Don't Click On This

Now that I have your undivided attention, I would like to give my pre-Election Day speech. Don't worry. My speech writer is brief and to the point.

You do not have the right to vote. You do not have the opportunity to vote. You do not have the right not to vote.

What you have is the RESPONSIBILITY to vote. If this race was hopeless and McCain was going to get annihilated you still have a responsibility to vote. If McCain was ahead in the polls 80-20 you still have a responsibility to vote.

Regardless of the outcome you have a responsibility to vote. I don't care whether you like McCain or not. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to do everything within your power to make sure that the inexperienced and dangerous Barack Obama does not become the next President of the United States.

If you don't vote we may all suffer severely for your apathy.

My New Hero: Tito The Builder

Tito The Builder rocks!! Joe The Plumber hit Obama with a laser-guided missile when he asked about the tax plan and he's was cool about it. Tito is a fireball! Or maybe a pit bull with a hard hat.

Tito and I have a couple of things in common. He is originally from Colombia. My family is originally from Venezuela. We have the same opinion of Hugo Chavez and of Barack Obama.

Check this out. You go Tito!!

Hat Tip: LGF

Obama: Bill Clinton Part II

Does anyone remember Bill Clinton campaigning in 1992 on tax cuts? Then after he got in office he said things were much worse than he was told by the Republicans so not only did he not give us a tax cut but gave us a tax increase instead.

Now comes Barack Obama preparing us for the same BS. From the London Times via FoxNews comes this:
Barack Obama's senior advisers have drawn up plans to lower expectations for his presidency if he wins next week's election, amid concerns that many of his euphoric supporters are harboring unrealistic hopes of what he can achieve.
I, for one, will not be disappointed. My expectations are very, very low. I'm just hoping they are low enough.

Open Letter To My Creditors

To my creditors -

You have nothing to fear. Despite the last eight years of failed economic policies of the Bush administration, all of my bills are current. Even my mortgage. Had it not been for Democrats taking over Congress in 2006 things might have been very different. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, and most of all, Barack Obama saved me from impending doom.

However, with Bush's policies continuing to destroy the economy, there may come a time when I am unable to pay my bills. That is where I am asking for your understanding and your patience.

If I do fall behind, please bear with me until my savior, Barack Obama, leads us into the Promised Land. The One has promised to give me a tax cut and with that I will be able to pay all of my bills, send my children to college, purchase better insurance coverage, buy a hybrid vehicle, put money into a government-controlled 401k alternative that will earn me a whopping 3 percent return, and I don't have to do anything to get all of this. What an unbelievable human being!

On top of all of that, energy prices will drop because the Messiah is going to punish oil companies with windfall taxes and that will teach them a lesson. And we won't have to worry about those pesky terrorists anymore. That One is going to sit down with them and let them know we just want to live harmoniously with them. No more racial strife because he represents all of us.

Why have we waited so long to elect a socialist? Utopia is on the horizon!

For those of you who might not be accustomed to sarcasm, I have not lost my mind and moved to the dark side (pun intended).

A Thousand Points of Darkness

I watched a good chunk of the Obamercial last night and found myself depressed afterward. Not because "my guy" couldn't afford a similar slug of advertising or that the production was so good and compelling that I feared it "sealed the deal" with the 6-11% (depending on the polls) of undecided voters. No, my depression stemmed from the creeping thought that this might be what America has become. Maybe Phil Gramm was right and we've become a nation of whiners. A nation that when bad things happen to us, we want someone in Washington to come fix it for us. Is that us? I thought back to similar political productions that had been done in the past...remember this one:

It struck me that here is the fundamental difference between the two sides. One side looks across this incredible nation of ours and sees starving kids, crushed dreams and lost hope. And when they see these things, they see an opportunity to expand their power by becoming their benefactor. The other side looks at troubles in the country and sees an opportunity to clear away obstacles so that people can fix things for know, rugged individualism, self reliance and all that. George H. W. Bush had his "Thousand Points of Light" program that was so derided by the media and the Left, but it held up examples of Americans that overcame difficulties, rose above the fray and did incredible things...they showed us that we can be a nation of heroes. Barack Obama in his Obamercial last night held up examples of a "Thousand Points of Darkness" all of which were caused by George W. Bush -helpless citizens that can't afford healthcare or food for their children or whom some evil corporation that went bankrupt stole their pension from. And Santa Obama was going to solve all their problems! How, well with Hope and Change! O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma! The most disgusting clip of the night was shot in a senior citizens home with an elderly man tearfully looking at Obama like my beagle looks at me for a snack. Now I am not cold-hearted nor naive enough to know that problems do not exist. But I have faith in local community groups, churches and charities and yes, families, to be better solutions for these folks problems than a new federal entitlement.

Have the public schools so sissified this nation now that we have a generation of people that can't take care of themselves, that can't think for themselves, that need a handout just to get the week's snacks in the fridge? Simply put, it is the difference between giving a man a fish and teaching him to fish. Have the fishermen left? Have our teachers unions succeeded in dumbing down the American populace so much that they have no idea what is in the Constitution anymore and that our Republic was founded upon the principles of freedom for, not enslaving of, the people? The dichotomy between those that want the government to provide all their needs and those that just want to be left alone is the reason why Joe the Plumber had to be destroyed. It's the reason that Sarah Palin had to be destroyed. "How dare people like that - my God, he's not even a plumber and she attended the University of, how, how crass! " They are both simple, plain people trying to do the right thing. But more importantly, they are trying to do it on their own.

Every one of us knows a Joe or a Sarah, and a whole lot of us ARE Joe or Sarah. We're trying to own our own business and raise a family. We volunteer at the PTA meetings to help coordinate the bake sale for the 8th Grade fundraiser. We know how to fish and we know how to help our neighbors in need and we damned sure don't need somebody who has never done anything in their lives except run for office and agitate others to mau mau for handouts to tell us what to do. Here's a great example of just such a person:

One thing we did not hear from Obama last night was what he HAS accomplished.
"Rumbler, the Senator is highly accomplished! How dare you insinuate that he has done nothing in his life."
"OK, name one thing he has done that qualifies him to be Commander in Chief over brave young men like the one in the video?"
"Well, he's run a campaign..."
"OK, name one thing he has done that gives him an understanding of how small business works?"
"Well, he um, um, uh, uh, uh...hang on teleprompter broke...TILT."

This man is the Etch a Sketch Candidate.

