our own oil.

3.) Thomas Malthus redux. This Malthusian vision of 1.5 billion more people eating the crops like hordes of locusts probably will not materialize. First - Russia, like most of Europe and Japan are headed for demographic meltdowns with death rates surpassing population replacement birth rates. Second, with economic growth, population rates slow and level off. There is evidence that China has already begun that process. The population growth rate of the United States at .88% is ahead of China's .63%.

4) The Middle East will continue to be a hell hole. Again, which group of Einsteins thought this one up? See #2 above.

NOW, what was not said and what should have been included in this are some key intelligence observations made from my living room in Tennessee:

1. The single greatest threat to world stability for the foreseeable future will be radical Islam. Muslims pose a demographic threat to Europe, Russia, China and India (as we have just graphically seen these past few days). To continue to coddle these vicious bastards and not go to the sources - Saudi Arabia and Iran - will keep bloodshed around the world at an unacceptable level.

2. The nation that poses the single greatest threat to world stability is the Radical Islamic Republic of Iran. The thought that they could be anywhere near a nuclear weapon is beyond the pale. If you've never heard of an EMP, you should read this.

3. If we don't pursue energy independence in the United States, we will find ourselves continuously exposed to the whims of radical Islamists, Gulf of Aden pirates and a whole lot of hurt. I am all in favor of the clean, green technologies and believe that they should be developed alongside of the primitive ones that we know work - nuclear, oil, coal. But regardless, let's break the bonds that chain us to a region that will continue to be a wreck.

4. The United States will increasingly find ourselves with fewer friends. Europe is a demographic basket's a little sampling from Pew Research:

Islam is already the fastest-growing religion in Europe. Driven by immigration and high birthrates, the number of Muslims on the continent has tripled in the last 30 years. Most demographers forecast a similar or even higher rate of growth in the coming decades.

The social impact of this growing population is magnified by a low birthrate among native Europeans. After a post-World War II baby boom, birthrates in Europe have dropped to an average of 1.45 children per couple, far below the 2.1 needed to keep population growth at replacement levels. The continent that gave the rest of the world tens of millions of immigrants and Thomas Malthaus' dire predictions of overpopulation is now faced with a shrinking populace.

Amid these demographic shifts lies a host of social challenges. While many European Muslims have become successful in their new homes, many others do not speak their host country's language well, if at all, and are often jobless and poor. Moreover, segregation, whether by choice or necessity, is common, with large numbers of Muslims living in ghettos where the crime and poverty rates are high.

My guess (hope) is that England will come to it's senses and avert the demographic nightmare that will probably play out on the continent. If so,we can count them to be alongside. Ditto the other English speaking nations - Australia, India and a reluctant New Zealand. Japan's power will wane (negative population growth), but she will remain alongside too. Brazil and Columbia offer hope for us in South America. The rest of the world? Not good.

5. The United States will either stem the tide of Mexican illegal immigration or risk the balkanization of our country with large sections of the Southwest and California more concerned about Mexico than the United States.

Despite the election of Obama, I still have an unshakable faith in the goodness of America, and a firm belief that we will remain the "city on the hill," that will help lead the world away from tyranny. We have succeeded in destroying fascist tyranny. Communist tyranny, with the exception of kooks like Hugo Chavez, is on the run. Next up, Islamic tyranny...I believe that we will prevail, but this will be the longest fight yet. There are no clear battle lines and often the enemy is among us. But if we remian true to ourselves and the founding principles of our nation, we will prevail.

Besides, only in America can we produce comedy like this:

Rumble on!

Wines from Grandma and Nonno’s visit -- Part 4 (Thanksgiving Dinner) (short-form notes)

2004 Rosenblum Santa Barbara County SYRAH “Appellation Series” -- A good buy in the usually overpriced California Syrah market, this $15 bottle had dense color, full body, and lush texture, and deep-toned roasted meat, graphite, and blackberry scents.

2002 Domaine Francois Lamarche GRANDS ECHEZEAUX (Burgundy) -- This was good, but a disappointment for its pedigree. Very lean, tart cherry and minerals flavors emerged only after long decanting, and it lacked the depth and complexity I expected from this Grand Cru vineyard. If I had tasted it blind, I would have probably guessed it was a regular village bottling from Fixin or Monthelie (due to the lean, hard style). For my money, I’ll take an Oregon Pinot Noir over Burgundy 9 times out of 10. Should have bought a lottery ticket instead. I’ll remember to give thanks next Turkey Day not to have dropped a C-note on another disappointing burgundy.

Happy Thanksgiving

I would like to wish all RSC readers a very Happy Thanksgiving. Take some time today to think about the things you have to be thankful for.

I am thankful for a God who takes a personal interest in my life and wants the best for me. I am thankful for my family who I love with all of my heart. I am thankful for the greatest country on Earth where there is unequaled opportunity for even the most disadvantaged to become successful. I am thankful that Democrats control the White House and Congress with a virtually unstoppable majority because that means in four years we'll be back. I am thankful for true conservatives like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Bill O'Reilly, Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, Bobby Jindal, Sarah Palin, Mike Pense, Jim Inhofe, and others who understand that conservatism will prevail if we just put forth the effort.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Al Qaeda Goal To Cripple Amtrak Northeast Corridor

The FBI warned that Al Qaeda terrorists aim to cripple the Northeast Corridor with an attack on Penn Central and Grand Central Stations in New York as the centerpiece of their assault on the nation's most important subway and rail system. In response to the threat uniformed officers of the NYPD counter terrorism squad as well as Amtrak security armed with M-16's were in force in response to "unconfirmed but credible" reports the reported terrorist threat.

Terror in Mumbai

Awful news from India today. Using AK-47s and grenades terrorists calling themselves the Deccan Mujahideen, a previously unknown group sought foreign tourists particularly British and American citizens as hostages and targets for their attacks.

Homeschoolers Under Attack

I have absolutely no faith in the American public school system. That is not a criticism of parents who send their children to public schools because many have no other option.

Just like our government is now controlled by liberals, so is our public education system. That is why the United States is nowhere near the top in test scores. We are truly dumbing down our country.

Some parents see the seriousness of this issue and choose to homeschool or to send their children to private school. I commend those parents who are able to do this.

This drives liberals absolutely crazy! They can't control private schools and homeschoolers. Children in these situations are typically taught from a conservative perspective and they are a threat to the liberal agenda that is being crammed down the throats of public school students.

Liberals have tried various methods to get control of homeschoolers. They have attempted to require teaching parents to have a bachelor's degree in education. They force homeschoolers to take tests that are concocted by the liberal public education system. They have consistently tried to intimidate homeschoolers by conducting random visits by liberal social workers who were educated in the liberal public school system. These people think they have unlimited power and can do anything they want - including trampling on the U.S. Constitution.

