"You ate some orange sunshine, Peter."

This is what we can expect from the man who wants to inflate our tires!

What's Wrong With This Picture?

What is wrong with this picture?

If you said all of the men were white except one, you would be WRONG!!!!!

If you said all of the men were conservatives except one, you would be WRONG!!!!!

If you said all of the men were liberals except one, you would be WRONG!!!!!

If you said all of the men were experienced leaders before they became president except one, DING DING DING!!!!! YOU WOULD BE RIGHT!!!!!

2005 Hubert Brochard SANCERRE (Loire Valley, France)

This is a good value. It would be a very nice, very typical introduction to Sancerre for those unfamiliar with the Sauvignon Blanc made in the upper Loire area (Sancerre, Pouilly-Fume, and Menetou-Salon).

Eye: Light, bright gold. No glints of anything else, just light, bright gold.

Nose: Classic Sancerre nose of light, fresh-picked herbs, crisp Sauvignon Blanc grapes, and stoney minerals.

Mouth: Round and refreshing, with excellent balance, this wine lacked only a bit of extra concentration and complexity to make it outstanding. As it is, it has decent concentration and a lively batch of herby, gooseberry and mineral flavors. Vibrant mouthfeel. Very nice.

Score: 88.

Cellar or drink? Drink over the next 6 months.

Price/store: $18.94 at Spec's on Richmond.

2004 Poggio Salvi MORELLINO DI SCANSANO "I Butteri" (Tuscany, Italy)

This was a funky but not totally unpleasant Morellino.

Eye: Black ruby with some amber tones.

Nose: Big, earthy nose, with lots of old leathery, pruney, and old wine barrel scents.

Mouth: Very rustic in the mouth, and not showing a lot of Sangiovese varietal character: full bodied, with lots of peppery pruney flavors, and a finish that tapered into dried leather.

Score: 77.

Cellar or drink? Drink now if you've already got some, as this is probably going to get more disjointed and funky as time goes on. If you don't already have some, don't bother.

Price/store: Was $17.99 at Houston Wine Merchant.

We're All Bozos on this Bus

Obama's suggestion that we "inflate our tires" to deal with the oil crisis brought back fond memories of Firesign Theatre. Back in those smoky, beer-soaked college days, the classic "We're All Bozos on this Bus" left us howling. "Don't forget to inflate your shoes!" was the warning about going to the future...maybe Barry O in his smoke and blow days actually listened to these guys and thought it was real!

First up that famous stand up comedian, Barry Hussein Obama. Then, a wonderful clip from the original:

Rumble on!

Demand Action From Congress!!

The time for you to act is now! We have lost control of Congress but the hot-button issue of drilling for oil in the U.S. is just the thing we need to take it back. You MUST DEMAND that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid stop ignoring and thwarting the will of the American people.

Two-thirds (67%) of American support drilling offshore and in remote areas like the frozen wasteland of ANWR, North Dakota, and Colorado. We must force the hand of the Democrats now! If they refuse to bring this up for a vote then we must make them regret it politically. If they do bring it up for a vote, it is very likely to pass.

This is utter stupidity on their part. The high gasoline prices aren't affecting them. We pay for everything they need. If we don't force them, they will NEVER do anything to stop high gasoline prices. As a matter of fact, they like them. They want to force us to suffer so alternative energies will be researched. They won't suffer. We will.

Call or write your congressman today. Tell them you support drilling here and drilling now! Tell them you cannot support a congressman who will not listen to the American people.

You can find your senators at www.senate.gov and your congressman at www.house.gov.

2005 Rolf Binder "Halliwell" SHIRAZ (60%) / GRENACHE (40%) (Barossa Valley, Australia)

This was a terrific wine, with ripeness, balance, concentration, and complexity, all in good measure.

Eye: Saturated dark crystalline ruby.

Nose: Beautiful, ripe, rich scents of sweet blackberry and cassis, as well as smoky pencil lead. Makes you want to keep sticking your nose in the glass and keep sniffing.

Mouth: Rich, full, and smooth-textured. Complex flavors of ripe plum and cassis, as well as smoky oak and mineral-laced gravel. Decent balancing acidity in a long, pure finish.

Score: 90.

Cellar or drink? I would drink this over the next two years, as it is beautiful and soft right now.

Price/store: Was $23.88 at Whole Foods on Bellaire.

2006 Ponzi PINOT NOIR "Tavola" (Willamette Valley, Oregon)

This was a very nice Pinot with lots of straightforward character. More of a weekday P.N. rather than one to save for a special occasion, but that's not a criticism!

Eye: Dark ruby color.

Nose: Very fragrant, with snappy yet sappy cherry fruit, lots of resiny minerals, and sweet cream scents.

Mouth: Soft and medium-bodied, it had good concentration and loads of bright minerally cherry fruit, and a fairly long, balanced finish. Not particularly complex, but very enjoyable.

Score: 87.

Cellar or drink? Drink over the next two years.

Price/store: This was a gift, so I'm not sure where it was purchased, but a quick Google search indicates that most retailers sell it around $21 - $24, making it a pretty decent value in the Pinot Noir world.

Santa Obamista

So I am listening to some music last night - the London soundtrack of Evita, and it hits me. I've been all wrong! I've been comparing the Obamaphenom to the Nuremberg Rallies and while there is still a lot of truth to the stagecraft over substance and robotic reaction from the masses, the deification of the central character was missing. I mean the crowds loved Hitler and all, and they were certain the trains would run on time AND they would get to go kick some Frenchy ass and all that...but they didn't think he could cure the sick. BUT, Evita...the "Santa Peronista!" Hell, she could solve all the country's ills and cure the children. Just like Barry O! Compare and contrast these two images:

No that's NOT Hillary in the second one, stop it! That's Eva Duarte Peron. And she could really wow a crowd with some stem-winder speeches. She promised her "descamisados," or "shirtless ones" the world. And they bought that pap. It worked well for her and her fascist husband, Juan Domingo Peron.

