Kerry confronted on phony Winter Soldier Testimony

Democratic Senator John Kerry of Massachussetts was confronted by Jason Mattera of Young America's Foundation in this YAF/Hot Air TV clandestine interview in the halls of the Capitol Building in Washington D.C.. During the January 31st 1971 "Winter Soldier Investigation" staged before an eager press corps, John Kerry along with Al Hubbard told bold faced lies about the actions of U.S. servicemen during the Vietnam war. Kerry along Al Hubbard who falsely claimed to be an Air Force officer wounded in the war, told horrific stories of U.S. military personnel burning villages, gang-raping women and using defenseless Vietnamese as targets before an astounded nation as the cameras rolled.

The "Veterans" who testified in "Winter Soldier" were later proven to be fakes who never served in Vietnam with most having never served in the military at all! After returning from only six weeks of duty in Vietnam, John Kerry joined the Vietnam Veterans Against the War and later along with antiwar celebrities staged this media stunt which resulted in a Congressional investigation later that year. Although the "Winter Soldier" "witnesses" who testified about these alleged atrocities were later discredited, the organizers achieved their objective before the world press in portraying American servicemen as unruly, loutish savages with no regard for human life. Between the media's own campaign against the Vietnam war and the "Winter Soldier Investigation" the American public had finally had enough of Vietnam and lost the will to fight Communist aggression in that part of the world which resulted in a great triumph for Hanoi.

John Kerry, Jane Fonda and other antiwar activists were later honored by the Communist regime in Vietnam with their photos proudly displayed in in the Vietnamese Communist War Remnants Museum (formerly known as the "War Crimes Museum") in Ho Chi Minh City (the former Saigon; capitol of South Vietnam). The photographs of Kerry, Fonda and other antiwar noteables appear in a section of the museum honoring foreigners opposed to the war against the Communists.

Now a new group of dedicated Leftists, Socialists, Communists and Anarchists is staging their own version of Winter Soldier with the formation of Winter Soldier Soldier II to be held Thursday through Sunday of this week. If you're in the D.C. area show your support for the troops and don't let the usual suspects slander and defame those who are defending our country.

Vets for Freedom, Gathering of Eagles and Move America Forward will be there to show the useless hippie leftovers that we won't be fooled again.

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