I warn you. If you have hypertension or are easily stressed, do not follow the link below. Reading these stories shows you how far we have fallen as a country. If a social worker had done these things even as little as 50 years ago, they would have been physically thrown off the property.

Homeschooler Nightmares


Wines from Grandma and Nonno’s visit -- Part 3 (short-form notes)

2006 Chateau Calabre MONTRAVEL (Blanc) (France) -- This 50% Sauvignon Blanc/40% Semillon/10% Muscadelle blend from the fringes of the Bordeaux region was light, very soft, and featured refreshing bitter grapefruit and mineral flavors.

2004 Castello di Bossi CHIANTI CLASSICO (Tuscany, Italy) -- Old school. This Chianti sported classic old school aromas of earth, leather, and brandy-macerated cherries, and was lean and food-friendly.

2002 Domaine Martin Schaetzel RIESLING GRAND CRU RANGEN (Alsace, France) -- ZOWIE! What a wine! Unfathomably rich, yet refreshing at the same time. Nose of apricots, honey, Earl Grey tea, and minerals. Broad, intense, and long in the mouth. This wasn’t totally dry, but was still a great pairing with pecan-wood grilled flounder and shrimp. From a biodynamic producer who flies under the radar of most wine geeks.

MSNBC: Shameless. Classless. Clueless.

Obama did not need his own channel on Dish Network. He already had (and has) MSNBC (Mostly Stupid National Barack Channel).

A few years ago I had a little respect for Chris Matthews. Even when some conservative talk radio hosts were saying he was a liberal. Well, I was wrong. I have gone from some respect to no respect to disrespect of Hardball and Chris Matthews. He's on the same level as Keith Ogremann.

Hardball cannot be happy with the fact that Obama has won and will soon be crowned king. They are making sure they get final pot shots in at George W. Bush before he leaves office. There is nothing journalistic about what they are doing. It is nothing more than petty, angry, liberal hatred. (Yes, I know Chris Matthews wasn't hosting but tell me he isn't in love with Obama.)

I really wish you people would grow up and stop acting like a bunch of teenage gangstas.


101st Airborne in Iraq - 2008

Our guys on Patrol in Iraq.

Wines from Grandma and Nonno’s visit -- Part 2 (short-form notes)

1998 Marcarini BAROLO “Brunate” (Piemonte, Italy) -- Seemingly lean and devoid of fruit at first, after a couple of hours of breathing in a decanter, this Barolo opened up and show classic Nebbiolo scents of dried cherries, leather, and minerals. On the palate, this wine showed a more feminine style (almost Barbaresco-ish) than I expected. Very nice and could even last a couple more years.

2001 Guilhem Durand SYRAH “Vieilles Vignes” (Southern France) -- This cheap red had been tucked away in my wine closet for several years. I had been afraid to open it because I thought it was in a state of advanced decrepitude, but figured “what the heck” and popped and decanted it. What a surprise! The color was still youthful, and the wine was full, ripe, and complex, with big scents of dried cassis, eucalyptus, and minerally, wet earth. Tannin has all dropped away , leaving a soft, long finish.

2006 Martin Schaetzel PINOT BLANC “Vieillles Vignes” (Alsace, France) -- Ripe, soft, simple, and peachy.

2006 Mollydooker SHIRAZ “The Boxer” (South Australia) -- A tremendously rich, mouth-coating wine. Loads of flavor, with minerally-graphite and cassis extract flavors predominating.

2005 Turley ZINFANDEL “Ueberroth Vineyard” (Paso Robles, Cal.) -- Intense in every sense of the word: intense boysenberry fruit, intense rock-dust minerality, intense body, and intense acidity. Great with mesquite/pecan wood grilled porterhouses.

Let's Talk Turkey

It seems that big city media people are completely clueless about how the rest of the country works. They wake up every day in their 800 square foot studio apartment, make a cup of cappuccino, stroll down the sidewalk then up to their office on the 47th floor while eating a bagel, sit down at their desk and make absolutely no contribution to this country. However, this is a free country and if that is what makes them happy, then so be it.

What I have a problem with is their view of the rest of the country. The have the audacity to criticize those who bust their tails every day to make sure those "holier than thou" media types have food, fuel, wood, paper, and more. They call them hay seed hicks, mouth breathers, and knuckle draggers. They look down on those who dare to vote for anyone other than a liberal like Obama.

These media types have no clue. If you asked the media where turkeys come from, I would almost best the majority of them would say "the supermarket." And where did all of those feathers go? Did they just fall off? Did the turkey take a shower before it walked to the supermarket so it would be clean when you bought it?

The reaction by the media to Sarah Palin's turkey video reinforces the fact that they are way out of touch with regular Americans. And these are the people who tell us what we should believe and how we should vote. MSNBC was particularly bad. They were posting their own snide remarks on the screen during the video calling Sarah Palin "oblivious".

Listen you morons! She wasn't oblivious. She understands how turkey farming works, something you apparently haven't a clue about. Just go home and eat your veggie burger! You people make me sick!

Wines from Grandma and Nonno’s visit -- Part 1 (short-form notes)

Mom and Dad are visiting from Massachusetts, so I'm not going to have time to do the full version of the tasting notes, if experience is any guiide. So here are the Reader's Digest notes of the first batch:

2004 Verget VIRÉ -CLESSÉ “Vieilles Vignes de Roally” (Burgundy, France) -- a terrifically rich, dry, ripe, minmerally Maconnais Chardonnay with poire William and melon-scented fruit. Loaded with character, and soft as a summer breeze. Great.

2006 Luzon (Jumila, Spain) -- a great value ($8 and change) in a Monastrell/Syrah . Ripe, rich, full, balanced.

2001 Guigal CHATEAUNEUF DU PAPE (Rhone Valley, France) -- At its peak, this was a very elegantly-textured wine, with classic Provencal scents of smoky herbs from the garrigue, and iron-y cassis/blackberry fruit.

2005 Rene Barth RIESLING “Vignoble de Bennwihr” (Alsace, France) -- A classically austere style of Alsace Riesling: lots of pungent, stony minerality and lemon-lime fruit. Crisp and bone dry.

2005 Tenuta la Cipressaia CHIANTI COLLI FIORENTINI (Tuscany, Italy) -- A medium-bodied, tight but food-friendly Sangiovese, with crisp cherry mineral flavors and and some tannin in the finish.

A Big Tent Revival

One of the big themes that is emerging early in the post-election circular firing squad that is the Republican Party of today is that social conservatives cost McCain the election and that they need to be drummed out of the party. If it wasn't for the Jesus-freaks, McCain would have won in a landslide, because they really creep the Independents out. It was all that Bible-thumping that "Youbetcha" Palin was doing that scared the electorate away. Strange how facts can get in the way...this from the First Amendment Center right here in little ol' Nashville:

Sixty-five percent of Americans believe that the nation's founders intended the U.S. to be a Christian nation and 55% believe that the Constitution establishes a Christian nation, according to the “State of the First Amendment 2007” national survey released Sept. 11 by the First Amendment Center.