Come to think of it, maybe Obama IS Evita ("Little Eva") reincarnated in a sexually and racially negative fashion. (I mean negative like old fashioned film where the black was white and the...oh, come on, you get it.) That would make Michelle Obama...Peron? Could be. Certainly in the Peron's case, Juan was the idealist who really believed that with a little military control things could run better. Eva just wanted the adulation and the money. Look at the parallels between these two:

1. Childhood: Eva came from a pretty mixed up family with a biological father that abandoned them because the mother was not "of class." Barry came from a pretty mixed up family with a biological father that abandoned them because the mother was not of...

2. Early years: Eva grew up in the provincial town of Junin. At the age of 16, she moved to Buenos Aires, the capital, because that was where the action was. Early reports of her childhood point to a promiscuity with sex and alcohol. Barry grew up in the provincial state of Hawaii. Eventually moved to Chicago, because that was where the action was (for community organizers at least). Early reports of his childhood point to a pormiscuity with drugs and alcohol.

3. Early rise: After getting her "class creds" by marrying Juan Peron, Eva became head of the broadcasters union, a job she was totally unqualified for. She started a daily program titled "Toward a Better Future" where she used ordinary language to communicate to the working class women of Argentina. The themes of "hope" and "promise for the future" were common in these shows. After getting his "race creds" by joining Reverend Wright's congregation, Barry became a state senator and then a US Senator, jobs he was totally unqualified for. He gave a speech at the Democratic Convention in 2004 as a candidate for US Senate, titled "The Audacity of Hope."

4. European Tour: In 1947, Evita embarked on a tour of Europe meeting with several heads of state and wowing the crowds along the way. Ironically, it was called the "Rainbow Tour." In 2008, Obama embarked on a tour of Europe (throw in the Middle East and Afghanistan, thanks to faster airliners) meeting with several heads of state and wowing the crowds along the way.

Well, you get the picture...now look at these two pictures:

Dangit, I get confused, which is which? Oh, the top one is the "now famous" speech in Berlin. The second one is Eva outside the Casa Rosada (Argentina's version of the White House) greeting adoring crowds. One thing is for sure though, the Perons could REALLY raise a crowd. It's been reported (a lot!) that there were 200,000 for the Berlin show...try 2,000,000 for a rally in Buenos Aires:

Well, I don't put much credence in head count. As the poet Robert Penn Warren brilliantly observed "truth don't lie in the number of voices." When Reagan gave his famous speech at the Brandenburg Gate, there were 10,000 riot control police there because the Germans hated him. He was, after all a "nuclear cowboy" bent on the destruction of the world! But his speech had real impact. Barry O's performance is little more than Chinese food...tastes good, but doesn't stay with you.

I am particularly wary of personality cults. Michelle, take note...this from Wikipedia on Eva's promotion of her husband:

Evita also sought to create a personality cult around her husband, whom she elevated to nearly divine status, often comparing him to Christ and saying that all Peronists must be ready to die for Perón. Fraser and Navarro say that this apotheosis was what ultimately corrupted Perón and debased the Peronist movement. In light of Evita's often verbose praise for her husband, the slightest criticism of Juan Perón was easily interpreted as unpatriotic. Evita even stated explicitly that only the Peronists were truly Argentine, and anyone who was anti-Peronist was not truly Argentine.

"Perón is the heart, the soul, the nerve, and the reality of the Argentine people. We all know that there is only one man in our movement with his own source of light. We all feed off of that light. And that man is Perón!" — 1951 speech by Eva Perón

M.O. - you have got some catching up to do!

So, in the end, what happened to the Perons? Eva set up a private "foundation" to "take care of the poor children." No records were kept, but millions of pesos ended up in Peronista Swiss Bank accounts. She fought a gritty battle with cancer and lost. Juan ended up being hounded from office as the country decended into anarchy before the military took over. Pretty much what happens throughout history when you get cult followings of a person who's primary purpose in life is self-aggrandizement.

We don't know how this train ride is going to turn out, but one has to study the Obama entourage carefully...who will be the Che? Remember, Che was an Argentine! His association with the Perons was passing...he wanted the Evita Foundation to buy him a jeep for his "research." They apparently turned his request down. But myths are made from cults and as the musical "Evita" implies, Che and Eva were close and his disgust with how the reality differed from the ideal resulted in his moving on to friendlier venues like Cuba. Could it be the newly bearded Bill Richardson??

Well, they have to win first.

Rumble on!

Barrack Hussein Superstar!

This was the image that the Obama campaign had waited for...this was the photo. He's a Superstar! They love him in Europe...ergo, we should love him in the United States. (Unless of course we are small minded, uneducated and believe the foolish notion that Americans should pick their President.) They would have preferred to have it with the Brandenburg Gate behind the Messiuhhh, but the Victory Column would have to do. Oh, although it was widely reported in the press, I thought I would reiterate that two popular German acts -- reggae artist Patrice and rock band Reamonn played for free to attract...uhmmmm, warm up the crowd. Now I know that the B.O. campaign wanted to have the image of their guy looking something like this

You know, Christ feeding the 5,000 from the loaves and fishes...or perhaps from frankfurters and loaves as parodied in a brilliant piece in the London Times this morning (take a minute and click that link folks, you won't regret it!) But I keep coming back to images like this:

Maybe it's Germans? Maybe it's the strained stagecraft over statesmanship that bothers me, but the parallels are downright creepy. I have written about this before, the Riefenstahl effect. This is truly image over substance. Read the words to Big O's speech in Berlin and few items pop out. But let's look at it from the top. After the usual "thank you's" he briefly tells his lineage of being the son of a goat herder and a girl from the "heartland of America" and then he states that he is a "proud citizen of the United States and a fellow citizen of the world."

OK, stop the tape.

What is he saying when he says he is a "citizen of the world?" First, he is asserting his "creds" for being there in the first place because he is not there as a "candidate" - of course not! But the air of arrogance blows strong in that sentence. "I'm not just some yuckster from over the pond in Bermuda shorts and black socks, oh no, I am sophisticated like you! I'm a global guy!" Hey, Barry - where does one get one of these "citizen of the world" passports?

OK, roll the tape.
"Ours is a partnership that truly began sixty years ago this summer, on the day when the first American plane touched down at Templehof."