Whatever you want to draw on it, it shows up for a minute and then give it a quick shake and presto, it's gone. In a superlative piece in the Wall Street Journal this morning, the writer, Fouad Ajami points out that:

On the face of it, there is nothing overwhelmingly stirring about Sen. Obama. There is a cerebral quality to him, and an air of detachment. He has eloquence, but within bounds. After nearly two years on the trail, the audience can pretty much anticipate and recite his lines. The political genius of the man is that he is a blank slate. The devotees can project onto him what they wish.

But there is something to this - he is a con artist, a scam. He preys on people's fears and offers them nothing but "hope" and "change." I guess I feel like the Outlaw Josie Wales carrying my wounded friend when he encounters the carpet bagger salesaman:

Carpetbagger: Your young friend could use some help.
[holds up a bottle of patent medicine]
Carpetbagger: This is it... one dollar a bottle. It works wonders on wounds.
Josey Wales: Works wonders on just about everything, eh?
Carpetbagger: It can do most anything.
Josey Wales: [spits tobacco juice on the carpetbagger's coat] How is it with stains?
Obama is a Carpetbagger. So in that spirit, I felt better by the end of the evening and do again today. There is "Hope," and we do need "Change," but hope, in this country, has never been anchored in one man and the intent of the "change" has never been so well disguised. In our Christian tradition, "hope" arises from the will, not the passions. We must will ourselves to do better, to examine the laws and politicians we have and correct our course to provide the freedom to hope again. And change to a Euro-socialist state is not what we need.

All the polls are tightening, and despite all the odd, maybe come November 4, we will be able to say, "Hell's coming to breakfast," and the forces that would lead us into a dark night of socialist captivity may yet be thwarted.

Rumble on!

Election Day Game: Spin To Win

Here's a heads up for watching any media broadcasts on Election Day. Expect the liberal media to be at the height of its spin cycle as it attempts to wash McCain out of the election. Remember Gore "winning" Florida before voting was completed? It will be much worse this time. The media is dying for Barack Obama to win no matter what it takes. If they can suppress McCain voters by painting a grim picture of the election they will not hesitate.

So on the morning of Election Day when you hear that African-Americans are voting in droves, that exit polls give Obama a sizeable lead, that Americans are angry about the economy which favors Obama, JUST IGNORE IT!!

The League of Rogue Nations Laughs at Barry O in New Ad

Here's a cogent video from Our Country Deserves Better PAC about Barry O's plan to meet "without pre-conditions" with America's enemies.

Mark Levin Kicks Teresa Ghilarducci's Tail

Wow. Mark Levin put a Beat-Down on Teresa Ghilarducci on Monday. But it wasn't an "I'm gonna shove facts down your throat" beat down. It was an "I'm gonna let you sound like an idiot" beat down.

Levin asked Dr. G questions about her plan that made her think she was in a nice, warm, and inviting environment (and you can tell it worked by her tone), when really, he was asking very calculated questions, aimed at making her answer in a way that she believed was smart, but listeners think that she doesn't have a clue what she's talking about.

Like when he was asking her about the Social Security "Trust Fund," he asked her where the money is. Her reply was that it is backed "By the full faith and credit of the United States." After some pressing from Levin about the fact that the money has already been spent, she admitted that the money has been "Borrowed by the government."

There were even times where she COMPLETELY contradicted herself. Here is this woman saying that we need the government to control our retirement accounts. Then Levin asked her if she had a pension. to which she replies "I have a GREAT pension that goes into a fund that is professionally managed" and her "trustees bargain with WALL STREET to get the best prices."

The best part? At the end;
Levin: Alright my friend. Alright, listen to me...We've got to go, you're a good sport. Just do me one favor, will you?
Dr. G: Yeah?
Levin: Stop detroying my country. Thank you for your call.

It's amazing!!!!

Dan Perrin: Why McCain Will Win

At this point we can only hope and pray that Dan is right. Here's the full post for your enjoyment.

Hat Tip: RedState

Obama's First 100 Days

From Pat Buchanan at RCP

What does the triumvirate of Obama-Pelosi-Reid offer?

Rep. Barney Frank is calling for new tax hikes on the most successful and a 25 percent across-the-board slash in national defense. Sen. John Kerry is talking up new and massive federal spending, a la FDR's New Deal. Specifically, we can almost surely expect:

-- Swift amnesty for 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens and a drive to make them citizens and register them, as in the Bill Clinton years. This will mean that Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona will soon move out of reach for GOP presidential candidates, as has California.

-- Border security will go on the backburner, and America will have a virtual open border with a Mexico of 110 million.

-- Taxes will be raised on the top 5 percent of wage-earners, who now carry 60 percent of the U.S. income tax burden, and tens of millions of checks will be sent out to the 40 percent of wage-earners who pay no federal income tax. Like the man said, redistribute the wealth, spread it around.

-- Social Security taxes will be raised on the most successful among us, and capital gains taxes will be raised from 15 percent to 20 percent. The Bush tax cuts will be repealed, and death taxes reimposed.

-- Two or three more liberal activists of the Ruth Bader Ginsberg-John Paul Stevens stripe will be named to the Supreme Court. U.S. district and appellate courts will be stacked with "progressives."

-- Special protections for homosexuals will be written into all civil rights laws, and gays and lesbians in the military will be invited to come out of the closet. "Don't ask, don't tell" will be dead.

-- The homosexual marriages that state judges have forced California, Massachusetts and Connecticut to recognize, an Obama Congress or Obama court will require all 50 states to recognize.

-- A "Freedom of Choice Act" nullifying all state restrictions on abortions will be enacted. America will become the most pro-abortion nation on earth.

-- Affirmative action -- hiring and promotions based on race, sex and sexual orientation until specified quotas are reached -- will be rigorously enforced throughout the U.S. government and private sector.

-- Universal health insurance will be enacted, covering legal and illegal immigrants, providing another powerful magnet for the world to come to America, if necessary by breaching her borders.

-- A federal bailout of states and municipalities to keep state and local governments spending up could come in December or early next year.

-- The first trillion-dollar deficit will be run in the first year of an Obama presidency. It will be the first of many.

Welcome to Obamaland!

Barack Obama is just the man to sign all of this into law, Pelosi, Reid, Kerry, Frank, and other hardcore liberals will be the one to propose the legislation. And as McCain reminded Americans, Obama has rarely voted against his democrat constituents.

It could be at least a very rough 2 years, until the next congressional cycle comes around.

Megyn Kelly: A Pit Bull In Lipstick

Campbell Brown over at CNN needs to give up the name of her show to Megyn Kelly at FoxNews. "No Bias, No Bull" on CNN is laughable and Campbell Brown has been unable to contain her fawning over Obama. So much for no bias, no bull.