Come again...did you just say 65%? Now I am not in favor of establishing a Christian nation. But I am a strong supporter of religion's role in the public forum and feel that much has been lost without it. I was over at another blogsite arguing a similar point. There is a tremendous misunderstanding that has made it into our common belief system. It is the notion that the first amendment guaranteed us "separation of church and state" AND that such separation means that church stuff is allowed nowhere near state stuff...ixnay, onay, don't go there! Well, as Sargeant Friday might say, "just the facts ma'am:"

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Anyone recognize that? Yes, you in the back..."the First Amendment?"...correctamundo! So what were our Founding Fathers saying? Break it down:

1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion... they did not want a national church a la Church of England. Escaping from the clutches of a state run church once is enough for a lifetime, ask the refugees from the Taliban.
2. ...or prohibiting free exercise thereof... OK, that's the freedom of religion part.
3. ...or abridging the freedom of: speech, the press, right to assemble, right to petition the government. - nothing in here about the Church shall not be allowed anywhere near a government building.

So, the country-club-republicans (and their liberal allies) want us to believe that if it wasn't for fear of some Christian Christ Centric Clergyocracy McCain would have won. And, following that logic one step further, if ONLY he had gone more to the center, Republicans would not have experienced a rout. Well, what are the facts? This from a study over at American University:

A downturn in the number and percentage of Republican voters going to the polls seemed to be the primary explanation for the lower than predicted turnout. The percentage of eligible citizens voting Republican declined to 28.7 percent down 1.3 percentage points from 2004. Democratic turnout increased by 2.6 percentage points from 28.7 percent of eligibles to 31.3 percent.
Consider this too - Obama was very clever not to offend the Christian Right. This from a pro-Hillary leftist site:

The big story here is the Christian right. While ostensibly, the Saddleback debate put McCain on top and no one showed up at Obama’s Values tour, it is clear to me that deals were made behind closed doors.

The anecdote about the Bush voter who stayed home because this time his pastor didn’t tell him to go is even more significant if one considers the passage of proposition 8 in California.

The Obama campaign allowed Obama’s voice to be used in robocalls saying Obama opposed gay marriage.

B0bots were not told to vote against it. They did vote for a proposition taking care of chickens. left the gays out - as price for the Christian right staying home.

During the primary, Bush’s spiritual adviser endorsed Obama. Said he told Bush about it and agreed. Bush in turn added: He (Obama) is a good man.

Look at the numbers again: PUMAs voting McCain might have overcame the - REAL - new voters.

The real difference in numbers is the nearly 6 million Bush voters whose ministers didn’t tell to go out and vote.

Furthermore, Catholics, whose values line up with the Christian Right voted for Barry O 54% to 45%. Sadly, Catholics voted for the most pro-abortion candidate in history. Despite a terrific performance in the Saddleback forum, McCain simply did not energize Catholics enough to make them overcome the excitement around BHO. So let me sum up the election thusly (and I have already done so extensively in an earlier post):

1. Republicans lost because the Democrats had a far better candidate who ran as a CONSERVATIVE! (Tax cuts, hold people responsible, hope for America, yadda yadda yadda). Our guy ran as a moderate - err, I mean, "maverick."
2. They did NOT lose because the values held by the Christian right turned off a large percentage of the electorate. They lost because other than Sarah Palin and a brief show of hands at Saddleback, the campaign expressed NO VALUES. We didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings!

If we can get over the idea that Social Conservatives need to be thrown overboard, then we can get back to the notion that I advance which is this. The American people are hungry for religion and values to be part of the national discussion. They are sick and tired of having to say "Happy Holidays" to avoid hurting anyone's feelings. They are sick and tired of a culture that glorifies the most sinister forms of sex and violence. They are looking for a champion of know, someone like this:

We have so expunged faith and values from the public schools and the public discourse that it is no surprise that we have CEO's that behave like they do...taking millions of dollars in parachutes as they exit the companies they have wrecked. There is no remorse if your only value is to "get rich." There is no responsibility if all you see is yourself. A culture of success will not long stand if it is devoid of responsibility and remorse and we are well down that path. If the Republicans want to truly turn the ship around, they need to become a party of opposition not accomodation. They need to understand that the American people are hungry for a leadership that braves the media waters of political correctness and shouts "Stop, enough is enough." We have sacrificed our future on the altar of diversity, but it is not too late. As they adjust to the new reality of a Democrat majority (and possible super-majority in the Senate), Republicans need to embrace the groups that they have run away from in this last election cycle and get back to work reaffirming our core conservative principles. Then a candidates can be fielded that offer a true choice to the electorate instead of the choice between hot water couched in syruppy rhetoric and lukewarm water couched in dry droll. After two years of the Obamots, the American people will be ready for true change...maybe the Republicans won't screw it up this time!

Rumble on!

Waxman To Solve Global Warming - Blows Out Sun With Nostrils

I had a difficult time titling this post because it covers multiple subjects. But leave it to a liberal to make this confusing.

Henry Waxman ousted John Dingell as Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee in a secret vote. First, this strikes me as very hypocritical. While the Dems are voting in secret to boot one of their own, they want employees to vote openly on union membership with the likelihood of intimidation. Hypocrites.

Second, Waxman is very liberal. Obama and the Dems appear to be setting themselves up to put the big screws to this country via liberal legislation. Good. Bring it on. I want a Republican Congress in 2010 and a Republican president in 2012.

Third, I would like to personally ask Rep. Waxman to be very, very careful about reducing greenhouse gas emissions to combat global warming. With the Democrats fully in charge and with Obama being god-like, their policies could easily thrust this planet into a catastrophic ice age. I mean, Obama hasn't even taken office yet and it is like Alaska down here (in the South). It's about 20 degrees cooler than normal. Help me out. Why do we need to stop global warming?

Joy Behar Is A Complete Idiot

I really try hard not to call people names but my flawed humanity causes me to fail. With that said, Joy Behar is a complete, unabridged idiot. She is a certified hypocrite. She's mean. She's nasty. And she hates everything about conservatives.

To say that home schooled children are "demented" is beyond lunacy. Joy, parents that home school their children are simply trying to shield them from left-wing liberal indoctrination by public school teachers like you and you can't stand it. Parents are sick and tired of the crap that is shoved down their children's throats in the American educational system.

You sit there on The View in a huff anytime a conservative is on the show like Bill O'Reilly. You look like a three-year-old who didn't get the candy they wanted in the checkout line at the supermarket.

Do us all a favor. Work on your attitude or just shut up.

P.S. Joy, I'll put a home school kid up against a public school kid any day.