Barry, you rolled right past that little dust up called World War II which is the event that got us to Berlin in the first place. Berlin was the capital of Germany. We let the Russians "liberate" it in 1945 then we divvied it up into quarters and all that fun stuff. Problem was, the Sovs didn't like "talking" with us, so they up and built a wall and put a whole lot of hardware on the border and around the city leaving us with no options. Thank God, people like you had not been in charge or we would not have had the military to do the job.

OK, let's continue...

"People of the world – look at Berlin, where a wall came down, a continent came together, and history proved that there is no challenge too great for a world that stands as one."

So the world stood as one. Well, not quite, Barry. It took a very courageous American named Ronald Reagan (this link takes you to the text of a real speech given in Berlin), and equally courageous woman named Maggie Thatcher, and a Pope named John Paul II that refused to let western civilization drift under the yoke of the evil of communism. The rest of the world, including most of the citizens of Germany, didn't give a rat's ass! Reagan knew the Soviet economy was teetering and that we could push them over the edge because (listen closely BO!) planned economies run by the state don't work! Maggie kept a toe-hold for sanity in Europe and Pope John Paul brought the real hope of faith back to the darkness of communist controlled central Europe. OK, now that we've cleared that up, let's move on.

Obamuhhh wanders into the warm waters of global warming and some silliness about "thousands from all over the globe" that were killed on 9/11 and then delivers this whopper:

"In Europe, the view that America is part of what has gone wrong in our world, rather than a force to help make it right, has become all too common."
Well, like the Hertz commercial says, "not exactly." The Germans have elected their most conservative Chancellor in half a century in Angela Merkel and the French have dropped the American hating Chirac and the dashing America bashing Villipen for Nicolas Sarkozy who campaigned for the job as an unashamed lover of the United States. A huge reason there is derision in Europe for the United States, above and beyond the usual amount of looking down their long Gallic noses at us, is because of people like YOU, Barry. Because you, and members of your party and mindset have repeatedly gone over there and bashed this country to the accepting cheers of the gathered throngs. Let's see if you can continue the pattern...

"Will we acknowledge that there is no more powerful example than the one each of our nations projects to the world? Will we reject torture and stand for the rule of law? Will we welcome immigrants from different lands, and shun discrimination against those who don't look like us or worship like we do, and keep the promise of equality and opportunity for all of our people?

People of Berlin – people of the world – this is our moment. This is our time.

I know my country has not perfected itself. At times, we've struggled to keep the promise of liberty and equality for all of our people. We've made our share of mistakes, and there are times when our actions around the world have not lived up to our best intentions."

As Reagan would say, "there you go again." We're bad and morally inferior because we give a few bad-guys that want to kill millions a feeling of discomfort like drowning in the hopes that maybe, just maybe they will tell us something that might save the lives of millions. We haven't kept the "promise of liberty and equality for all our people...we've made mistakes...we haven't lived up to our intentions." And the throngs cheered "Hosannas!!!" to the rooftops at this wonderful admission. The same crowd that would be speaking Russian if American troops hadn't dug their ditches and held the line. It must be great for them to hear such bad mouthing of America coming from such an important figure!

One other small note - this guy would get nailed for plaigarism if he were in a college course. The "this is our moment" rift? Straight from Bono of U2 at a Live 8 event to stop world poverty.

The speech winds down from there with the usual "improbable hope" bit and concludes with "let us remake the world once again." I am breathless...not from the quality of the speech and the incredible depth he demonstrated in his knowledge...nope, I am breathless because this speech is the intellectual equivalent of having a pillow held forcefully over your face. All talk, no walk. But then, remember, it wasn't about the speech, it was about the image.

One final note from Barry's big adventure. There is a growing awareness of his arrogance and inability to "keep the common touch." This is demonstrated by his actions with the troops. In Germany, while he had time to work out at the Ritz Carlton and entertain 200,000 America haters in downtown Berlin, he couldn't make the time to visit our wounded warriors at the Military hospital...why? Well, he couldn't bring his press pals along for a photo op, so it wasn't worth the time.

Rumble on!

2004 Verget CHABLIS 1er CRU "MONT DE MILIEU" (Burgundy, France)

Another terrific 2004 premier cru Chablis from Verget. This had crisp fruit, minerality, vibrancy, and length. Delicious. There's very little that ranks with a great Chablis in the white wine world.

Eye: Almost luminescent, light brassy gold with a slight lime glint.

Nose: Intense scents of lemon-lime fruit and slightly smoky, limestoney minerals.

Mouth: Soft yet focused and intense. Flavors change from moment-to-moment: crisp Chardonnay grapes with a squeeze of lemon and lime juice, intense and slightly salty, bright powdered stone flavors, and ultimately ending with a bone dry yet caramelly note. Longgggg finish.

Score: 92.

Cellar or drink? Like most classic Chablis, this could keep, and possibly even improve, in a cool cellar for a few more years.

Price/store: $44 at Spec's on Smith, and worth it.

(Sorry -- picture of 2002 vintage)

2006 Chateau Grande Cassagne COSTIÈRES DE NÎMES ROSÉ (Provence, France)

This had some nice flavor but was a bit lacking in the acidity needed to keep it fresh and vibrant, and so had a kind of dull mouthfeel.

Eye: Light bubblegum pink color.

Nose: Sweet strawberry/watermelon scents with a note of rhubarb and steely minerals.

Mouth: Very soft and round, with low-acid cherry/watermelon fruit and a cold stainless steel note. Long, but low-acid, somewhat meek finish.

Score: 85.

Cellar or drink? Drink up ASAP.

Price/store: This is about $9 at most Richard's stores.

And Now For Your Weather Forecast...

Some "scientists" and "experts" have told us that global warming will destroy this planet if we don't act now. I've heard estimates anywhere from five years to 50 years for catastrophic destruction to occur.

Who are these people who predict such devastation brought on by human greed and ignorance? Primarily they are climatologists. Uh, weathermen.

Do you watch your local weather forecast? What percentage of the time would you say the forecast is accurate? Let's make it a little more simple. What about the next day's forecast? Pretty accurate? What about two days? What about five days? 10 days?

