The Audacity to Survive

Sometimes it is important to go to the core text instead of just reading others opinions. This is a measure we try to enforce over here at Rumbler Central. A fine column by Peter Kirsanow this morning in the American Thinker led me to do a little research. Mr. Kirsanow was taking Obama to task for his vote against the "Induced Birth Infant Liability Act" during his short tenure in the Illinois state legislature. Essentially, the columnist's argument is that BO is portrayed as a really nice guy but, in fact, he's pretty heartless and his vote against the aforementioned bill was Exhibit A. Well, what does the bill say? Let's look (a link to the full text is also provided):
Findings  and  intent.  The General Assembly
7 finds that all children who are born alive are entitled to
8 equal protection under the law regardless of the
9 circumstances surrounding the birth. Children who are born
10 alive as the result of an induced labor abortion or any other
11 abortion are in special need of protection due to the fact
12 that the intent of their birth is to cause the death of the
13 born child. Therefore, it is the intent of the General
14 Assembly to protect a child who is born alive as the result
15 of an induced labor abortion or any other abortion and to
16 ensure that the child receives all medical care necessary to
17 preserve and protect the life, health, and safety of the
18 child.
Hmm, "all children who are born alive are entitled to equal protection under the law..." oh, and even those who are born as a result of an "induced labor abortion." This latter term is a late term abortion thus some number of the abortees make it out of the womb and actually draw a breath and see light, feel pain etc. Believe me, I don't mean to be in anyway callous about this. I am just trying to understand how you can vote AGAINST giving said abortee that draws a breath, sees light and feels pain a chance at becoming something more than a forgotten abortee. Now, a quick point of clarification: BO voted AGAINST the Bill when it came out of his Judicial Committee...he voted PRESENT in the full senate and was the only Senator to speak publicly against the Bill stating it would add "one more burden on women."

I don't want to take this post to engage in the abortion debate. Followers of my scribblings know where I stand. But even the most ardent pro-abortion folks...say, Barbara Boxer...believe that killing the infant outside the womb is murder. So, in an Obamaworld, if you are an infant who has exhibited the audacity to survive an abortion, lay low! Maybe they'll toss you in with the medical waste and you'll have a chance that an off-duty nurse just might find you and give you a chance. Miracles can happen...ask Illinois nurse, Jill Stanek, who testified before BO's committee:

"One night, a nursing co-worker was taking an aborted Down syndrome baby who was born alive to our Soiled Utility Room because his parents did not want to hold him, and she did not have the time to hold him. I couldn't bear the thought of this suffering child lying alone in a Soiled Utility Room, so I cradled and rocked him for the 45 minutes that he lived."

Obama wants to show compassion to all. He has compassion for the poor women who have late term abortions obviously. His chilling position on their potential progeny, however, reminds me of the Eudora Welty quote: "compassion leads to the gas chamber."

Rumble on!

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