Barack Obama is a very good public speaker. He is engaging. He is articulate. But he's not Bill Clinton. Bill could weave his way in and out of a lie so smoothly that even the most perceptive Republicans were baffled.
Obama does not have that same gift. Hence, he is beginning to be labeled as a flip-flopper. However, the fact that he is flip-flopping is not the issue as much as why he appears to be flip-flopping.
This is a sign of inexperience, incompetence, or both. He has no solid foundation upon which to build his policies. Therefore, when the foundation of sand shifts, so do his policies. Here are a few examples:
- Promised to immediately withdraw troops from Iraq. Last Thursday he said he might "refine" his plans after meeting with military commanders in Iraq.
- Supports expanding government eavesdropping and immunity for telecommunications companies. Opposed it last year.
- Supports and opposes gun control.
- Said he would accept public financing for the election before he refused it.
- Disagreed with Supreme Court's overriding of the death penalty for child rapists even though he is against the death penalty.
- Supports and opposes decriminalization of marijuana.
- Supports and opposes health care benefits for illegal immigrants.
- Supports and opposes late-term abortions.
This is something to seriously consider when going to the voting booth this November. Today we oppose Al-Qaeda and tomorrow we might sit down to dinner with them. Remember, we should "negotiate" with our enemies, right?