You see, the farther you forecast into the future, the lower the accuracy rate. So would someone PLEASE tell me how these same people can predict temperatures five, 10, 20, 50 years from now?

Look, real scientific data to support global warming just isn't there. Weather and climate are just too difficult to predict. There are too many unknowns. Too many random factors.

One thing, however, is clear. Human effect on the global climate is infinitesimal.

A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief - redux

UPDATE: For the YouTube video, see my newer post: http://slcblues.blogspot.com/2008/09/if-youre-looking-for-poor-wayfaring-man.html

Some months ago, I wrote a post about the movie "The New York Dolls" and the fascinating and unexpectedly touching story of Arthur Kane. You can read it here: http://slcblues.blogspot.com/2008/02/poor-wayfaring-man-of-grief-david.html.

At the time I searched the internet for a link to the video of David Johansen singing "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief" in memory of his friend, Arthur "Killer" Kane. This video played while the credits rolled at the end of the movie. Everyone I have ever heard speak of the movie agrees, you must sit through the credits just to hear this. And maybe it is better in context after seeing the story about the gentle soul Arthur had become after overcoming his drug addictions and after joining the Mormon church.

Today someone read that old post of mine and send me a link to the tune I had searched for. You can watch the video here: http://www.onepotatoproductions.com/davidjohymn.html. Also go to the link to my earlier post to listen to "Come, Come Ye Saints".

The movie might be a little rough for some, though I do recommend it. But understanding the conflicts between Kane and Johansen and how they reconciled for a final concert makes these pieces a little more powerful. Johansen wanted to do these in honor and respect for his Mormon friend, though he had ridiculed him for his religion at their last meeting.

Thank you, Tracy, for sending me the link.

2005 St. Cosme CÔTES DU RHÔNE "Les Deux Albion" (Rhône Valley, France)

This was a beautifully-rendered Côtes du Rhône, with excellent ripeness, concentration, and balance. I'd put this up against Chateauneufs and Gigondas's costing 2 to 3 times as much. I think I remember reading somewhere that this is a 50/50 Grenache/Syrah blend, though don't quote me on that.

Eye: Youthful and deep dark black ruby color.

Nose: Complex nose of crushed stones, crisp but ripe and spicy black raspberries, and some garrigue-like herbal-earthy scents in the background.

Mouth: Concentrated, full-bodied, and with loads of soft tannins, this wine had flavors of spicy, dark berries, stony minerals, and iodine-laced herbs. A very long finish with great tannins and acidity providing structure and balance.

Score: 90.

Cellar or drink? This wine's concentration, balance, and tannic structure augur well for another 2-4 years of aging in a cool cellar, although it's great right now.

Price/store: Was about $15 at Spec's on Smith.

2004 Rusden "Driftsand" (Barossa Valley, Australia)

This Grenache/Shiraz/Mourvedre blend was very ripe but kind of on the dull side.

Eye: Fairly advanced-looking medium black ruby.

Nose: Soft, sweet nose of very ripe. spicy blackberries and raspberries, augmented with carrot-cake spices.

Mouth: Very soft, round, and medium-full in the mouth. Almost sweet flavors of ripe raspberry and peach (the latter being a dead giveaway in a red that the fruit was too ripe), with a faintly minerally, balsa wood component. A bit flabby and lacking some focus, but with lots of flavor.

Score: 84.

Cellar or drink? Drink up, because this will only get more disjointed as time goes on.

Price/store: About $25 at Spec's on Smith (also available at the Spec's on Richmond).

McCain Web Ad

I don't usually post the candidates' ads, but this is VERY effective. Barry O is all over the board and once again proven to be a Chicago pol.

Jesse Jackson Revealed

In case you haven't seen it on the news yet, not only did Jesse Jackson say he wanted to cut Barack Obama's n--s off, he said the following:

"Barack...he's talking down to black people...telling nigg--s how to behave."

Well! That sure puts Reverend Jackson in a different light. I think that shows us what he is really all about - himself. He has very little regard or concern for the people who put him and keep him where he is. Jerk.

However, I think he should be treated fairly. He should be treated the same way Don Imus, Michael Richards, and Trent Lott were.

Karachi Kids

Folks this is just plain sickening. Problem is, you don't even need to send your kids to Pakistan to get brainwashed...there are madrassas all over the United States, funded by the Saudi government...they call it the "soft jihad." Be sure to check out the film's website for news on showings, how to buy the DVD and so forth.

Scary...rumble on!

Zinfandel! (The Dog)

Our dog, Zinfandel, or "Zinny" for short.

Eye(s): Brown.

Nose: Wet.

Mouth: Likes to bite Gus in half. (Gus is the cat across the street that Zinny views as an arch-enemy of Zinny's sister, Salty, the cat.)

Score: 100.

Walk or Ride? Walk.

Price/store: Free from the H.O.P.E. Shelter in Houston. Good value.

2005 "Venta la Ossa" (La Mancha, Spain)

This wine was done in what is euphemistically called the "international style" -- which some critics call "spoofulated." It usually signals a wine made in a very ripe style and aged in lots of new french oak. Almost invariably, regardless of the varietal, it ends up tasting to some degree like an oaky Merlot. Usually, I'm not crazy for this style. And although this wine was made in that style . . . it nevertheless was a very tasty and pleasurable Tempranillo.

Eye: Fully saturated impenetrable black color with ruby purple highlights.

Nose: Extremely rich, oaky nose with lots of fresh ground coffee notes, dark chocolate, fresh bread, and, oh yeah, some ripe fruit underneath all that.

Mouth: Huge, ripe, mouthfilling oaky flavors coat the palate. Not much, if any complexity, but doesn't skimp on flavor and has lots of "oomph." Long, oaky, peppery blackberry juice finish.

Score: 89.

Cellar or drink? Drink over the next year, as it is my experience that whatever fruit is there will be dwarfed by the oak pretty soon.

Price/store: $13 and change at Spec's on Smith.

2006 Artezin ZINFANDEL (Mendocino County, Cal.)

A flabby, out-of-balance disappointment.