UAW's Reckless Driving Causes Big 3 Pileup

I have stayed out of the auto industry bailout flap because I couldn't decide what was the best solution for the problem. After looking at both sides carefully and the potential collateral damage, I have decided that a bailout is unnecessary and allowing the Big 3 to restructure under Chapter 11 bankruptcy would be the best thing to do.

The unions are recklessly driving the U.S auto industry over a cliff. GM, Ford, and Daimler/Chrysler cannot compete with Toyota, Honda, and other foreign manufacturers due to the high cost of wages and benefits. The numbers vary but the result is always the same. U.S. auto workers make an average of $74 to $85 per hour when benefits are factored in. Toyota's hourly labor cost is around $45 per hour.

Just for the ease of calculation, let's say it takes 100 hours to build a car from start to finish. GM's labor cost would be as much as $8,500. Toyota's labor cost would be $4,500. That's a $4,000 difference!

It is time for the labor unions to face the facts. When the U.S. was the sole industrial superpower, American companies could set their own prices. Now that other countries like Japan and China have industrialized with lower overhead and labor costs, American companies are no longer competitive.

We have two options here. Watch the American companies fall one-by-one or allow them to cut their costs to be competitive. I vote for the latter.

Victory in Iraq

Time to celebrate - Victory in Iraq - to be celebrated November 22!

Johnny Cash...The Ballad of Ira Hayes

Obama Doesn't Deserve To Die

Obama was fairly elected by a majority of voters. Okay, maybe he got some votes illegally but not enough to change the outcome of the election.

The death threats need to stop immediately. We are a civilized people. When someone doesn't agree with us we don't kill them, especially when it is an elected leader. That is what happens in third world countries.

Let Obama take his shot at the presidency. If he is successful, we all benefit. If not, then we vote him out in 2012, or impeach him if he's really bad. I know, that would be virtually impossible with a Democrat Congress.

As much as I would like to smack people like Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Hank Paulson, and Jack Murtha in the nose, none of them deserve death just for being stupid. Exile maybe.

Assassinating Obama will not accomplish anything other than making Joe Biden president. On the contrary, it will cause much damage and pain. Damage and pain that could take decades to heal.

Look, I am not an Obama fan. Just read this blog. I would like to see him out of office ASAP but killing him is morally wrong. He has a wife and kids. He hasn't done anything to deserve it.

If you are one of those people who thinks he is unfit to serve because of his color then I have nothing to say to you. Your ignorance is beyond arguing with.

Your time and efforts would be much better spent talking to people about conservative ideals and how they have no place in the Democrat party. Most Americans are right of center and most Democrats are not. Show them the records. Show them what Democrats want to do to America. Therein lies our true power. Not in being able to take out the opposition's leader.


I'm kind of confused at who the GBLT community is going to protest about the failure of Proposition 8 in California.

Among white voters, Prop 8 passed 51% to 49%. You know what killed Prop 8?

Los Angeles and San Diego.

Orange County, Riverside County, San Bernadino County and San Diego County combined to kill prop 8. San Fran County voted 75% against Prop 8, but with only a little over 320,000 votes, Orange County by itself wiped all of those votes out.

In the end it was the black and latino vote that killed the bill. At 10% of the vote, blacks voted for the bill by a margin of 70-30, and Latinos who make up 18% of the vote voted for the bill 53-47

So what are Liberals going to do? Who are they going to blame? And how is that group going to react to their scolding?

Mitch Mitchell Dead At 61

Sad news out of Portland, Oregon today. Mitch Mitchell the sole surviving member of the super rock group the Jimi Hendrix Experience died in his Portland Oregon hotel room at the age of 61. The cause of death is unknown at this time. Mitchell had just finished a West Coast tour with the 1960's tribute band Experience Hendrix.

Rest in Peace Mitch. You will be missed. Here's Jimi, Mitch and bassist Noel Redding performing at the Monterey Jazz Festival in 1967.

Rebutting Mr. Anonymous

My last essay, "After Action Report," drew some fire from "anonymous." I hate it when people don't have the courage to identify themselves. Anyone that starts their responses to my posts with "Hate-speech and bloviating aside..." is not reading what I am posting and is just firing blindly with typical liberal ad hominem attacks. I engage in neither. In fact, if Mr. Anonymous had the courage to read the post, he would have seen that it is his comrades that engage in hatred. It is not "hateful" to stand on a moral position that says you are opposed to gay marriage or abortion. This is hateful:

Now note, that the Ban on Gay Marriage was approved in California - the deepest blue state next to Vermont. So, I assert again, that this country remains center right. And to say that to be anti-gay is anti-black or anti-woman is silly. A majority of blacks voted for Prop 8 in California and resent being lumped in with the gays. This is not to hate gays; it is simply to take a moral position that I feel their behavior is wrong based on fundamental Judeo-Christian principles. I do not hate them, and as cliche as it sound, I have several friends that are of that persuasion. Do I feel they deserve marriage rights and dilute the rite of matrimony absolutely not; nor do I wish to have that legislated from the bench. Are they entitled to rites of civil union, I have no problem with that.

To my friend's comment about mandates...if Bush said he had a mandate in either election he was wrong. But 58.2 million people voted AGAINST Obama, 46% of the nation. My comparison to a real mandate stands. Not everyone is like Mr. Anonymous prepared to march blindly forward chanting "yes we can, hope, change!"

For some strange reason, much of Mr. A's hatred is directed at religion - seems, like many on the left to have a particular problem with Jesus - doesn't want him in society, doesn't want him running the government, defunding stem-cells, allowing faith based initiatives and so on. Not sure where that comes from, but suffice to say, the Constitutional principles of this nation are rooted in the traditions of Judeo-Christian thought. The concepts of equality that we value so dearly could not have existed without the Gospel. You certainly won't find those lessons in Islam, Hindu or any other religion of significance. It is the foundation of WESTERN Civilization and all the dances around the Maypole of Diversity aren't going to change that fact. Does that therefore mean that I want the Pope or Billy Graham running the country? Of course not - remember, it was Christ who said, "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's." A far cry from Marx and Obama's "give me everything you have including your mind." Believing in something beyond our world is not a sign of inferior intellect as Mr. A believes, nor is it a sign of superior intellect. It is a matter of faith - and while he wishes to put his in the O, I put mine in something that has been around a lot longer and at least has the true hope of something better.

Mr. A is correct that liberals do yearn for control of the schools: "And if Obama gets his education agenda passed, the next generation will be even less likely to fall for the party line of ignorance and apathy." Listen, the left has controlled the schools for the last thirty years...can you say Bill Ayers? And look what it has produced...scholars like Mr. A who actually believe that raising taxes is a good thing for an economy. Further, that very sentence is at the core of what many of us on the right find so chilling about the Big O - he's not talking about education, he's talking about indoctrination - that is immoral and wrong. The Communists liked to do it - take the kids away from their parents so they could turn them into mind-numbed bots willing to do the bidding of the state like sitting around and singing "yes we can!"

