Fred Thompson Reaganesque?

I commented in a recent post A History Lesson for Conservative Kids - that a John Zogby poll concluded that the Nation Now Needs a New Reagan. They also concluded that Hillary is the most Reaganesque which tells me the poll was flawed and I should find another topic.

But this did not sit well with me.

I also commented in a recent post Obama, Madressa Education. Class or No Class that we can only hope a conservative with some star power emerges.

When I thought about these two posts together - I came to one conservative conclusion.

Rudy Guiliani has star power, but he has a lot of baggage and his social ideology will not sit will with the Christian Conservatives. McCain lacks energy and charisma. Fred Thompson is conservative. He's an actor. He has charisma and a sense of humor. Who is more Reaganesque than Fred Thompson?

Conservative Kids say Run Fred Run.

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