Eye: Medium plummy ruby color.

Nose: Nose of spicy, tart/sweet brambleberries, pine forest and anchovy paste.

Mouth: Very simple, flat, plummy/metallic-minerally flavors, with a toasty, resiny, low acid, almost cloying finish. Flabby and not very Zin-typical.

Score: 74.

Cellar or drink? Neither, really.

Price/store: $16.99 at Whole Foods on Bellaire.

Tony Snow Dead at 53

I was shocked and saddened to lear of the loss of Tony Snow today after fighting a long battle with cancer. Tony Snow had served for 17 months as President Bush's press secretary during a difficult period of time when the Iraq war was a major source of controversy between the White House and the American Press Corps. Mr. Snow accepted the offer to succeed President Bush's ineffectual Press Secretary Scott McClellan. Tony Snow's arrival to the post brought a quantum leap in improvement of communication and class to the positions. Tony had already enjoyed a successful career as a Journalist, Producer, Radio and Television host by the time he accepted the position as White House Press Secretary. Tony Snow was 53 years old. He is survived by his wife and three children. He will be greatly missed.

Iran's long-range missile test a photo hoax

Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs noticed some basic fauxtography at work in the photo of the new and improved Shahab-3 released by the Iran's Fars news agency on Wednesday.
Later digging by the blogger showed the reason for the fakery was the failure of one of the missiles in the purported test to launch as planned. The failed missile was covered over with the image of one of the successsful launches. Further analysis by military experts and observers revealed the missiles were the same old version of the Shahab-3 that has been in Iran's arsenal since 1998.

LGF showed detailed images here of the Iranian regime's photo flap and later provided the Mullah's with an enhanced version to circulate to Western Journalists and Editors here.

MilitaryPhotos.net was also quick to note the forgery and published and amusing post in response to the latest bit of Iranian propaganda.

Since then, Bloggers and other Pundits quick with cropping tools have offered their own versions of the Iranian smoke and mirrors show.
Some of my favorites:

What fakery? By WhatTheCrap.us.

IranZilla. By TheMiniBlog.

Iran Bomb Magnet. By mikrofon at SnappedShot.com

And finally "Yelp" by Colorado Doug and GOPyouth at SnappedShot.com

Chuck Schumer Has Craniorectal Inversion Disease

For you who have never heard of this disease, here's a breakdown of the name for easier explanation.

cranio - having to do with the brain or head

rectal - well, you know what that is

inversion - turned upside down or inside out

For a simple, layman's definition, he has his head up his butt.

What did he expect to happen after announcing that IndyMac Bank had serious problems? Couldn't he foresee the panic it would start? But it gets even better.

Not only did Mr. Schumer start a run on the bank that forced the federal government to step in a close the bank (the second largest bank failure in U.S. history), but he then had the gall to blame the problem on someone else (typical liberal). Schumer said the problem was poor lending practices that could have been prevented by, guess what? Of course. More government regulation. What else?

If Mr. Schumer was right, I don't see why we bother to have any private industry in this country. The federal government could obviously do a better job. I mean, look at their track record. Social Security is a wonderful success, right? And how about Medicare? And the public school system?

Mr. Schumer, you need to see a specialist about the craniorectal inversion disease because the worst symptom is you can't see anything.

Obama Language Lessons

Well, according to Barry O, we all need to be bi-lingual. Here is your first lesson.

Rumble on!

NozzleRage: Attack of the Pump

I filled up this morning in preparation for a trip up to Lynchburg, Virginia this morning. A half tank of regular gas in my 6-cylinder sedan cost me $37.80.

I don't know if $4.00 per gallon was the psychological breaking point for people, but I think this video about says it all. The problem is - we have to have a comprehensive solution. Right now all both sides want to do is talk. See this:

This is a "PERT" Chart. That stands for "Program Evaluation and Review Technique." It was a system of management developed for the U.S. Navy in the late 1950's as we were playing catch-up with Soviet missile technology and developing the Polaris missile. It shows progress steps and critical paths. The little "event" circles are numbered in the tens, because lots of little steps can emerge along the way. the "t" is for "time" and the red lines are the critical path. Let's pretend that the number "10" is labeled "Status Quo" and the number "50" above is labeled "Middle East Go to Hell." My guess is that the numbers in between might be labeled "50% increase in nuclear power" and "75% increase in coal gasification" and "100% increase in refinement capacity" and "100% increase in supply." Is there not someone in Washington or beyond that has one of these puppies with a label that says "U.S. Energy Independence"????

I know, as Barry O likes to tell us, that drilling today is not going to put extra gasoline in our tanks tomorrow nor lower the price of gas. (Surprised he hasn't reprised the "feed a child line" too!) BUT, with that logic...why go to school? If you go back to grad school, you are not going to get a better job tomorrow. Why plant a garden in the spring? If you put all those tomato plants in the kitchen garden, you are not going to have tomato salad tomorrow. For Chrissakes , Barry, everything that's worth anything takes time! What will happen to the price of oil, however, is it will drop precipitously the moment the OPEC banditos realize that the United States is coming out with a serious energy policy. They will quickly try to do to us what they did after the gas lines of the '70's and that is lure us back to sleep with cheap oil. Let's take the medicine this time and send them back to the economic stone age they emerged from with our wealth.

I did say "comprehensive" didn't I? No, drilling is not the only solution. It should be in our bag of tricks though ALONG with lots of nuclear, better design standards, (we are working on a house design that uses 35% less water and takes only 65% of its power from the "grid") solar and wind where feasible. AND we have to look ahead to the consequences of our actions. The rush to corn based ethanol has been a disaster. A dear family friend (and very knowledgeable retired oil industry executive) has eloquently pointed out the law of unintended consequences with this observation in an e-mail titled "Beware of Blown Fuses":

According to the US Bureau of Transit Statistics there were 135,399,945 vehicles in the US classified as cars in 2006, while 99,124,775 were classified as "Other 2 axle, 4 tire vehicles," presumably SUVs and pick-up trucks. There were also approximately 6,686,147 motorcycles.