Megyn Kelly on the other hand, is a tough interviewer to sticks it to anyone who tries to evade questions and deny their positions or statements they've made. Today she had Obama's national press secretary, Bill Burton, on to discuss his statement that FoxNews and the McCain campaign were responsible for pushing the audio of Obama talking about "redistribution of wealth" (again) in a 2001 radio interview.

Well, Megyn wasn't happy at all by this accusation and she holds his feet to the fire for it.

Hat Tip: RedState

Hey Joe, Where You Goin' With That Frown On Your Face?

Hey Joe, those interviews with combative reporters are the pits aren't they? Just imagine if ALL of your interviews were like that. Then you would know how Sarah Palin feels.

Joe, you really come off very childish when you demand that a specific station be banned from any future interviews. Very childish. You're a man. You're a veteran politician. Don't be a whiner.

I Just Got To This

Plot to assasinate Obama

With the first black candidate in history, comes the possibility of something like this happening. Although I have to acknowledge the presence of "Assassination Chic" towards the Bush Administration, there have been no actual attempts on his life, despite the "Zero Curse" looming over his presidency.

Although I do not like the proposed policies of Democrats, and more over Barack Obama, I do not condone ANY form of harm directed in his direction, especially in the name of racism.

Racism is something that is a very hot topic for me and one that I absolutely cannot stand. The rampant use of the N-word from whites, and blacks is deeply appalling to me, and I firmly believe that all people are created equal under God. The only difference in people is what they do with those God given talents, and that ANYBODY, with the will to succeed and the proper encouragement can accomplish the greatest of things.

Update To Previous Post

I haven't written much in the way of letters to the editor in my life, but after reading the one my dad sent to The Tennessean, I had to send one to the AJC. This is what I wrote;

Did you know that Congressional Democrats are contemplating the elimination of the tax breaks on your 401k? It's true. Democrats invited Teresa Ghilarducci to "inform" them of her idea. In a nut shell;
1) corporations would no longer get tax breaks for matching your contributions
2) 5% of your income would be taken and placed in an account (with an additional $600 from the government) that would buy government bonds making only 3% interest per year, and,
3) your current 401k growth would be considered taxable income every year.
Just to demonstrate how much this could cost you, a person making $30,000 per year every year for 35 years would have all of $133,000 in the government retirement account, compared to having $310,000 by putting the same amount in a 50% matched 401k making 7% per year.
Is that (D) really worth $177,000 of your retirement?

Well, is it?

Obama In 2001 Chicago NPR Interview: Supreme Court Never Ventured Into The Issues Of Redistribution Of Wealth

Transcript from STACLU which also provides a full recording of the interview.

If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights movement and its litigation strategy in the court. I think where it succeeded was to invest formal rights in previously dispossessed people, so that now I would have the right to vote. I would now be able to sit at the lunch counter and order as long as I could pay for it I’d be o.k. But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least as its been interpreted and Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the Federal government or State government must do on your behalf, and that hasn’t shifted and one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movement was, um, because the civil rights movement became so court focused I think there was a tendancy to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalition of powers through which you bring about redistributive change. In some ways we still suffer from that.

H.T. Michelle Malkin.

"W" Stands For "Where's The Audience?"

Newsbusters is reporting that "W", Oliver Stone's "fair and balanced" movie about George W. Bush is bombing big time. Barring a miracle the movie's investors are going to lose more money than a sub-prime mortgage lender.

Read the full story here.

Joe Biden Gets The Third Degree In TV Inverview

Senators Obama and Biden have had their interviews with the media spoon fed to them by an adoring press corps, both Dem candidates are stunned when they are asked tough questions that get to the heart of what their candidacy is all about. Obama was embarrassed by a regular Joe like Joe the Plummer Wurzelbacher in Ohio and Biden is nearly apoplectic when asked by WFTV Channel 9’s Barbara West if his running-mate's ideas for wealth redistribution are Marxist. Biden is so shocked by the directness of the question that he splutters, Are you joking?

You can see the mendaciousness of the Obama-Biden campain played out in this interview. Stunned at the tough questioning about Obama's association with ACORN, an exasperated Joe Biden tells the reporter, I am not embarrassed we are not tied to it. We haven't paid ACORN one single penny to register a single solitary voter. Well, it may be true that the liberal Senators have never directly asked ACORN to go get "Joe Bag-O-Donuts" and "Sally Sixpence" to vote for them but the fact remains that B.O.'s campaign contributed $832,000 to an ACORN affiliated organization this year.

Gateway Pundit points to this October 11th article from the Journal Sentinal. The article reads in part, (t)he group is the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, known as ACORN. The group has boasted of registering some 1.3 million voters, often minorities and the poor, mainly in battleground states.

Its workers and tactics, however, have come under scrutiny in about 11 states, and some workers face possible criminal charges.

In one Indiana county, officials say 2,000 forms were bogus. In Nevada, workers are accused of using the Dallas Cowboys roster on forms. Officials there raided an ACORN office this week.
A host of other instances have been cited: fake names, bad addresses, dead people.

In Milwaukee, where ACORN turned in at least 33,000 registrations, the group improperly used felons as registration workers. Additionally, its workers are among 49 cases of bad registrations sent to authorities for possible charges, as first reported by the Journal Sentinel.

A city election official said Friday that about 90% of the 49 cases were workers for ACORN, with nearly all of the rest part of the Community Voters Project. The 49 individuals submitted about 300 registration cards, all sent to authorities for review.

So far, two people, both with the voters project, have been charged with felonies.

Gateway Pundit and Doug Ross and The Cleveland Leader have more on Obama's long-time association with ACORN.

Obama Supporters Are Anti-American

If you just read the headline you might disagree with me. If you are a liberal you might go into a hysterical tirade. Read on before you make a decision.

As I said a couple of posts back, there are many McCain/Palin signs in my middle class neighborhood and only one Obama/Biden sign.

Today there are a few less McCain/Palin signs. The thieving Obama supporters have struck again. One street has lost ALL of their McCain/Palin signs.

This kind of criminal activity is anti-American. It is contrary to the Constitution of the United States by infringing on other people's right to free speech. If someone was stealing Obama signs I would say the same thing to them.

Let's take a look at some of the activities Obama supporters have been involved in during this election cycle.
  • Stealing McCain/Palin signs
  • Business owners encouraging people to steal McCain/Palin signs
  • Illegally registering voters across the United States
  • Illegally contributing money to the Obama campaign
  • Physically attacking McCain/Palin supporters (not the faker, there are others)
  • Destroying and vandalizing private property
These are Obama's supporters. Is this the man you want in the White House?

