Terrorist kills 8 Yeshiva students in Jerusalem

In Jerusalem last night at 8:30PM local time 8 students, some clutching Bibles were gunned down by a Palestinian terrorist who gained entry into the Mercaz Harav seminary through the school's library. The gunman used a blue East Jerusalem identity card to gain access into the school's unsecured library and used a cardboard box to conceal an AK-47 and amunition.

Witnesses later reported that the amount of amunition the gunman carried was such that it appeared he had packed a suicide vest as well as an automatic rifle as he was opening the box. The Palestinian terrorist fired at point blank range at High School aged students as they were studying the Talmud. Eight boys aged 15-17 were killed and 10 others wounded in this brazen and cowardly attack.

People in the vicinity at first thought they heard the sound of firecrackers since the school was about the celebrate the feast of Purim. Once it became clear to others in the vicinity that the school was under attack students used tables to barricade doors to one of the study rooms to protect themselves from the gunman.

Caroline Glick who serves as the Deputy Managing Editor of The Jerusalem Post describes the chaos around the terror attack in Jerusalem and reflects on events leading up to the massacre:

I heard the ambulance sirens wailing from my window and from the sheer quantity it was clear that something terrible had just happened. I checked the internet and saw an initial report relating that one student at Mercaz Harav Yeshiva was wounded. And I knew that it was a massacre. That’s how it always starts.

The police claim that they had received no intelligence information warning of an impending attack in the capital. But there were several indications that one was about to occur. On Saturday night I was walking in a park above the Old City at dusk. Suddenly a crowd of Arab teenagers appeared and started yelling Allah Akhbar. My big, barking dog scared them away. They were not serious but they were the harbinger of what came next.

Two days later mobs of Arabs attacked Jewish motorists in the city and nearly lynched two municipal inspectors whose car they assaulted with rocks and crow bars while trying to force them out of their vehicle. The pair escaped by the skin of their teeth as they swerved out of range and managed to drive away. I hate to think what would have happened if the Fatah-incited mob had attacked their tires instead of their windshield.

So the Palestinian Arabs and their friends have decided to murder Jews studying Torah in Jerusalem. They decided to go to the heart of the religious Zionist movement and open fire knowing the sort of passions such an attack will provoke. Apparently the terrorist was a Jerusalemite. One television channel reported that he lived in Jabel Mukhaber – a neighborhood abutting Armon HaNatziv.

Eight yeshiva students murdered while studying Torah in Jerusalem. And Olmert, Livni, Condi, Bush and all their friends and supporters want to give these people Jerusalem. What do they see when they look in the mirror?

The terrorist's muderous rampage was stopped by a part-time Yeshiva student who is also a soldier in the IDF. Haaretz reports, Yitzhak Dadon said he climbed onto the roof of a nearby building, armed with a rifle, and waited for the gunman to emerge. "He came out of the library spraying automatic fire ... the terrorist came to the entrance and I shot him twice in the head," he said.

Arutz Sheva - Israel National News (Warning Graphic Content) adds, David Shapira, a yeshiva graduate and officer in the paratroopers, heard the shots from his nearby home, ran to the yeshiva and "finished [the terrorist] off."

Underling the barbarity of Hamas and its familiars Atlas Shrugs displays headlines bragging of the attack on Hama's website and articles describing the spontaneous celebrations that break out in Gaza as news spread about the killings in Jerusalem.

Pam Geller cuts to the chase; Attacking schools, killing students in cold blood. When did America begin to sanction such barbary? What happened to us. Were is our soul? What happened to The Bush Doctrine> How can Condi possibly consider talking to Hamas? It's craven.

Now it's being reported that the attacks are linked to Hezbollah.

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