Obama To Supporters: We're Going To Change The Country And Change The World.

Telegraph Company UK's Toby Harnden was in Londonderry, New Hampshire to hear the messiah tell his supporters that together they were going to "change the world". The rally took on the quality of a religious campmeeting as Harnden reports, much of Mr Obama's speech in Londonderry - punctuated by cries of 'We all love you Obama', 'I love you' and 'We will work with you' - was devoted to the kind of quasi-religious sentiments and motivational-coach style exhortations, the kind of pride that set him up for a big fall in January.

'I want you to believe', said the candidate, clad in an open-necked shirt and barn jacket. 'Not so much believe just in me but believe in yourselves. Believe in the future. Believe in the future we can build together. I'm confident together we can't fail.'

There was a carnival atmosphere among the crowd of some 4,000, who almost drowned Mr Obama out as he reached his crescendo and said: 'I promise you. We won't just win New Hampshire. We will win this election and, you and I together, we're going to change the country and change the world.'

Positively creepy.

Pam Geller has another take on Obama and his Cult of Personality.

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