Obama talks to Fox News about Jeremiah Wright

Barack Obama appeared on Fox News to explain his association with his Pastor, the Reverand Jeremiah Wright. Reverand Wright teaches his congregants an eclectic mix of America-bashing coupled with damning the nation of his birth, hatred of Jews and White people followed by black nationalism mixed in with "doing good works". This delightful mix is otherwise known in "progressive" religious circles as Afro-centric "liberation theology".

And here I thought Jesus said something like; "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.” John 12:32, and "He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad." Matthew 12:30. But I guess it would take a "respected biblical scholar" like Reverand Wright to explain away those verses.

But I digress.

Here Senator Obama is interviewed by Fox News correspondent Major Garrett on Hannity and Colmes. You see the glow from the Senator diminish as he stumbles with his answers and bobs his head as he's speaking. I kind of feel bad for him. Barack Obama is very bright and well-spoken and seems like a nice guy on a personal level. It's sad that he chose to associate himself with Wright.

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