Harry Reid and the senatorial gasbags avow that: "We are being poisoned by oil and coal." Barry Hussein and the enviro-nuggets deplore nuclear power. What will happen when some 242 million personal electric vehicles are plugged in to recharge every night across four time zones? After every fuse in the national power grid blows, wait to see the taxpayers go nuclear in more ways than one! The cost per kwh will make us look fondly at $ 4 gasoline, but, of course, the local power company will be much more sensitive than the folks at Exxon Mobil, and we'll have a much broader choice of pols to moon.

The following from one of my favorite cortoonists was a bonus in the e-mail:

The candidate that presents a clear, concise and easily understandable plan to the American people for energy independence will be sworn in as our Commander in Chief next January.

Rumble on!

Iran test-fires missiles able to hit Israel

In a show of defiance to the United States, Israel and the International community Iran launched a new series of Shahab-3 missiles capable of hitting Israel and U.S. military installations in the middle-east. Each of the Shahab-3's are equipped to handle a thermo-nuclear device and were launched today as a demonstration of the Iranian regime's expressed willingness to threaten Israel if attacked.

MEMRI-TV released videos of the missile tests that were covered on Iranian TV.

Iranian Air Force General Hossein Salami told Iranian Television reporters the excercise was conducted to, "demonstrate our resolve and might against enemies who in recent weeks have threatened Iran with harsh language."

The Iranian tests come on the heels of a U.S. defense agreement with the Czech Republic to place anti-ballistic missile radar systems in the central European country to counter the threat of an Iranian attack on Europe. In remarks noted by the Voice of America Secretary of State Condoleza Rice condemned the tests stating, "We face with the Iranians, and so do our allies and friends, a growing missile threat that is getting ever longer and ever deeper - and where the Iranian appetite for nuclear technology is, to this point, still unchecked".

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates underscored the need for a European missile defense shield against Iran. "We've been saying as we talk about missile defense in Europe that there is a real threat, and the test this morning underscores it" quotes CNN.

The Presidential candidates also weighed in on the Iranian missile tests. Senator John McCain said “Iran’s missile tests also demonstrate the need for effective missile defense now and in the future, and this includes missile defense in Europe as is planned with the Czech Republic and Poland,”. In a statement released by McCain the Senator noted Iran's missile tests "demonstrate again the dangers it poses to its neighbors and to the wider region, especially Israel."

Appearing on the nation's morning news shows Senator Obama told the CBS Early Show that the reports about the tests were still coming in, “I would want to talk to the national security team to find out whether this indicates any new capabilities on Iran’s part. At this point, the reports aren’t clear. It’s still early”.

Yes Senator Obama, the latest report we have on Iran's new capabilities is that from its western frontier the regime has test fired at nine nuclear capable ballistic missiles able to hit Israel and U.S. military bases in the middle-east.

Other than an obligatory riff on the morning news shows that Iran poses "a great threat" the Senator was quite vociferous on the Senate floor in his opposition to previous sanctions against the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps which launched those missiles yesterday. As John McCormack of The Weekly Standard recalls, late last year when the Kyl-Lieberman amendment came up for a vote in the Senate floor to impose sanctions on the IRGC, Senator Obama vigorously opposed the measure despite the overwhelming bi-partisan support the ammendment had from fellow Democrats such as Hillary Rodham Clinton, Harry Reid, Chuck Schummer and Dick Durban. Senator Obama dismissed the measure as "saber rattling".

The Senator still points with pride to his opposition to the Kyl-Lieberman amendment. Senator Barack Obama's website brags that his opposition was so strenuous that he, "also introduced a resolution in the Senate declaring that no act of Congress – including Kyl-Lieberman – gives the Bush administration authorization to attack Iran."

Back when he was running for the party's nomination Obama said that countries like Iran are tiny and told his admirers that Iran, "doesn't pose a serious threat to us". Why is the junior Senator from Illinois so opposed to sanctions against Iran in practice but like to talk tough about Iran when he's making the rounds on the news show circuit?

Jesse is "Nuts" about Obama

Does the Reverend Jackson like Barack Obama? Why he's just nuts about him!

Referring to Senator Obama's recent father's day challenge to African-American men for a greater emphasis on fatherhood Reverend Jackson confided to a fellow guest before a Fox News Chicago interview, "I wanna' cut his (Obama's) nuts out". The Reverend accused Senator Obama of "talking down to black folks" by giving moral lectures at local churches.

Reverend Jackson later recanted his off-the-cuff remarks stating, "My support for Senator Obama's campaign is wide, deep and unequivocal," and noted that he had called Obama's campaign to apologize.

There goes that chance for the vice-presidential running-mate slot.

Give This Guy A Job!

David Malone, a 29-year-old Connecticut man climbed the New York Times building and hung a banner to bring attention to the plan he says terrorist Osama bin Laden has for America. I thought only fringe liberals pulled stunts like this.

While I would not climb a building to make a point I applaud this young man for having the courage to do so. His commitment to his beliefs far surpasses that of anyone I can think of in the GOP. They should hire him to speak to their staff and leaders to give them some passion and fire.

Malone said he climbed the building to wake America up to the real threat of Osama bin Laden and to help get John McCain elected.

New York Daily News

Photo Credit: Taggart for News

Once Again, Bias Trumps Methodology

Facts come before theory. If the theory comes first, the facts will support the theory. Have you ever purchased a new car and suddenly you see more of them than you've ever seen before? Same thing. You see what you are looking for.

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ has been called into question by a radical new interpretation of a tablet found on the eastern bank of the Dead Sea.

The three-foot stone tablet appears to refer to a Messiah who rises from the grave three days after his death — even though it was written decades before the birth of Jesus.1

Would someone please tell me where the story is here? What is new about this?

There are prophecies about Jesus' birth, crucifixion, death, and resurrection dating back thousands of years before this stone was allegedly written on. So what's the big deal?

Some "expert" has attempted to say the faded writing on the stone reads that the resurrection refers to that of a Jewish rebel named Simon who was killed 4 years prior to Jesus' birth. I should point out that the "expert" is Hebrew professor who believes that Jesus was a mere mortal and was not the virgin-born Messiah of the New Testament.