Now instead of spouting a bunch of platitudes from, Mr. A should study the following's 2005, but the policy hasn't changed. Please note that the top 20% of income earners pay 70% of the taxes. The bottom 20% pay nothing. To increase the burden on the top and give it to the bottom is not "sharing" or "paying a fair share" it is income redistribution which is Communism.

Worse, it is an insidious form of welfare designed to create a permanent voting block to keep Democrats in power. A strategy that worked well until Republicans forced Bill Clinton to sign welfare reform. B.O. wants to bring it back without calling it that. That top 20% has some scoundrels, no do all the quintiles. But they are also the driving force for progress and change. They are the small businesses that create the jobs that help others move out of the second, middle and fourth quintiles...a fact that Mr. A is too blind to ever accept. Further, using government as the entity to create jobs is the path to slavery. We tried it with the WPA and it didn't work then either. Took a good old fashioned war to get us out of that Democrat nose dive.

He finishes his diatribe with the predictable assaults on Sarah Palin, the last eight years of hell he's lived in, guns and Jesus banter...insults fellow blogger, Blue Collar Muse, and basically rants like a teenager that's been told they don't get the car keys until they do their homework. He suffers from BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) and rails at the President in the sickeningly disrespectful tone of the left...not to be confused with the coyish fun tone we on the right have towards our future "ruler." I have disagreed mightily with Bush on issues like spending and the expansion of the Federal government...but I owe him a large debt of gratitude. He took the fight to the enemy, which was his number one priority (if we are dead, it's hard to do much else here on earth) and we have not suffered another catastrophe like 9/11.

I don't know if his predictions are correct or not...they are in the future and not even the great O the Magnificent, can tell us. The Republicans got whipped bad - no doubt about it - and in large part deserved it. The country demanded "change" and at that juncture of history, coupled with a financial crisis, the roots of which are in Democrat policy, the American people tossed 'em out. I do know this though - America is still a fundamentally good country, a beacon of opportunity despite the rough times we are in now. I have soundly based fears that we could lose that stature with the dawn of the Age of O. We shall see.

Now, if Mr. A wishes to post, I have a few rules of engagement:
1) Identify yourself - don't hide behind the banner of anonymity.
2) No bad language - this is a family station.
3) No taunting - I do have a life on top of this meager scribing.
Failure to live by the rules...failure to get your name in lights!

Rumble on!

Let's Play Devil's Advocate

Everyone is talking about how corporations that lose money have been giving hteir greedy executives "Golden Parachutes" for bonuses.

Well, what if they actually deserved it?

Say I were an executive that released a report stating that they had a loss of $2 Billion for that year. Do I deserve a $1 Million Bonus? No?

What if as an executive I saved the company $5 Billion dollars that year? Should I not be given a bonus because the company did not break even?

Just playing Devil's Advocate here.

Veterans Day Tribute 2008 - Praise You In This Storm

Lest we ever forget.

Thank you Veterans.

Obama Has Brought Us Hope!

A CBS poll (scientific and unbiased, of course) shows that 71 percent of Americans are optimistic about the next four years with Obama as president.

I think that could be a mistake. Maybe they meant to say "71 percent of American journalists."

However, don't you think it should be 95 percent since that's how many people will be getting an Obama tax cut? :)

Who Runs America? / Prop 8

It's time for Democracy 101. The liberal public school system has "educated" a bunch of liberal dunces and we need to enlighten them about democracy.

Question: Who runs America?
  1. Rush Limbaugh
  2. The President
  3. Congress
  4. The Supreme Court
  5. The Media
  6. Hollywood
  7. Wall Street
  8. The People
  9. Corporations
  10. Labor Unions
  11. Small Business
Analysis of your answer:
  1. If you answered "Rush Limbaugh", you were close to the right answer. You get a B.
  2. If you answered "The President", "Congress", or "The Judiciary", you would be wrong. Sorry, you get a C.
  3. If you answered "The Media", "Hollywood", "Wall Street", "Corporations", or "Labor Unions", you are required to read the U.S. Constitution through 10 times. Until then, you get an F.
  4. If you answered "Small Business", it's wrong but you get a little credit. You get a B.
  5. The correct answer is "The People". You get an A.
Can you define "democracy"?

de · moc · ra · cy (di mok ruh see) -noun, plural -cies
  • a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them
What about "majority rule?"
  • the doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group
This brings me to my point. The 50 states in this country are all democracies, for now. In California, a small group of liberal malcontents are attempting to use the court system to run roughshod over the will of the people.

The ACLU has taken up the case of homosexuals to overturn the people's approval of Prop 8 which defines marriage as between one man and one woman. Do these people care about democracy? Do they care about anything but themselves? They are nothing but a bunch of whining babies and should be treated as such.

California courts, listen up. It is your sworn duty to uphold and defend democracy. The people have spoken. Twice. Leave it alone.

Veteran's Day


I walked through a County Court House square.
On a park bench an old man was sitting there.
I Said, "Your old Court House is kinda run down."
He Said, "No, it will do for our little town."
I Said, "Your old flag Pole is leaning a little bit.
And that`s a ragged old Flag you`ve got hanging on it."

He Said, 'Have a seat," and I sat down.
"Is the first time that you`ve been to our little town?"
"Well," he said, "I don`t like to brag,
But we`re kinda proud of that ragged old Flag.
You see, we got a little hole in the Flag there,
When Washington took it across the Delaware.
And it got powder burns, the night Francis Scott Key,
Sat watching it, writing "Oh Say Can You See."
And it got a bad rip at New Orleans,
When Packingham and Jackson took it to the scene
And, it almost fell at the Alamo beside the Texas Flag
But she waved on through
She got cut with a sword at Chancerville,
And she got cut again at Shilo Hill
There was Robert E. Lee, Bouregard and Bragg
The South wind blew hard on that Old Ragged Flag
On Flanders Field in World War One
She got a big hole from a Bertha Gun
She turned BLOOD RED World War Two,
And she hung limp and low a time or two
She was in Korea and Vietnam
She went from our ships upon the briny foam
Now they`ve about quit waving her back here at home
In our good land she`s been abused,
She`s been burned, dishonored, denied, and refused
And the Government for which she stands
Is scandalized through out the land
She`s getting threadbare and she`s wearing thin,
But, she`s in good shape for the shape she`s in
Because she`s been through the fire before,
I believe she can take a whole lot more
So we raise her up every morning,
and we Take her down every night,
We don`t let her touch the ground,
and we fold her up right,
On second thought, I DO LIKE TO BRAG,

(Author - Johnny Cash)

Check out the Video over at The Rumbler Report

Sincere Thanks To Our Veterans

There is no group of people in this nation that deserves our thanks more than our veterans and their families. We owe you more than we could ever repay. Thank you.

