1969 Hot Song, Hot Water, Hot Damn How Is This Still A Problem?

Hey Teddy, I heard this Elvis song on radio today (listen). Maybe you've heard it before. It was released in 1969. Then again in 1969, you might have been up to your ears in hot water in Chappaquiddick. Anyway, in case you missed it, it was written by Mac Davis and was made popular by the King.

I'll wait to comment until you're finished listening.

Pretty good song huh?

Ted, isn't amazing that this song is as true today as it was in 1969? Maybe sad would have been a better word than amazing. Earth to Blue State Ted Kennedy, your bloated social programs are not working. Never have and never will. And Ted, next time you dine with Jesse, ask him how he sleeps at night, knowing he has done more to perpetuate the problems in inner cities than help.

We need new leadership in these Blue States and Blue Cities. We need to teach the next generation of urban kids differently. They need conservative values for a change. Can I get an amen Bill Cosby

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