A Thousand Points of Darkness

I watched a good chunk of the Obamercial last night and found myself depressed afterward. Not because "my guy" couldn't afford a similar slug of advertising or that the production was so good and compelling that I feared it "sealed the deal" with the 6-11% (depending on the polls) of undecided voters. No, my depression stemmed from the creeping thought that this might be what America has become. Maybe Phil Gramm was right and we've become a nation of whiners. A nation that when bad things happen to us, we want someone in Washington to come fix it for us. Is that us? I thought back to similar political productions that had been done in the past...remember this one:

It struck me that here is the fundamental difference between the two sides. One side looks across this incredible nation of ours and sees starving kids, crushed dreams and lost hope. And when they see these things, they see an opportunity to expand their power by becoming their benefactor. The other side looks at troubles in the country and sees an opportunity to clear away obstacles so that people can fix things for themselves...you know, rugged individualism, self reliance and all that. George H. W. Bush had his "Thousand Points of Light" program that was so derided by the media and the Left, but it held up examples of Americans that overcame difficulties, rose above the fray and did incredible things...they showed us that we can be a nation of heroes. Barack Obama in his Obamercial last night held up examples of a "Thousand Points of Darkness" all of which were caused by George W. Bush -helpless citizens that can't afford healthcare or food for their children or whom some evil corporation that went bankrupt stole their pension from. And Santa Obama was going to solve all their problems! How, well with Hope and Change! O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma! The most disgusting clip of the night was shot in a senior citizens home with an elderly man tearfully looking at Obama like my beagle looks at me for a snack. Now I am not cold-hearted nor naive enough to know that problems do not exist. But I have faith in local community groups, churches and charities and yes, families, to be better solutions for these folks problems than a new federal entitlement.

Have the public schools so sissified this nation now that we have a generation of people that can't take care of themselves, that can't think for themselves, that need a handout just to get the week's snacks in the fridge? Simply put, it is the difference between giving a man a fish and teaching him to fish. Have the fishermen left? Have our teachers unions succeeded in dumbing down the American populace so much that they have no idea what is in the Constitution anymore and that our Republic was founded upon the principles of freedom for, not enslaving of, the people? The dichotomy between those that want the government to provide all their needs and those that just want to be left alone is the reason why Joe the Plumber had to be destroyed. It's the reason that Sarah Palin had to be destroyed. "How dare people like that - my God, he's not even a plumber and she attended the University of Idaho...how, how, how crass! " They are both simple, plain people trying to do the right thing. But more importantly, they are trying to do it on their own.

Every one of us knows a Joe or a Sarah, and a whole lot of us ARE Joe or Sarah. We're trying to own our own business and raise a family. We volunteer at the PTA meetings to help coordinate the bake sale for the 8th Grade fundraiser. We know how to fish and we know how to help our neighbors in need and we damned sure don't need somebody who has never done anything in their lives except run for office and agitate others to mau mau for handouts to tell us what to do. Here's a great example of just such a person:

One thing we did not hear from Obama last night was what he HAS accomplished.
"Rumbler, the Senator is highly accomplished! How dare you insinuate that he has done nothing in his life."
"OK, name one thing he has done that qualifies him to be Commander in Chief over brave young men like the one in the video?"
"Well, he's run a campaign..."
"OK, name one thing he has done that gives him an understanding of how small business works?"
"Well, he um, um, uh, uh, uh...hang on teleprompter broke...TILT."

This man is the Etch a Sketch Candidate.

Whatever you want to draw on it, it shows up for a minute and then give it a quick shake and presto, it's gone. In a superlative piece in the Wall Street Journal this morning, the writer, Fouad Ajami points out that:

On the face of it, there is nothing overwhelmingly stirring about Sen. Obama. There is a cerebral quality to him, and an air of detachment. He has eloquence, but within bounds. After nearly two years on the trail, the audience can pretty much anticipate and recite his lines. The political genius of the man is that he is a blank slate. The devotees can project onto him what they wish.

But there is something to this - he is a con artist, a scam. He preys on people's fears and offers them nothing but "hope" and "change." I guess I feel like the Outlaw Josie Wales carrying my wounded friend when he encounters the carpet bagger salesaman:

Carpetbagger: Your young friend could use some help.
[holds up a bottle of patent medicine]
Carpetbagger: This is it... one dollar a bottle. It works wonders on wounds.
Josey Wales: Works wonders on just about everything, eh?
Carpetbagger: It can do most anything.
Josey Wales: [spits tobacco juice on the carpetbagger's coat] How is it with stains?
Obama is a Carpetbagger. So in that spirit, I felt better by the end of the evening and do again today. There is "Hope," and we do need "Change," but hope, in this country, has never been anchored in one man and the intent of the "change" has never been so well disguised. In our Christian tradition, "hope" arises from the will, not the passions. We must will ourselves to do better, to examine the laws and politicians we have and correct our course to provide the freedom to hope again. And change to a Euro-socialist state is not what we need.

All the polls are tightening, and despite all the odd, maybe come November 4, we will be able to say, "Hell's coming to breakfast," and the forces that would lead us into a dark night of socialist captivity may yet be thwarted.

Rumble on!

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