OK, I admit it - I am a dog person...hell, the mascot of this blog is the savage beagle...seen at the right. (That sputnik toy by the way requires a bi-weekly supply of Nylabones that will break the bank!)

I am also extremely grateful for all the good that canines do and have done for the human race. So when I see a picture of the newest addition to the Scottish Police Force in Tayside, Scotland my first reaction is "awwwwwwwww." Besides, with a name like "Rebel," you know he's got to be a good dog!

BUT, if you are of the radical Muslim persuasion, apparently your first reaction is "The horror! I am offended...remove the image of the unclean beast from my mailbox immediately! You purposely set about to offend me!!!" Folks, I am not making this up:

Muslims in the Scottish district of Tayside are outraged by the appearance of a wide-eyed, 6-week-old puppy on postcards distributed by the local police force, according to the Daily Mail.

Postcards showing police dog-in-training Rebel, a German shepherd born in early December, are causing a furor among the region’s Muslims who believe dogs are "ritually unclean," the Daily Mail reports.

The cute cards were meant to notify locals of a new telephone number for non-emergency phone calls but instead have become a flashpoint for a clash of cultures. Shopkeepers are refusing to display the offending ad and a Dundee city councilor is calling for an investigation.

"My concern was that it's not welcomed by all communities, with the dog on the cards," said Dundee councilor Mohammed Asif, according to the report.

The Tayside police force said the police puppy, the force’s "newest recruit," was not intended to cause offense.

"His incredible worldwide popularity — he has attracted record visitor numbers to our Web site — led us to believe Rebel could play a starring role in the promotion of our non-emergency number," said a police spokesperson.

OK, first words that come to mind? "GET A LIFE!" But there really is something more sinister here and it is happening in every Western country that has even a smidgeon of a Muslim population. WE are supposed to change every custom of ours to keep from offending them. They are utilizing our psychotic need for all things to be politically correct to erode our own culture and replace it with a Ministry of Fear (Thank you Seamus Heaney.)

Dogs have been part of humanity for a lot longer time than Islam. It is beleived that the first relationships between the two species goes back some 10-15,000 years. Muhammad was born around 570AD, so lets see...0 minus 8, 7 minus 0, carry the one - OK, 1,438 years versus 12,992. And 10% of the dog population will not strap on bomb vests and try to blow you up in order to achieve eternal enlightenment on Sirius. (Sirius, the dog star, it's in canine theology that that's where they go...where all the rabbits are slow and the nylabones are huge!)

What else will these people be offended by next? Will they demand that Sports Illustrated not publish the Swimsuit Edition? Or how about we turn the tables and demand that they stop executing goats because we are offended? (Do not click on that last link if you have a weak the way, where in the hell are the PETA people when that stuff is going on?)

I am all in favor of "live and let live" and "respecting each other's culture." I grew up overseas and have enormous respect for the richness and decency of cultures far different from my own. I also knew when I lived in foreign lands how inappropriate it was of me to demand that the locals conform to my cultural norms. But these Islamofascists are eroding the sense of decency in our own culture by insisting that we respect their ways...and they are using our freedoms to get us to conform to their will. As has been repeated many times, "great societies are not overthrown, they die from within." The enemy is amongst us and we had better start pushing back now before it is too late. As Merle would say: "if you don't love it, leave it."

Rumble on!

Post note - from Rachel Lucas:

And still lovable!

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