Race: It's What's For Dinner

I have been getting a lot of comments since the election regarding race. Some I published and some I did not. None of them were vitriolic or hateful, nor did they contain any racial epithets, but expressed views that I felt could be construed as inflammatory.

I would like to share with you my views on race. For those of you who are sitting there just waiting to pounce on me the first time I say something that you don't like, just calm down. Read this with an open mind. If you disagree, then disagree. If you only read part of this then you have no right to disagree.

A week ago the first black American president was elected. Many are saying this is an historic event and shows how far we have come since the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I am not so sure I am inclined to agree. Instead of representing a unification of race in this country, this election illuminates a growing racial/class divide that is being instigated and manipulated by liberals.

Don't believe me? Go back and listen to Barack Obama's speeches. Then listen to John McCain's speeches. Count the number of times you hear race and class mentioned. Obama will win this hands down. I am not trying to single out Obama. Go back through the past 30 years and you will find the same results in every campaign.

Democrats were almost exclusively in control of Congress for 40 years - from the 1950's to the early 1990's. They are the champions of race. They campaign on equality and closing the racial divide. In that era there were five Democratic presidents (Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, and Clinton). Tell me why race is still an issue? Tell me why class is still an issue? Tell me why the Democrats didn't achieve racial and economic equality during those years? I will tell you a dirty little secret. They don't want to.

As long as there are long as there are "poor" long as the inequality pot is stirred...the Democrats will have a loyal constituency that will keep them in power. Democrats present themselves as saviors to minorities. They have continually told minorities that without Democrats, they would be left to starve and die by Republicans.

Is it any wonder that over 90% of blacks voted for Obama in many states? Is that racial unity? Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke about a day when a man would be judged by the content of his character and not by the color of his skin. By what standard was Obama judged? Did 90% of black Americans vote for him because of his character?

Democrats, including Obama, have systematically divided this country into groups - race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation. Then they pit these groups against each other in order to gain votes. They fabricate injustices that divide. Then they promise to fix the problem and make restitution to the "victims" of the injustice. This, my friends, is the reason for continued racial/class division in this country.

There's an old saying - if you tell someone something long enough, they will believe it. That is a picture of the Democrat party and their subsidiary, the liberal media. Minorities in America have heard so much that rich, white, male Republicans are the reason for their suffering and inability to succeed that they now accept it as fact. So when Obama says he wants to "spread the wealth around", he has a pre-conditioned, receptive audience. And it isn't just the minorities who succumb to this droning message. Many white liberals develop a sense of guilt because they feel undeservedly privileged. Why? Ask yourself, "What have I done to oppress a minority?" Chances are, the answer is "nothing". Simply being white is not a crime. What is your character?

A recent report insinuated that Sarah Palin was the cause of death threats against Barack Obama because of her statement that he "palled around with terrorists." If that stretch to connect those dots can be made, then it is even more plausible that Democrats could be blamed for blacks' hatred toward whites, for feminists' hatred towards men, for homosexuals' hatred toward Christians, and so on.

Now that the Democrats fully control Washington, the racial divide is unlikely to close. That is the Democrats only hope of survival. Very sad, but true.

FOOTNOTE: I, like Obama, am only partially white. My mother, now an American, is from a non-white country. I do not judge a person based on the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Despite what many Democrats believe, character matters. Just ask Martin Luther King, Jr.

Comment Guidelines

I've never setup commenting guidelines for this blog so here are a few to start with. As more necessary guidelines become apparent I will update this post.

  1. Please feel free to express your opinions about issues, liberals, conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, etc. I am a strong supporter of the First Amendment.
  2. This blog is not a democracy. Therefore, I reserve the right to reject any comment for any reason. Below are some of those reasons.
  3. I will not publish comments that include personal attacks on anyone unless they are relevant to public issues.
  4. Inflammatory comments that target a specific group of people because of race, gender, or religion will not be published. What is or is not inflammatory is solely my call.
  5. Comments that incite people to vandalize property or to cause harm to another person will not be published. Again, solely my call on what qualifies.
  6. I will not publish comments that are factually incorrect.
  7. If you are offended by a post or comment on this blog, that's your problem. Grow up, get tougher skin, and share your opinions on the issue.
  8. I reserve the right to amend this list at any time without notice.

ACCEPTABLE COMMENT: "Barack Obama used poor judgment in choosing his friends and associates which included terrorists."
UNACCEPTABLE COMMENT: "Barack Obama is a Muslim terrorist."

If Obama Is A Uniter, He Needs To Stop This Crap Now

Now that America has a new liberal president, don't wear any clothing that has any views that oppose liberalism/socialism. You might find yourself in jail like this guy did.

Follow Up To Previous Post

In my previous post I talked about the liberal indoctrination of our children in the educational system of this country.

I have known about the Indoctrinate U documentary for quite some time but for whatever reasons have not taken the time to watch it. It was on the Documentary channel this weekend so I watched it.

If you are not familiar with Indoctrinate U, please watch it. It is an unbelievable exposé of the extreme liberal bias in American universities and their attempt to squelch any opposing views from students and faculty.

Indoctrinate U Web Site

Belated Congratulations To President-Elect Obama

As most conservatives, I too was stunned by the popular vote and electoral victory of Senator Barack Obama over "Maverick" Senator John McCain last Tuesday night. Obama obviously ran the better campaign over the Arizona Senator who by September had enjoyed a lead in the polls before his bungled handling of the bailout crisis that emerged during the campaign.

I was also impressed by the peaceful acknowledgement by the administration and the public (Obama supporters and non-supporters) of the country's transferrance of leadership to a relative newcomer to the national political scene. We truly live in a great country where the party in office does not react to the victory of the opposition on election night by sending in the tanks.

If President-Elect Obama begins to govern the country from the center after he is sworn into office and runs a truly ethical administration he could turn out to be a good president. We can only hope that as he becomes accustomed to the trappings of leading the world's most powerful Republic that he recognizes the need our nation has for a strong leader who will stand up to foreign challenges from Russia, Iran and China and finally cuts all of his old ties to the likes of ACORN, minister of hate Jeremiah Wright and the unrepentant terrorist William Ayers.

I pray that this new administration will discover the need to cherish the lives of the unborn and guard the sanctity of life and that of the traditional family. I wish president-elect Obama and the new administration well. For the sake of all Americans we must work together for the well-being of all our fellow citizens.

We will no doubt find our point of view to be in conflict with the new president but in our opposition we must always act as loyal, level-headed, responsible American citizens. Paul Mirengoff of PowerLine has good advice for Coping with an Obama presidency.

* Be loyal in your opposition. As my blog partner Scott Johnson puts it, paraphrasing Steven Decatur: "May he always be in the right; but our president, right or wrong."

* Be patient in your opposition. Don't mimic the left (this is always good advice) and conclude that because the country isn't getting mad about policies that bother you, Obama is therefore a "Teflon president."

