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The indoctrination of hate starts early in the Islamic World. This boy bloodies himself for Imam Hussein, grandson of Muhammad. There are other very disturbing pictures of jihad kids (some graphic) on the link.Here's a situation that plays out everyday in a typical al Qaeda home.
Hassan come here.Yes momWhat is this?What is what?This report card?What, I am trying my best.You got a C in Bush bashing. What is wrong with you?I could not understand that woman's accent.Your dad did not kill himself so you can just fool around.I know, he killed himself for 72 virgins.Go to your room!No women, you go to your room!(As she goes to her room) You are so not ready for this world, Hassan.Islamic Elementary - REPORT CARDC --- Jew Hating (Abdul-Alim Aziz)C --- Christian Hating (Abdul-Azim Muhammed)B --- Terrorism (Akram Hussein)D --- Martyrdom (Baha Bishr)B --- Arabic (Hajjaj Hakeem)B --- Beginning Quran (Abdul- Hani Ali)A --- Concubine 101 (via satelite Bill Clinton)C --- Bush Bashing (via satelite Nancy Pelosi)C --- Bomb Targeting (via Google Earth)Islam is teaching hate from cradle to grave.Meanwhile in the USAJohnny come here.Yes momWhat is this?What is what?This report card?What, I am trying my best.I am so proud of you. Your dad would be so proud of you too if he did not kill himself working night and day to send you to college.I think about him often.You are so prepared for the world. Let me be the first to call you graduate.Ahh momUniversity of WhattheF - REPORT CARDA --- Non-violent Responses to Terrorism (George Lackey - Swathmore College)A --- Phallologocentrism (Jeffery Tobin - Occidental U)A --- Queer Musicology (Mitchell Morris - UCLA)B --- Mail Order Brides (Fanella Canell - Johns Hopkins U)A --- Marx - Should we give him another chance? (Pavel Machala - Amherst U)A --- Phys Ed - Dodgeball without balls (Marcel Marceau - Univ of San Francisco)Parents of conservative kids do not pay for the credits to any of these courses.Update: 1/25/07Now you can add Abortion 101 taught at Yale as reported on Michelle Malkin blog.
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