P.S. If you steal my McCain/Palin sign and the police can identify you from the dog bite marks on your arms and legs or the surveillance tape, I will prosecute you on every charge we can dredge up. And yes, I do know the prosecuting attorney. He's a Republican.

Obama Interview About Redistribution Of Wealth

In 2001 Barack Obama gave an interview to a Chicago radio program where he talked about redistribution of wealth. He did not focus in the interview on whether it was right or wrong but how to get it done. In this interview he says that it is sad that the civil rights movement did not go far enough to include redistribution of wealth but that it is not too late. He also says the means to redistribute wealth should happen legislatively.

Barack, you are socialist. Joe B., Barack is a socialist. NYT, Barack is a socialist. WaPo, Barack is a socialist.


Hat Tip: LGF

Obama Has Won. So Think The Delusional Dems.

In case you haven't noticed, the Dems are giddy, ecstatic, and euphoric that Obama will be the next President of the United States. They are so convinced that the American people hate George W. McCain that it will be an easy victory.

To that end, they have been preparing for such. Obama's inaugural speech is already written. Ted Kennedy is writing his legacy now - government-controlled health care legislation. Colin Powell is positioning himself to be a member of Obama's cabinet. The liberal media can't contain itself and they just about wet themselves every time they report on Obama's supposed lead in the polls.

It could happen. However, I just can't convince myself that the American people are dumb enough to fall for Obama's rhetoric and lies, and that they are too blind to see his socialistic agenda. (Thanks to Joe The Plumber.)

I can tell you this. I live in a purple state. In the presidential elections it was red in 2000 and 2004. However, our governor and both U.S. senators are Democrats. All of our U.S. representatives are Democrats except one.

If we voted with campaign signs, John McCain would win easily in my area. McCain signs outnumber Obama signs at least 10-to-1. In my middle class neighborhood there are about 200 homes. I have driven around and counted campaign signs. 22 McCain signs, 1 Obama sign.

In case this is all nothing more than Dem euphoria I have just one thing to say: "Dewey Defeats Truman". In case that doesn't ring any bells, read this.

New National Anthem

Beginning January 20, 2009, we will replace our old, outdated, racist, intolerant, imperialistic national anthem with a new one that is more tolerant, inclusive, and unifying. Here it is:

Hat Tip: Ace

Democrats Love Taking Your Money

In case you didn't already know it. There's nothing a Democrat likes to do more than to spend your money. Not their money...yours.

And now they are planning on going after your 401(k). Teresa Ghilarducci, from the New School of Social Research has been invited by Democrats to testify about her "AWESOME" (read: ignorant) new plan for your retirement savings.

Here's the plan;
Eliminate all of the tax incentives for your 401(k) such as it being tax deferred until retirement (meaning that you have to pay income taxes every year on the growth of your 401(k), even though you can't access the money without being taxed more. And companies can no longer get the tax write off for contributing to your 401(k).

So not only will your company no longer match your contributions, when you get close to retirement, if you make $50,000 a year, and have $300,000 in a 401(k) that grows at a modest 7% that year, you have to pay income taxes on $21,000 that you actually never got. That is an additional $1,400 in taxes that you would magically have to come up with. If you had a good year and made 12% on your 401(k) ($36,000), you would have to pay over $3,600 in additional income taxes. And if you took money out of your 401(k) to pay for the income taxes on your 401(k), that money would be taxed at 40%. So you would have to pull out $6,000 from your 401(k) to pay for the $3,600 in income taxes on your 401(k)'s growth.

So what do they plan on doing about retirement savings? A Government Retirement Account controlled by the Social Security Administration that will take 5% of your income every year and match it with $600 per year. That's not bad. Until you look at how it will grow. 3%. A lousy 3%. That's less than half of the modest long term market average of 7%.

Here's a comparison for you. Lets say you make $30,000 every year for 35 years. Under the government plan, you would contribute $2,100 per year for 35 years, growing at 3%. And the grand total after 35 years is....
A whopping $130,779. That is barely 4 years of your $30,000 income.

Now let's look at the same contribution at a market average of 7%. So you are still making $30,000 per year, but with this, let's say your company will match half of your contribution up to 5% of your income. If that account has $2,100 added to it every year, that is only $1,400 of your income (instead of 1,500 for the government plan) and the company matches it with an additional $700. Now we let that grow for 35 years at a modest average of 7% and the total is now...

BUT! Let's looks at something else. What if you paid 5% and the company matched that at 50%. You would put in $1,500 and the company would match an additional 750, to $2,250 per year. That makes the total $332,805.

Now lets say you have a REALLY good company that matches your contribution dollar for dollar up to 5%. That's $3,000 per year at 7% for 35 years.
That gives a total of $443,740.

Do you really think the government should be in charge of your retirement savings? It could be a $310,000 question.

On top of that, here is a copy of a letter that my dad sent to The Tennessean;

The tax and spend Democrats are after your pocketbook again. They are planning to eliminate your 401K deduction and also increase the Social Security tax by 5% or more. So not only will you be taxed on your retirement earnings that used to be tax deferred through contributions to your 401K plan but they also want to force you to pay another 5% of your income to a "retirement account" that will be run by, guess who, the government. You will have no choice in the investment alternatives; it will be invested in government bonds only.

But make no mistake about it, this is not about planning for your retirement. This is another tax and spend plan that needs a source of income. Barack Obama wants to spend over $800 billion in his plan to fund global poverty and the Democrats need money to pay Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants. They have been stealing from the Social Security trust funds for decades and there is no reason to believe that this new source of revenue to the government will be any different. You will see your payroll withholding tax increase from 7.65% to approximately 13% and you will lose the tax deferral benefit of your 401K deductions. In addition, any earnings on your current 401K retirement fund will be taxed as ordinary income each year instead of being deferred until your retirement. So your tax withholdings for FICA will approximately double and your income from your 401K will be added to your normal income and be fully taxable each year which effectively reduces your retirement account balance.

So don't be surprised, if and when the Democrats take control of the government, that your taxes will drastically increase even though Barack Obama has pledged that they won't. Actions speak louder than words and the Democrats need a new funding source for their tax and spend plans. And guess who's going to provide that funding? You.

Beltway Suffers From Messiah Deficit Disorder

Are nearly 40% of our citizens so morally bankrupt and spirtually adrift that they mistake a novice U.S. Senator from Hyde Park whose main accomplishments in life consist of working as a "community organizer", voting "Present" nearly 130 times while in his state's senate and writing two books about himself, one whose authorship is suspect, as the Savior of the world?

That's the underlying message of Colonel Olliver North's recent article posted on Townhall this week. Colonel North's article bears close attention as we count down the remaining days until the November 4th election. Recalling periods in human history when people blindly put their faith in a messianic figure to heal them of their nation's ills Colonel North frames the article within the context of the true Messiah and contrasts Him with secular "saviors" from the past.