Mirengoff comments that you should stop reading the first 10 pundits that begin to refer to the new president as that and I agree. Obama is after all simply a person like any one of us, only he aspired to be President of the United States and we must as loyal Americans accord him that honor and respect and not imitate the crazy, frothing ravings of the infantile leftists we have seen played out in the media for the past eight years. I agree with Mirengoff's observation that Americans are a fair-minded people and will give Obama the time to succeed in office as they rightly should.

* Be persistent in your opposition. The first 100 things that you criticize Obama for may not resonate at all. The 101st may turn public opinion against him. More likely, it may supply the mass that begins to turn the tide.

• Be fair in your opposition. None of the 101 things that you criticize Obama for should be illegitimate or trivial. Remember that the president isn't responsible for every adverse development that occurs on his watch. Even sound decisions often produce adverse consequences. Don't judge Obama's decisions in a vacuum; compare them to the alternatives.

• Be skeptical in your opposition. Obama's campaign was fueled by a broken promise that he would finance it through public funding.

* "Secede" from the mainstream media. After Republican victories, some leftists like to talk about moving to Canada or somehow "seceding" from the U.S. Such talk, and that's all it is, is unpatriotic and should be avoided. However, "seceding" from the mainstream media (MSM) is another matter.

* Support fledgling conservative institutions. The left has "marched through our institutions" - including the MSM, Hollywood, the public schools, academia, and even large swaths of corporate America. Conservatives need to respond by developing alternative sources of information, entertainment, and education. These alternatives won't succeed unless we support them.

Finally and most important:

* Don't hate. I don't assume that the Obama administration will turn out to be hateful. But even if it does, hating isn't good for you. And for conservatives, it's counter-productive.

* Don't obsess. Spend as much time as you see fit following, discussing, and participating in public affairs. But don't think about them the rest of the time. Life is full of beauty and wonder. Don't let politics blind you to it. Life is full of opportunities for personal and professional fulfillment. Don't let politics distract you from them.

Even Though I Don't Agree With The Man...

I can't help but smile when I see a man who is devoted to his wife like this.

I have to say, it's a sweet picture of Barack and his wife.

America Is Broken. Here's How You Can Fix It.

Over the past few days I've gone through a range of emotions and then logical analysis, trying to figure out what happened in this election. How could a candidate who has such a far-left record and has made some unbelievably socialistic statements be elected over a somewhat conservative war hero?

Are we not a center-right country? Then how did this happen? It all comes down to a well-devised and well-executed liberal strategy that has been implemented over the past 40 years.

It is incumbent upon those of us who are conservative, who love this country, and don't want to see it systematically destroyed by liberalism/socialism to fight back. We need to do everything that is legally within our power to take our country back.

You are probably thinking, "How can we do that?" I'm glad you asked. We need to develop similar strategies that liberals developed over 40 years ago and that is now choking our society.

  1. PUBLIC SCHOOLS - Liberals have taken over the public school system and have instituted curricula to indoctrinate our children with liberal ideology, i.e., terrorist William Ayers. This strategy alone accounts for most of the anti-American, socialistic, cancerous ideas that are plaguing our country.
    a. As parents, we have a greater influence over young children than anyone. We are their providers, their comfort, and their safety net. We can mold their belief system even in the face of liberal ideology taught in schools. Take time to talk to your children about social, moral, and economic issues. When your child comes home and tells you about something they learned at school, challenge it. Teach them to think for themselves. Teach them that just because someone said it doesn't make it true. Teach them to form their own opinions. I did this with my children and it has worked out beautifully. My daughter is not more conservative than I am but she vehemently defends her beliefs to anyone who dares challenge them. Change comes through education and we must educate. My brother-in-law married someone who is "very liberal" in her own words. After my family being living examples and talking about conservative values, she voted for John McCain.
    b. If you have the financial means, send your kids to a Christian-oriented private school. Many of these schools teach conservative values and produce a higher percentage of successful college graduates.

  2. UNIVERSITIES - Our state universities are filled with liberal instructors. Therefore, they are churning out liberal thinkers at a much higher rate than conservative thinkers.
    a. Again, there is no substitute for a firm, conservative foundation. Encourage your child to get actively involved in conservative organizations on campus. This was not done for me and the heavy bias from my college professors reinforced my upbringing in a Democrat home (albeit a conservative Democrat home).
    b. As with K-12, if you have the ability, send your child to a private university. This is why scholarships are so critical. In my state we have some very good private universities that teach from a conservative perspective.

  3. MEDIA - State-funded universities are cranking out liberal journalists at an alarming rate. Young minds are easily moldable unless they have been prepared by their parents and/or a conservative education. The media had a significant effect on this most recent election. Their constant negative stories on John McCain and their "love affair" with Barack Obama tipped this election. Had the networks, newspapers, and magazines been fair and balanced like FoxNews, the outcome would have been different.
    a. This may be the hardest nut to crack. First, as I said earlier, we have to teach our children that everything they see, hear, and read, especially in the mainstream media, isn't necessarily true. They must find out the truth for themselves. Thankfully, the Internet has leveled the playing field somewhat.
    b. The Internet is a powerful weapon. Over the past 10 years it has become a major source of information and communication for millions of people. Blogs are free. E-mail is free. Most newspapers will allow you to submit a letter to the editor on their web site. Use those things to your advantage. Spread the word about conservative candidates and what positive things they want to do for America. Sometimes the only thing keeping someone from voting for a particular candidate is that no one asked them.

  4. VOTER FRAUD - Tens of thousands of illegal voter registrations were submitted this year through ACORN, an organization funded through the back door by our tax dollars. We are paying them to illegally register voters who vote against us.
    a. Demand accountability from your representative and senators. If enough people speak loud enough and long enough, something will get done. If you feel strongly about an issue, tell them you will not vote for someone who disagrees with your position on that issue. Votes talk.
    b. Donate to conservative candidates and the RNC. Or better yet, donate to conservative organizations that will put hard hitting ads on television, radio, and print.
    c. Volunteer. The Obama campaign was very well funded, organized, and manned. Surely we can do as well. A little effort goes a long way.

"Can't be done," you say? I disagree. This is still a center-right country where most Americans believe in personal responsibility, family values, and limited government, regardless of color, race, religion, etc. If most Americans believe in these foundations, tell me why it can't be done. Tell me why Prop 8 in California, the most liberal state in this country, voted to ban gay marriage. You still say it can't be done?

In a democracy, doesn't the majority rule?

