Obama nods in agreement as Wright decries the "United States of White America"

Update: NewsMax goes squishy on claim that Obama was present as Wright declared the "United States of White America". NewsMax backed away from a reporter's claim that Barack Obama nodded in agreement when his Pastor launched into one of his tirades against White America. Other reports put Obama in Chicago during that day. NewsMax reporter Jim Davis says he attended services at Mr. Obama's church all that month and maintains that during one of the services he attended the Senator sat through the entire service. Later on the day in question the Senator made a speaking engagement in Miami before La Raza's annual convention in Miami Beach, Florida.

In contrast of Senator Obama's statements that he deplores "the stataments in question" that stirred a major controversy this week The Autonomist uncovers Barack Obama nodding in agreement with the inflamitory bombast of his deranged "Pastor".

Quoting from a reporter's article about his visit to Wright's racist church The Autonomist reveals, Wright laced into America's establishment, blaming the "white arrogance" ofAmerica's Caucasian majority for the woes of the world, especially theoppression suffered by blacks. To underscore the point he refers to the countryas the "United States of White America." Many in the congregation, includingObama, nodded in apparent agreement as these statements were made.

The sermon also addressed the Iraq war, a frequent area of Wright'sfulminations. "Young African-American men," Wright thundered, were "dyingfor nothing." The "illegal war," he shouted, was "based on Bush's lies" and is being "fought for oil money.

"In a sermon filled with profanity, Wright also blamed the war on "Bushadministration bulls--t." Those are the types of statements that have led toMSNBC's Tucker Carlson describing Wright as "a full-blown hater."

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