Obama's Slow Motion Pile-Up

Watching the Obama campaign is like watching a car wreck in slow motion. You feel a twinge of guilt as you're watching the frightful events unfold before your eyes but you just keep looking in morbid fascination to see what happens next.

To be sure Barack has navigated through some very tough hazards as he tries to navigate the rough road ahead to the Democratic Party convention in Denver this August. And this has been quite a ride. Here are some of the more memorable of twists and turns on the Obama trail:

His admitted alchohol and experimental use of drugs during his youth.

Questions about the authenticity of his professed Christian faith and whether he is a closet Muslim. The kerfuffle over the use of his full name, Barack Hussein Obama coupled with doubts about where his true allegiances lie with regard to the well being of the country he wants to lead.

His wife's clumsy statements such as, "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country." and that America is, "just downright mean."

Obama's association with former Weather Underground member and admitted Vietnam era bomber William Ayers.

Obama's past campaign support and fishy real estate deal with indicted Chicago fixer Tony Rezko.

During the Democratic candidates debate in Ohio, Barack along with Hillary slammed NAFTA while in the presence of voters and cameras until it was later revealed that a high-level Obama campaign operative privately assured Canadian officials that all the anti-NAFTA talk was just rhetoric.

His selection of top policy advisors such as former policy middle east policy advisor Samantha Powers who resigned early this month after calling Senator Clinton "a monster" during an interview with a reporter from a Scottish newspaper. Ms. Powers faux pas aside we have top foreign policy advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski and military adviser and national campaign co-chairman Merrill "Tony" McPeak who are decidedly anti-Israel in their views about the middle east coupled with misgivings about Obama's true stance on the nation's most loyal ally in the region.

The reported discovery of favorable references to Obama in letters extracted from the computers of assasinated FARC terrorist and spokesman Raul Reyes hiding in Equador along with the letter's references of meetings with people representing the candidate and implying these representatives were interested in meeting with the Columbian terrorists.

And the latest controversy revolving around the racist anti-American rants of his pastor and mentor of the past twenty years the Reverand Jeremiah Wright. Obama went before the cameras and wowed the talking heads of the mainstream media with his speech on "A More Perfect Union". Since then the media have played lap dog to Barack Obama and have clearly turned on the Clintons to smooth the road for Obama. The results of a poll released today by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News show that Obama's Pastor controversy hasn't had much effect on his contest with Senator Clinton.

Don't expect that the Clinton's are going to quietly sit by and retire to their milk and snicker-doodles while Obama is ahead in the delegate count. Can the media's charade to obscure the foibles of the their candidate while trying to shoo away the Clinton's be maintained all the way to the Democratic convention in August?

I doubt it.

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