We all look for evidence to prove our points but that is bias taking precedence over logic and proper methodology.

1 FoxNews
Photo Credit: AFP/Getty

Leni Riefenstahl

I am not the first one to think of this - there are two columns over at American Thinker this morning, but the idea of Obama making his acceptance speech at Invesco Field did bring this whole concept to mind. Is David Axelrod the Leni Riefenstahl of our time?

Look at the adoring Obamatrons at a Barry O speech and then look at the youth on tippy-toes in this piece...kind of creeps you out doesn't it? Ummm...doesn't it? Hey! Get back on your feet!

One of the most memorable scenes from "Triumph of the Will" occurs about 3:30 into the introduction - you can see it here - when the shadow of Hitler's plane is seen passing over the town looking like a cross...it comes right after the plane flies past the cathedral at Nuremberg. It is such an incredible and frightening piece of propaganda that it is worth revisiting in light of our new messiah. We truly have created image over substance. I actually credit McCain with doing a good job in responding to that with this ad. I love the "hope and change" connection to 1968! But they have a tough job cut out for them...the Obama "brand" had been created and it is more pervasive than Coca Cola or Marlboro and just about as good for you, especially if taken in large doses.

Rumble on!

Obama and his Iraq Flip-Flops

Poor Barack Obama. How will he wiggle out of his latest Flip-Flop when even his fellow Defeat-O-Crats have acklowledged that the surge initiated by President Bush has worked! The dilemma leaves him scratching his head.

Flip-Flopper, Waffler, Two-Face

Barack Obama is a very good public speaker. He is engaging. He is articulate. But he's not Bill Clinton. Bill could weave his way in and out of a lie so smoothly that even the most perceptive Republicans were baffled.

Obama does not have that same gift. Hence, he is beginning to be labeled as a flip-flopper. However, the fact that he is flip-flopping is not the issue as much as why he appears to be flip-flopping.

This is a sign of inexperience, incompetence, or both. He has no solid foundation upon which to build his policies. Therefore, when the foundation of sand shifts, so do his policies. Here are a few examples:

This is something to seriously consider when going to the voting booth this November. Today we oppose Al-Qaeda and tomorrow we might sit down to dinner with them. Remember, we should "negotiate" with our enemies, right?

Dirty Barack Obama

Pretty shocked that CNN actually did this piece...interesting look into BO's past and who is behind him. Scary stuff.

2006 Mommessin BEAUJOLAIS-VILLAGES "Old Vines - Gamay" (France)

This is your cheap summer party/cookout wine for 2008. Tremendous value in a crowd-pleasing style.

Eye: Dark crystalline ruby.

Nose: Ripe fruity scents of hard chery candy and a bit of a minerally backdrop.

Mouth: Ripe, soft, and with beautiful balance, this wines has lots of straightforward cherry, grapey fruit with a touch of stones in the background. Not complex, but very fun to drink, particularly with a slight chill on it.

Score: 87.

Cellar or drink? Drink over the next few months.

Price/store: Was $8 and change at Spec's on Holcombe.

2005 Chateau Thivin Côte de Brouilly (Beaujolais, France)

This was a very good, large-scaled, structured Beaujolais. I used to sell this when I worked at Mosswood Wines in the early 1980s, and have seen it only rarely since. I was glad to see that Spec's had picked it up.

Eye: Saturated dark ruby with violet highlights.

Nose: Gorgeous, lively nose of crunchy, ripe plums and berries, with sweet cream and granite scents as well.

Mouth: Focused, lively, concentrated, and structured (for a Beaujolais), with crisp fruit, refreshing but not overdone acidity, and great balance. Very nice, and loaded with character.

Score: 89.

Cellar or drink? Drinking well now, this wine has the structure and depth to age 1-2 years.

Price/store: Was $19 at Spec's on Smith.

2006 Frederic Mabileau ST. NICOLAS DE BOURGUEIL "La Boullieres" (Loire Valley, France)

I really like the 2005 version, reviewed previously, of this French Cabernet Franc, and the 2006, while good, was just short of the level of the 2005.

Eye: Medium dark crystalline ruby color.

Nose: Bright but still seemingly reductive aromas of minerally cherries and brambles, with a pungent mineral oil note.

Mouth: Light to medium bodied, with linear flavors of crisp, dry cherry syrup and pungent minerals. Fairly long finish, with a slightly bitterish note at the end. No real tannin to speak of.

Score: 85.

Cellar or drink? I would bet that another year or two in the cellar would result in a change in the flavor profile toward the more openly fruity and less pungent end of the spectrum.

Price/store: Was $16.99 at Central Market in Austin.

2005 Fattoria la Peschiera MORELLINO DI SCANSANO (Tuscany, Italy)

This wine was a bit of a disappointment, delivering some nice fragrance and nice, crisp acidity, but was hollow in the middle palate. When I was looking at the label at Central Market in Austin, one of the wine guys accosted me and started extolling the heck out of this one, so I gave it a shot, but alas.

Eye: Very bright, almost pulsating ruby-crimson color.

Nose: Spry aromas of winey cherries and sweat (in a kinda pleasant way).

Mouth: Flavors of minerals, sweat, and cherries flare quickly on the palate, then die, leaving a finish dominated by tannin and acidity.

Score: 80.

Cellar or drink? I'd drink this over the next year as it simply lacks the concentration of fruit needed to develop with age.

Price/store: Was $18.99 at Central Market in Austin.

2005 Domaine Talmard MÂCON-CHARDONNAY (Burgundy, France)

This very good value was a big, bruiser of an unoaked, flavorful French Chardonnay. In an interesting side note, the word "Chardonnay" in the name of this wine refers not to the grape, but to the village of Chardonnay in the Maconnias.

Eye: Medium dark brassy gold.

Nose: Intense Chardonnay fruit on the nose -- ripe apples, peach pit, and sweet stone-scented talcum powder.

Mouth: Rich, ripe, and full in the mouth, with lots of peach, peach pit, and dense minerally flavors. Not exactly elegant, but a big mouthful of ripe, unoaked virgin Chardonnay.