Old Testament prophets described a Messiah -- a leader and savior who would deliver the Jewish people from their travails. For more than two millenniums, Christians have believed that the Messiah is Jesus of Nazareth and that at the appointed time, he will come again in triumph. Unfortunately, in the modern era, there have been many other leaders who perceived that they had messianic qualities that only they could provide.

North then ticks off a familiar list of "dear leaders" from human history, leaders with names like Darius, Bonaparte, Hitler, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Il and Robert Mugabe. He then adds this observation:

It is notable that until the 20th century, the American people managed to avoid selecting leaders who held messianic self-esteem. Neither George Washington nor Abraham Lincoln -- arguably two of this nation's greatest leaders through the toughest crises in our history -- described himself in such terms. In fact, the record of what they said and wrote is replete with humility.

He then mentions governmental leaders from our recent history like Franklin Roosevelt and more recently Michael Bloomberg who imagine themselves to be indispensible to the governed at crucial turning points in the course of time. He ends with this troubling encounter while making his way home in the Beltway.

During Wednesday afternoon's rush hour, I was making my way home on the Dulles Greenway, when a phalanx of police motorcycles and cruisers stopped all traffic and ordered us to pull our vehicles off the highway and onto the shoulders. Over a loudspeaker, we were told to stay put until the Obama campaign convoy passed. They were on their way to a rally in Leesburg, Va.

Instantly, hundreds of people were out of their cars. Directly in front of me, a group of supporters -- evident by their bumper stickers -- jumped out with cameras, cell phones and banners. They began chanting: "The messiah! He's coming! Obama is coming!" The shouting only intensified as the candidate and his entourage -- motorcycles, police cars, black Secret Service Chevy Suburbans, and buses -- roared past us.

What I found so disturbing was seeing so many of my countrymen who apparently think -- or believe or hope -- that the next president of the United States will save us from ourselves.

I Told You Obama Was All About Race

In the video below you can hear Obama blaming the failure of inner city schools on rich white people. Then he goes on to say that a black man (Obama) being elected president has been blocked by white people.

Hat Tip: NB

John McCain Launches "I Am Joe The Plummer" Ad Campaign

2008 is an election like none other. Who would have thought that the Republican would come to represent the good, common, everyday working people in a presidential campaign and that the Democrat would come to represent the effete, liberal, self-important, blame-America-first snobs. Open To Online Fraud Say Observers

The "One's" web page for accepting online contributions has set its security and verification to the bare minimum for online fraud prevention according to those who have surveyed the campaign web site. Several bloggers like Patrick Ruffini note that small-dollar online contributions they have made to the B.O. campaign have gone through without the most cursory effort being made to verify something as simple as the donor's address.

Banks and credit card companys routinely use a feature called AVS (Address Verification Service) to filter out fake transactions and guard against credit card fraud. With AVS credit card processors are able the match a given credit card number with the address listed for the account holder to determine if the transaction is valid and authorized. What would turning off this most basic security feature buy the "One"? Well, there wouldn't be any safeguard against accepting multiple overseas contributions for starters and since individual contributions of less than $200 need not be publicly reported, a person could make multiple small contributions to the campaign over and above the $2,300 maximum allowed by the federal government.

The largesse of such legendary online Obama supporters like "Doodad Pro" of Nunda, NY and "Good Will" of Austin, TX even caught the attention of Michael Isikoff of Newsweek.

Consider the cases of Obama donors "Doodad Pro" of Nunda, N.Y., who gave $17,130, and "Good Will" of Austin, Texas, who gave more than $11,000—both in excess of the $2,300-per-person federal limit. In two recent letters to the Obama campaign, Federal Election Commission auditors flagged those (and other) donors and informed the campaign that the sums had to be returned. Neither name had ever been publicly reported because both individuals made online donations in $10 and $25 increments. "Good Will" listed his employer as "Loving" and his occupation as "You," while supplying as his address 1015 Norwood Park Boulevard, which is shared by the Austin nonprofit Goodwill Industries. Suzanha Burmeister, marketing director for Goodwill, said the group had "no clue" who the donor was.

"Doodad Pro" listed no occupation or employer; the contributor's listed address is shared by Lloyd and Lynn's Liquor Store in Nunda. "I have never heard of such an individual," says Diane Beardsley, who works at the store and is the mother of one of the owners. "Nobody at this store has that much money to contribute." (She added that a Doodad's Boutique, located next door, had closed a year ago, before the donations were made.)

(In a similar case earlier this year, the campaign returned $33,000 to two Palestinian brothers in the Gaza Strip who had bought T shirts in bulk from the campaign's online store. They had listed their address as "Ga.," which the campaign took to mean Georgia rather than Gaza.)

This summer, watchdog groups asked both campaigns to share more information about its small donors. The McCain campaign agreed; the Obama campaign did not.

I'm shocked! -- Shocked that the campaign of the post-partisan one declined an opportunity to provide more transparency in their fund-raising methods!

Regarding's failure to activate AVS Ruffini writes, The ability to contribute with a false address, when the technology to prevent it not only exists but comes standard, is a green light for fraud......By turning this basic setting off, the Obama campaign invited this kind of fraud and has taken no steps to correct it.

McCain Ad: I Am Joe

This is a fantastic ad. Kudos to the creators for this one.

Code Pinko Nut Case Tries To "Arrest" Carl Rove

Forgetting to don her protective Tinfoil Hat to guard against the Rovian mind rays, a Code Pink "protester" provides for a bit of entertaining video from SanFran as she tries to slap the cuffs on Carl Rove for "treason". Rove was participating in a panel discussion at the annual Mortgage Banker's Convention when spontaenous Bay Area lunacy errupted on the stage before the cameras. I guess if you're a successful American serving in an administration that provides the country with a strong defense and is the most pro-Israel of any of its predecessors and you happen to be a Christian, this qualifies you for citizen's arrest in the minds of crazed and frenzied leftists.

Get set for more of this kind of hilarity if Pelosi and her gang win big this November.

Drudge Report: Network News Slumps; Viewership Fades

All the fawning publicity the alphabet soup networks have been doling out to Obama and the Democrats have put the squeeze on their ratings and what's left of their scant credibility. Drudge carries a news item on the steady drop in viewership experienced by the three major TV news organizations.

As the shouting from the trail and the frantic spinning from the anchor desks intensify, the audience is voting with their remotes.

All 3 evening news shows experienced audience drops year-to-year for the week of Oct. 13-19, 2008.