After Action Report

Well, things didn't go the way I would have liked on Tuesday night. Didn't go the way most of you fine readers of this blog would have liked either. It's not as bad as it could have been - can you say "filibuster?" Thought you could. Despite the myths that will be propogated, voter turnout was about the same as 2004...and with the tsunami of misplaced anger at the Republicans it wasn't a "blowout." Certainly was not a Reaganesque mandate (489 -41 Electoral College, 51%-41% popular vote in 1980 and 525-13 Electoral College and 59%-41% popular in 1984). But it was the Democrats night. After sobering up on Wednesday morning and putting away the 9MM and the Jack Daniels, I did what most of you probably did, go back to work. I have not reached the point of Atlas shrugging yet, but I suspect it's not far off for me and for many of you. On the half-empty side of the glass view, the election proves out a scary point made often by conservatives, that when we reach the point where the majority of the electorate has not stake in the outcome of the election beyond what they will receive from the government, we will pass quickly to tyranny. We're not there yet, but, we took a giant step in that direction on Tuesday.

First, in fairness, Obama's people deserve some credit. They sold 53% of the American people a brand, an image, a cloud of smoke. But they won. Our side ran a pretty awful campaign, second only to the dullness of the Dole campaign a few years back. We refused to attack the enemy on the issues that would have completely discredited him in the eyes of the American people - the 20 year association with the loonbat Reverend Wright. Even more significant though is that we failed to defend our turf. Instead of a loud defense of free markets and the benefits of capitalism where institutions that overreach are bound to fail, we railed against Wall Street greed and demanded that the Chairman of the SEC stand down. The one ray of brilliant sunshine brought into the campaign, Sarah Palin, was badly mishandled. Who in their right mind would allow unbridled access to Katie Couric for two days - you know it's a matter of time before she gets the money shot! Palin could have survived the condescension of Charlie Gibson, probably even gotten some sympathy for it...but the blank stares into Couric's camera were devastating though undeserved. Palin is a sharp, committed conservative who, I suspect will be back in some capacity in the future. Her national elected office aspirations are probably over though - few return from that kind of about Secretary of Energy in the future? Wrap all that up with the financial meltdown and John McCain must have felt like a Christian Scientist with appendicitis. This last piece didn't have to be so either...I have defended President Bush for eight years on his foreign policy while chiding him on not using the veto pen for stopping the drunken spending. His behavior from mid-September on was the equivalent of crying "fire!" in a crowded theater. So be it - all is past now.

In between swirling swigs of Jack Black on Tuesday night, I tried saying "President Obama." I thought of what it would be like to be in the military with a new Commander in Chief that couldn't pass the security clearance tests to be a buck private...not good. How should he be treated? I think Bill Whittle, in a post titled "Historic," got it right over at Ejectejecteject, but I also share the view of Blue Collar Muse. Then wise words of the Rumbler Dad came to me. When I was first commissioned into the Navy, I was told "remember, they will salute the bars because they have to...they will salute the man because they want to." I love this country too much to disrespect the office of the President. Unlike the left loons and leaders that besmirched Reagan, Bush I and W mercilessly for the past two decades...overseas, here, to the moon, I can't do that. I also, to quote Kipling, "don't give way to hating." It does no good. But I will fight till I breath no more, anyone who attempts to destroy the founding principles of this nation. A person who thinks that the Constitution is some kind of putty to be molded to the current temporal fad. Just like the oath Obama will take in the too near future, I swore an oath almost thirty years ago to "protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign or domestic, so help me God." I may have resigned my Commission, but I have not vacated my oath.

Where to now? First, let's not get it wrong. As a former Navigator, I can tell you the first task is to determine where you are...then worry about where you are going. Some thoughts about where we are:

  • We did not lose because we failed to "move to the middle." Conservative values triumphed in California! with the passing of the Gay Marriage Ban. I submit we lost because our core conservative principles were muddled. The clarifying surge of Sarah Palin's addition may have saved McCain from a fate worse than Custer.
  • We failed dismally to educate the voter. We failed on tax policy - for Chrissakes, it took the common sense wisdom of Joe the Plumber to point out that Obama is a Socialist! If you poll the American population with the question "do you want this country to be more of a European socialist state?" The result would be 70-30 AGAINST. We failed on foreign policy - we failed to remind the folks that the real danger in the world is not the free market, it is the free terrorist.
  • We failed to put forward a unifying vision of what America can look like in four or eight years of conservative leadership and how the principles of freedom can repair the damage to the economy.
  • We failed to defend capitalism. We got scared...capitalism allows for folly to be punished by the market. Bush panicked, the Dems pounced and voila we have nationalized real estate, the major financial institutions and may end up nationalizing the automobile industry before long.
  • We failed to defend the family. We failed to show that freedom is the most fundamental and unstoppable ingredient to success. The state is not the father that some want it to be...only because they want to be the Daddy! Choice for education, choice for healthcare, choice for unionization with unfettered political meddling will get us where we want to go, not a hope ticket from Washington.
  • We failed to defend the unborn. We have now elected the MOST pro-abortion politician in the history of this land. A man who calmly supports infanticide if necessary. If we cannot defend the least among us, where will our moral core end up? Heed well the words of DeTocqueville*: "America is great because she is good. If she ceases to be good, she will cease to be great." (* There is some speculation that this really isn't in DeTocqueville - I'll be honest, I never saw it, but I may have dozed off in that part...nevertheless, the spirit and meaning of the words ring true.)
Written in all these "we faileds" is the path to future victory. I plan on being here. I anticipate some thuggery along the other conservative bloggers I have received some creepy threats - this one came in yesterday:


You s*%ck!

Your racist fear mongering will not go unchallenged! Soon we will shut down your hate spewing web sites. We will take your guns. In prison, you will get an education on the error of your ways. We will take your children and raise them as our own and instill in them the values of social justice. We will have a new American Republic of justice and order for all!

You time is almost up! Prepare for the dung heap of history!

Atlas Shrugged got a similar e-mail. I had joked with a friend of mine about being sent to the re-education camps...hey, I was joking! This is still America isn't it? Anyhow, this individual needs some anger management classes. Why does the left always say it is the right that hates? Then there was this Anonymous comment left over at my Rumbler Report: (I have edited it and removed it from the blog.)


We are watching your racist spewing. Any attempts at criticizing President Obama will be treated as sedition and we will report you to the FBI. We will shut down your f*%cking hate filled a#$hole commentary and get your a#@ thrown in prison where you will be r*&ped by all the people you don't want to allow to get maried.

Nice. I think he meant "married?"

Well, we are ready to move forward and to defend our First Amendment rights...and if need be, our Second Amendment rights too. Obama talked about a "righteous wind" before he blows hard to change the world, there is a right-wing wind blowing. We shall overcome!

Rumble on!

Obama: Stop The Bleeding

After watching the Dow the two days since the election, I think it is time for Barack Obama to come forward and make a public statement that he will not raise ANY taxes or impose any new regulations on business while our economy is unstable. It is obvious that investors see the negative impact that Obama's tax increases and regulations will have on the economy.

Obama, you wanted the job and now its time to take the initiative to stabilize this economy. Are you going to rise to the challenge?

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