VP Debate Analysis

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Tonight's VP debate was somewhat different than I expected. No gaffes from either size. However, I make note that Joe Biden did not tell the truth in his first three answers (and more).

I can summarize Joe Biden's debate talking points very simply.
  1. John McCain is always wrong.
  2. John McCain has no plan - for anything.
  3. Blah, blah, blah.
Joe Biden did what he had to do and that was to not stick his foot in his mouth. Don't get me wrong. He's a smart guy and he was prepared. Some people commented that Sarah Palin sounded rehearsed but Joe Biden stayed on his talking points throughout the night.

This evening was about Sarah Palin. It was a huge test for her in front of the American people. Could she answer questions without being stumped or saying something to embarrass herself? She graduated magna cum laude tonight. She didn't get dragged into questions that were difficult to answer but moved into the campaign's talking points. I think this had more to do with the fact that the debate couldn't be edited than anything else. Editing can inaccurately make people look dumb. Isn't that right Mr. Gibson and Ms. Couric?

On Fox News pollster Frank Luntz had a roomful of people who rated the debate throughout the evening. When Sarah Palin talked about personal responsibility and not allowing another Fannie Mae debacle to happen, her numbers went very high among Republicans AND Democrats. When politicians connect with the American people on issues like this, it trumps party affiliation.

Tonight, Sarah Palin proved she could stay in the ring with the tough ones. She connected with middle America like no other candidate has. That was a recurring comment among the Luntz panel. Joe Biden came across as an entrenched Washington politician and did not connect with the American people, except on one occasion when he talked about his family.

Barring unforeseen events, I expect November 4 will buck the polls and will be a huge surprise. My prediction - middle America will put McCain/Palin in the White House and there won't be any need for a recount.

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