CBSNEWS w/ Couric shed a half a million viewers, falling from 6.4 million to 5.9 million; ABCNEWS dropped from 8.1 million to 7.6 million; NBCNEWS slumped from 8.2 million to 7.8 million.

I guess the big Nets didn't bargain for all the "Joe the Plummer" types out there regularly tuning out their nightly pomp and propaganda shows in TV land.

Way Up North: 21 Reasons Why Sarah Palin Should Not Be V.P.

Great post from Way Up North lists 21 reasons why the Governor of the nation's largest state should not be Veep.

Some of the reasons listed include:

1) She is a Woman.

2) She does not believe in killing babies, born or unborn.

3) She is NOT endorsed by SusanSarandon, JaneFonda, RosieO'Donnell, HillaryClinton, Nancy Pelosi,Geraldine Ferrara, BarbaraWalters, HelenThomas, Ellen DeGeneris, Ted Kennedy,Keith Olberman, ChrisMatthews,Barbara Streisand, David Letterman, or others who fervently believein a Woman's Right to Choose (to kill babies).

4) She is married to a foreigner--a species called 'Native American'--meaning her five children are of "mixed ancestry."

5) She has on more than one occasion expressed PRIDE in the United States of America.

6) Unlike decent, self-respecting Democrats everywhere, she has a 17-year-old daughter who became pregnant out of wedlock.

7) She is a memberof the National Riflemen'sAssociation / actually owns firearms / and knows how to use them.

Read the whole thing here.

Don't Take The Bait: McCain Not Losing

The liberal media is doing its best to paint the presidential race as over. Read my lips: THIS IS JUST ANOTHER LIBERAL MEDIA LIE. They pick and choose which polls they report on, even ignoring their own polls when the numbers aren't as "good" as others.

Speaking of polls, they have at times been grossly wrong. I have a lot of respect for Frank Luntz, Scott Rasmussen, and the guys over at Gallup but they are only reporting what they are told. On November 4 the only poll that matters will determine the outcome of this race.

In the meantime the liberal media is becoming more and more laughable. Their anti-McCain/Palin hysteria, their distortions, and fabrications are comical. Because of this their numbers are plummeting and they are too blind to see it.

Barney Frank Is A Lying Jerk-F#$%

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, a Massachusetts Democrat, fired back in a statement noting that Republicans controlled Congress from 1995-2006 "and that is the period in which the absence of regulation, into which they want a criminal investigation, occurred." Frank added, "House Republicans appear to be demanding a criminal investigation of their failure to legislate.
He said that Democrats have been trying to advance reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac legislation.


Republicans blocked regulation? MY ASS they blocked regulation. It was the Democrats who stated that "nothing is wrong" at Fannie Mae 2 WEEKS after an OFHEO report found MASSIVE amounts of accounting fraud. It was Democrats who blocked the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act Of 2005 It was Democrats who ignored President Bush's 17 Warnings about the problems at Fannie/Freddie.

Every time I see Barney Frank open his mouth I want to shove a huge patty of horse s@$% down his throat because recently, that's all that's been coming out of his mouth.

Barney Frank, I hope you are fired from the House Financial Services Committee, and get thrown in jail after all of this.

2007 Menguante "Old Vines" GARNACHA (Carinena, Spain)

A great buy in a young, flavorful Grenache. Needs a little time in the bottle to settle down, though.

Eye: Vivid dark ruby purple.

Nose: Intensely youthful and unformed, fruity nose of crunchy raspberries and stones.

Mouth: Layers of pure, straight-up fruity. Very primary at present, but with excellent ripeness and depth. Good balance and some noticeable, youthful tannin in the back end of the palate.

Score: 87+

Cellar or drink? Pleasant enough now -- particularly with a any intensely flavored, rustic meat or pasta dish -- this wine really needs a year or two to settle down and soften up. It could be even nicer when it does.

Price/store: Was about $11 and change at Spec's on Smith.

DOJ MIA On ACORN As Buckeye Institute Takes On Activists

Writing in Pajamas Media Clarice Feldman wonders, Why Aren’t the Feds Using RICO to Go After ACORN?

In the Saturday afternoon thrillers that occupied us as kids, after the settlers were beset by the rustlers and thieves, the sound of pounding hoofs and a plume of dust heralded that help, in the form of the United States cavalry, was on its way.

As I watch helplessly day after day as exhausted poll workers are swamped by tens of thousands — possibly hundreds of thousands — of forged, faked, and illegal voter registrations, preventing them from doing their job and assuring a fair and orderly election, I keep waiting for the cavalry in the form of the FBI and Department of Justice. But I hear no hoof beats and see no dust.

Feldman explains in her article why she believes that RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Practices Act) could be applied against the reported activities of ACORN.

RICO is a federal law providing extended penalties for those who commit any two of 35 crimes — 27 federal and eight state — within a 10-year period. The underlying crimes range from gambling to terrorism and include some offenses which would seemto cover the reported acts of ACORN (e.g., bribery, mail and phone fraud).

While the Feds haven't saddled-up there are a group of Ohioans who are riding to the rescue. The Buckeye Institue of whom former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell is a member filed suit against ACORN on October 14th on behalf of two Ohio voters under the Ohio Corrupt Practices Act. The OCPA is a state law similar to the federal RICO act reports Feldman.

In an October 14th article posted on their web site the Institute wrote that the, action filed in Warren County Court of Common Pleas alleges ACORN has engaged in a pattern of corrupt activity that amounts to organized crime. It seeks ACORN's dissolution as a legal entity, the revocation of any licenses in Ohio, and an injunction against fraudulent voter registration and other illegal activities.

In the article Buckeye Institute President David Hanson says, The right to cast a vote that is not diluted by fraudulent votes is a fundamental individual right. 'ACORN appears to be recklessly disregarding Ohio laws and adding thousands of fraudulent voters to the state's roles in the process,' Maurice Thompson, Director of the Buckeye Institute's 1851 Center for Constitutional Law said. 'Such voter fraud erodes the value of legally cast votes,' he added.

In addition, the complaint cites conduct by ACORN in Colorado, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.

A full copy of the Buckeye Institute's complaint can be viewed here.

Obama Thugs Try To Block Governor Palin's Motorcade In Grand Junction, CO

Here's the feel good video of the day. Obama maniacs try to disrupt Sarah Palin's motorcade as it passed through town and get a face-full of asphalt for their trouble.

Who's Racist?

The McCain campaign has consistently spoken about Barack Obama's position on issues and his judgment (or lack of). Not once has anyone in the McCain campaign said anything that involved Obama's skin color or race.

