Tiki Barber, Role Model for Conservative Kids

For Christmas I wanted to get my son a giant, seemingly 3D, Fathead sports player poster for this room. There were many player choices. I needed the right one. One that exemplified sports success (hustle and determination) but I wanted the player to be a great role model too. Baseball and Football are my son's favorite sports. I looked at our home town team. I did not find any players who were not already featured on a police blotter. I looked at my favorite teams NY Giants and NY Yankees. For the Giants, Tiki Barbar and Lawrence Taylor were featured. Lawrence Taylor was one of my favorites growing up - but he was no role model. So it was between Tiki Barbar and Derek Jeter. I picked Tiki.

There is no better role model in sports since the late great Lou Gehrig than Tiki Barber.

Tiki was (he retired last week) an unbelievable football player. Tiki was an well informed and very articulate Fox and Friends morning host summer sub (I am sure that Katie Couric was jealous). Tiki Barber retired on his terms with his health and he did it while he was still on top. Tiki always has a welcoming smile. Tiki is a children's book author. Tiki is my son's and my favorite NFL player. Now he moves on to ABC where he will work on Good Morning America, 20/20 and ESPN. I think that GMA and 20/20 will benefit from adding a conservative voice.

Tiki thanks for the great effort. I will miss you as a football player, but I will follow your every word on TV.

Conservative parents help their kids choose the right role models.

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