Weirdness: Baldwin Bashes Dems. Maher Pounds Pork.

Have we passed into an alternate dimension or something? This was one of the weirdest things I have ever seen. I'm not totally changing my opinion on Baldwin but I must say this gives me a molecule of respect for him. He's apparently not 100% Dem no matter what. Here's the big snippet from Baldwin:
The, the thing we have to remember, a friend of mine who is very close to the financial community in New York pointed out that Democrats have a lot of the responsibility for this as well. I mean, it was Clinton who killed the Glass-Steagall, and it happened under a Democratic president. Barney Frank and his committee, they, they kept propping up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac saying everything's fine, everything's fine, everything's good. And it was his job to know everything wasn't fine. And Barney Frank let you down and let us down as well. And so, but I want to say there's blame to go both ways. But I will say, I want to, I maybe keep beating this to death, but I still think anyone in this Congress who voted to add $140 billion to that bill, they should be ashamed of themselves. That is a disgrace. It's a disgrace. This Congress is a disgrace, Democrat and Republican.

Hat Tip: NB

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