It is Obama and the liberal mainstream media who have continually injected race into this campaign. You are familiar with Obama's statement:
"So what they're going to try to do is make you scared of me . . . he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills."
Many liberal media dorks have said that America is a racist nation if we don't elect Obama. Tom Brokaw said that electing Obama would be a giant step" for America and that John McCain is an "obstacle" and is using "guerrilla warfare" to win.

So issues are irrelevant? It sounds very much like you are saying that America should vote for Obama BECAUSE he is back.

I wouldn't vote for Obama if he was the whitest guy in history. I didn't vote for Jimmy Carter. I didn't vote for Walter Mondale. I didn't vote for Michael Dukakis. I didn't vote for Bill Clinton (twice). I didn't vote for Al Gore (who IS the whitest guy in history). I didn't vote for John Kerry. And I'm not going to vote for Obama.

Pay attention. The issue is issues, not race.

So who's the racist?

Mike Moseley: The Democratic Plan On Election Day

This Townhall Blogger makes some very sensational claims on what he says could be in store for us on Election Day.

The MSM, the entire Democratic party, and the Pumas know that the polls are fake. They will try to advance Obama any way they can and try to dishearten every single person that will vote for McCain/Palin..........They are, and will plant the seeds of racism at any cost. Acorn has added millions of false votes into the system for the purpose for taking this election after the polls are closed. When the counting starts the fascism will be in full display primarily to GOP election officials. They will be literally shoving people into the backroom and away from the ballots........The Democrats and the Main Stream Media can not accept another loss and clearly have made plans to steal this election.

Moseley links to these disturbing interviews from Democratic Party faithful who tell in chilling detail the fraud and intimidation they witnessed during the Democratic Party Primaries and Caucuses by supporters of Barack Obama. These segments are from a documentary about alleged voter fraud in the Democratic primary of 2008. The documentary by Gigi Gaston is called We Will Not Be Silenced.

Judi McLeod wants to know why the Obama camp and Democrat leaders like Nancy Pelosi are so confident of a win this November. What is it that Barack Obama knows that the rest of us don’t?

Meanwhile Hillary says it's time to forgive and forget as she admonishes her Democratic primary supporters in Palm Beach, Florida to Close the Deal for Obama. The New York Senator told her listeners, Just because the polls show us ahead don't pay any attention to that. We need you to vote. We need you to early vote. We need you to bring your friends and your neighbors to vote.

The Last Hypocritical Straw

I do my best to remain calm when writing about hypocrisy in government and in the media. To do that I wait until my blood temperature drops below the boiling point before writing. But some things continue to generate heat and I just have to vent before I explode.

This AP story about Republican lobbyists being hired to coax Republican congressmen into voting against regulation for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is the absolute last straw. It is the most biased, ironic, ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time. Let's completely ignore the Democrats who set this up, manipulated it to "spread the wealth around", leaned on people to "spread the wealth around", didn't have a clue when things were going south, denied that there were problems in these institutions, then lied when the problems became public. If this fiasco had been perpetrated by Republicans we would have been in the second month of a congressional investigation and people's heads would be rolling.

You media people make me sick. You are by far the biggest collection of hypocrites in this country. You are all just a bunch of liberals who parade yourselves as unbiased. Bull! That makes you hypocrites AND liars! You need to start reporting and stop distorting. Or you need to go write fiction because you have plenty of experience at it.

UPDATE: Orson Scott Card, a Democrat and columnist, has a fantastic article on this subject here. (Hat Tip: LGF)

Exit Polls Overestimated Obama's Strength In 18 Of 20 States Says Report

Citing overstated support for presidential candidate Barack Obama because of the zealousness of his supporters, media channels are worried that Election data they have compiled may present a false image of the Senator's popularity.

The Politico reports polling analyst Mark Blumenthal found exit polling results overestimated the robustness of Barack Obama's campaign during the Democratic primaries earlier this year.
Portions of the leaked report said, during the Democratic primaries this year, preliminary exit polls overestimated Obama's strength in 18 of 20 states, by an average error of 7 percentage points, based on leaked early results. The study found that supporters of Barack Obama were more likely to participate in exit polls.

Insurgent candidate Pat Buchanan’s support also was overstated in the 1992 New Hampshire Republican primary, a phenomenon attributed to the greater willingness of his impassioned supporters to participate in exit surveys.

More recently, in 2004, exit poll data that began circulating early in the afternoon led to short-lived Democratic elation and deep Republican anxiety. By evening, some of President George W. Bush’s key strategists were frantic, emailing reporters at polling organizations to better understand the gap between what they were finding on their own and what the leaked exit polls indicated.

As it turned out, preliminary exit polls overstated women’s turnout that year. This “programming error,” which affects the statistical method that pollsters use to match surveys to the electorate’s composition, was discovered by the third wave of exit polling.

Accurate sampling, however, is an even greater concern. In 2004, the over-sampling of women—who are more likely to be Democrats—was not the only error. Democrats, in general, turned out to be more likely to participate in the exit poll interviews than Republicans.

It also surfaced that younger interviewers, who hand out the paper questionnaire to voters, were less likely to get a response from older voters. Older voters are more likely Republican.

Polling is a very inexact science. Exit polling during the last presidential election indicated that John eFFin Kerry was going to be president in 2004. Just remember, Eighty-Four Percent Say They'd Never Lie To A Pollster says Ann Coulter.

Misconstrued Information At It's Best

Here in GA, Saxby Chambliss is running for re-election of Us Senate, and there is an advertisement by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee that takes facts to their limits of stretching...

Scratch that. They out-right lie.

Sound Familiar? It should. Especially to Atlantians, home of Neal Boortz.

What the ad does not mention is that yes, Saxby wants a 23% sales tax. But that tax replaces any and ALL other taxes. Income taxes, capital gains taxes, corporate taxes, payroll taxes, ALL OTHER TAXES ELIMINATED.

Real Conservatives Don't Give Up

I have been disappointed by a few conservative bloggers who have already thrown in the towel and conceded to Obama. This is not the mark of a true conservative. Real conservatives understand what is at stake here and will fight to the bloody end in order to preserve what is good in this nation.

Our founding fathers and leaders understood that quitting is not a virtue. We must maintain patience and persevere. The battle for our country is ongoing and will never end. Therefore, our efforts to preserve it must never end.
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. - Thomas Jefferson

Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. - Winston Churchill

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will. - Vince Lombardi

The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen. - Frank Loyd Wright
This is the greatest country in the history of civilization. Hundreds of thousands of people have given their lives to defend it and the freedom it represents. How can I give up so easily? I cannot and I will not. Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!