Score: 90.

Cellar or drink? Drink over the next 6-12 months.

Price/store: Was $11.29 at Richard's on South Voss near San Felipe.

2005 Salentein MALBEC (Mendoza, Argentina)

This was a very nicely-crafted red. Soft, rich, and complex.

Eye: Completely saturated dark ruby-purple.

Nose: Intense and complex nose of minerally gravel, lemon juice, and ripe blackberries.

Mouth: Full-bodied, with complex flavors of coffee, cassis, blackberry, and peppery iodine. Lots of medium-soft tannins in the lengthy, minerally finish.

Score: 89.

Cellar or drink? Drink over the next 3-5 years.

Price/store: This was a gift, but Spec's lists this for $19.

2005 Nigl GRÜNER VELTLINER "Kremser Freiheit" (Kremstal, Austria)

To my taste, Grüner Veltliner at its best displays beautiful pink grapefruit scents with lots of mineral undertones -- and that's what this one had.

Eye: Light gold with greenish glints.

Nose: Creamed minerals, lots of pink grapefruit and apply fruit, with some straw undertones.

Mouth: Soft-textured, yet with a crisp, zesty mouthfeel. Fresh stoniness with lots of dry bitter-apple and lemon-lime fruit. Long, refreshing finish. Very distinctive.

Score: 88.

Cellar or drink? Drink over the next year.

Price/store: $17 at Spec's on Smith.

2005 Hospices de Beaujeu MORGON "Cuvee Jean Gaudet" (Beaujolais, France)

I'm always excited to find additional Beaujolais producers besides the ubiquitous and bland Georges DeBoeuf offerings that monopolizes most retailers' shelves, so I grabbed a bottle of this one when it showed up at Spec's. Alas, it was pretty bland too.

Eye: Medium dark ruby color.

Nose: Lots of very straightforward plummy-grapey fruit and a bit of pungent stony scents in the background.

Mouth: Lots of simple, overly clean tasting plummy fruit. Very much in the DeBoeuf style of commercial Beaujolais.

Score: 83.

Cellar or drink? Drink over the next few months.

Price/store: Was $14.20 at Spec's on Smith.

Vacation wines -- Day 7

2005 Herdade das Servas "Monte das Servas" (Alentejano, Portugal) -- This wine was extraordinarily soft and velvety textured, with nicely integrated red berry fruit and cigar box scents. I liked it a lot.

2006 Altos las Hormigas Malbec Reserva (Mendoza, Argentina) -- A dense, ripe, highly extracted and very tannic Malbec. My brother Angy liked it a lot more than I did, as I thought the level of tannins was a bit over the top.

Dinner: Beef Stew "in the Italian fashion" with lots of red wine and tomatoes.


OK, I admit it - I am a dog person...hell, the mascot of this blog is the savage beagle...seen at the right. (That sputnik toy by the way requires a bi-weekly supply of Nylabones that will break the bank!)

I am also extremely grateful for all the good that canines do and have done for the human race. So when I see a picture of the newest addition to the Scottish Police Force in Tayside, Scotland my first reaction is "awwwwwwwww." Besides, with a name like "Rebel," you know he's got to be a good dog!

BUT, if you are of the radical Muslim persuasion, apparently your first reaction is "The horror! I am offended...remove the image of the unclean beast from my mailbox immediately! You purposely set about to offend me!!!" Folks, I am not making this up:

Muslims in the Scottish district of Tayside are outraged by the appearance of a wide-eyed, 6-week-old puppy on postcards distributed by the local police force, according to the Daily Mail.

Postcards showing police dog-in-training Rebel, a German shepherd born in early December, are causing a furor among the region’s Muslims who believe dogs are "ritually unclean," the Daily Mail reports.

The cute cards were meant to notify locals of a new telephone number for non-emergency phone calls but instead have become a flashpoint for a clash of cultures. Shopkeepers are refusing to display the offending ad and a Dundee city councilor is calling for an investigation.

"My concern was that it's not welcomed by all communities, with the dog on the cards," said Dundee councilor Mohammed Asif, according to the report.

The Tayside police force said the police puppy, the force’s "newest recruit," was not intended to cause offense.

"His incredible worldwide popularity — he has attracted record visitor numbers to our Web site — led us to believe Rebel could play a starring role in the promotion of our non-emergency number," said a police spokesperson.

OK, first words that come to mind? "GET A LIFE!" But there really is something more sinister here and it is happening in every Western country that has even a smidgeon of a Muslim population. WE are supposed to change every custom of ours to keep from offending them. They are utilizing our psychotic need for all things to be politically correct to erode our own culture and replace it with a Ministry of Fear (Thank you Seamus Heaney.)

Dogs have been part of humanity for a lot longer time than Islam. It is beleived that the first relationships between the two species goes back some 10-15,000 years. Muhammad was born around 570AD, so lets see...0 minus 8, 7 minus 0, carry the one - OK, 1,438 years versus 12,992. And 10% of the dog population will not strap on bomb vests and try to blow you up in order to achieve eternal enlightenment on Sirius. (Sirius, the dog star, it's in canine theology that that's where they go...where all the rabbits are slow and the nylabones are huge!)

What else will these people be offended by next? Will they demand that Sports Illustrated not publish the Swimsuit Edition? Or how about we turn the tables and demand that they stop executing goats because we are offended? (Do not click on that last link if you have a weak stomach...by the way, where in the hell are the PETA people when that stuff is going on?)

I am all in favor of "live and let live" and "respecting each other's culture." I grew up overseas and have enormous respect for the richness and decency of cultures far different from my own. I also knew when I lived in foreign lands how inappropriate it was of me to demand that the locals conform to my cultural norms. But these Islamofascists are eroding the sense of decency in our own culture by insisting that we respect their ways...and they are using our freedoms to get us to conform to their will. As has been repeated many times, "great societies are not overthrown, they die from within." The enemy is amongst us and we had better start pushing back now before it is too late. As Merle would say: "if you don't love it, leave it."

Rumble on!

Post note - from Rachel Lucas:

And still lovable!

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