If they can do it to Joe, they can do it to you. How would you like everything about your past posted on the Internet? Let's say you had a messy divorce a few years back, or got in a tight spot and couldn't pay a bill or two. Would you like that broadcast for everyone to see? This is where Joe 'the Plumber' Wurzelbacher finds himself. Why? Because he had the temerity to ask the question and voice his opinion:

The key phrase was "spread the wealth around." This might be the gaffe that turns the election around. The inadvertent socialist "outing" resulted in Joe the Plumber becoming a focal point of the final debate between McCain and Obama and has been front and center ever since. While the outrage of a hard leftist/socialist/Marxist being this close to the Presidency of this great democratic Republic is tough enough to bear, the disgust I have with the thuggery exhibited by the press in their attempt to destroy Joe is nauseating. This kind of public humiliation strategy is for one purpose only - to silence dissent. On 9/11 we were all New the wake of this repulsive Marxist attempt to silence debate, we are all Joes!

This shows us in frightening relief what will be in store during an Obama Administration. Fear, intimidation, the very same tactics used by ACORN with their employees:

Today's New York Post:

Pushed to meet daily quotas and bullied by bosses if they didn't, Ohio ACORN workers faked voter registrations, signed up people more than once, and even paid off registrants to keep from being fired, its canvassers told The Post.

"Every day, there was pressure on us. Every single day," said Teshika Elder, a Cleveland single mom of three who worked for ACORN this summer.

"We had meetings every morning where they'd go over your quota; they'd yell at you if you were low," said Elder, 21. "They'd sit us down and say if you didn't do better, they'd suspend you. They'd say, 'Try harder next time,' [and] if you didn't get it, you'd be fired."

Desperate canvassers sometimes resorted to trading cigarettes, cash and food in exchange for registrations, according to Elder and two other former ACORN workers, Jaymes Sanford, 18, and Selvin Cunningham, 23.

Some voters were signed up more than once, and said that worried - or lazy - canvassers sometimes filled out bogus cards.

Where does one learn these types of tactics? It's all in the "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky...have a read. A Republic survives on the education of its people and the willingness to speak their minds for what is right. If that fundamental right is abrogated by intimidation, we cannot long survive. As one of my fellow bloggers, Iowahawk, discusses in a piece he wrote over the weekend - we should demand the same treatment Joe got be given to everyone in the media that participated in that lynching. I would settle for Obama getting the same treatment and seeing how many minds would be changed.

Rumble on!

"Joe The Plummer" Hits Back At Liberal Media

Responding to former Arkansas Governor turned TV host Mike Huckabee on the Fox News channel, Joe Wurzelbacher known to the world as "Joe the Plummer" said of the negative coverage, It actually upsets me, I am a plumber, and just a plumber, and here Barack Obama or John McCain, I mean these guys are going to deal with some serious issues coming up shortly. The media's worried about whether I paid my taxes, they're worried about any number of silly things that have nothing to do with America. They really don't. I asked a question. When you can't ask a question to your leaders anymore, that gets scary. That bothers me.

Sarah Palin Yuks It Up On Saturday Night Live

The real Governor Sarah Palin appeared on NBC's Saturday Night Live opposite comedic foil Tina Fey, fellow 30 Rock star Alec Baldwin and SNL creator and executive producer Lorne Michaels.

In the opening skit Tina Fey impersonates the Governor while holding a faux news conference. Lorne Michaels stands backstage with the real Sarah Palin while Tina Fey is lampooning the Republican Vice-Presidential nominee. The scene is set backstage for Governor Palin's walk-on as Alec Baldwin joins Palin and Michaels and mistakes Palin for Tina Fey.

Alec Baldwin, known for his extremely liberal views says to Michaels, You can't let Tina go out there with that woman. She goes against everything we stand for, this is the most important election of our lifetime. Michaels points out to Baldwin that he is standing next to the real Sarah Palin. After a momentarily awkward pause Baldwin says, Forgive me, but I feel I must say this, you're way hotter in person. I can't believe they let her [referring to Fey], you know, play you. Without missing a beat, Palin responded, You know, your brother, Stephen (a McCain-Palin supporter) is my favorite Baldwin.

Palin later appears for the Weekend Update segment with Amy Poehler. For an election update funnylady Poehler begins rapping All the mavericks in the house, put your hands in air! Palin pumped her hands in the air while Eskimos, a moose, and a snowsuit-clad man danced on the set.

Obama To Supporters: We're Going To Change The Country And Change The World.

Telegraph Company UK's Toby Harnden was in Londonderry, New Hampshire to hear the messiah tell his supporters that together they were going to "change the world". The rally took on the quality of a religious campmeeting as Harnden reports, much of Mr Obama's speech in Londonderry - punctuated by cries of 'We all love you Obama', 'I love you' and 'We will work with you' - was devoted to the kind of quasi-religious sentiments and motivational-coach style exhortations, the kind of pride that set him up for a big fall in January.

'I want you to believe', said the candidate, clad in an open-necked shirt and barn jacket. 'Not so much believe just in me but believe in yourselves. Believe in the future. Believe in the future we can build together. I'm confident together we can't fail.'

There was a carnival atmosphere among the crowd of some 4,000, who almost drowned Mr Obama out as he reached his crescendo and said: 'I promise you. We won't just win New Hampshire. We will win this election and, you and I together, we're going to change the country and change the world.'

Positively creepy.

Pam Geller has another take on Obama and his Cult of Personality.

Joe Hits Obama. Liberal Media Hits Back.

Joe The Plumber has become an overnight sensation. He challenged Obama on his tax plan and won. His question exposed Obama's deep socialist belief in wealth redistribution.

What has Joe gotten for being a hard worker, for trying to put together a plan to fulfill his dream, for pointing out the injustice in Obama's tax plan? He has angered the liberal media who will allow nothing negative to be said about their Messiah. First of all, it wasn't Joe's question that was the problem. It was Obama's socialistic answer. He stuck his own foot in his mouth.

Now Joe The Plumber is being subjected to the same attacks that Sarah Palin has had to endure since being named to the GOP ticket. This American citizen is being investigated by the liberal media Gestapo to see if they can find anything to discredit him or even twist just enough to make his story less plausible. He dared to question the Messiah and the attacks dogs charged immediately.

This makes me think of St. Louis where people were threatened with prosecution if they spoke against Obama. This is not American! This is not freedom! This is more akin to a police state like Hitler's Germany.

If Obama wins this election you can expect more of this. The Fairness Doctrine will attempt to silence conservative talk radio and TV shows. Speaking against government programs that help minorities will become hate speech.

We cannot let Obama win. There is way too much at stake here. Don't just sit there. Do something about it.

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