I have been a listener of Dr. Dobson's for several years and Mr. Armey's assertions are difficult to understand. He basically accuses Dr. Dobson of being a liberal, of all things. That is the equivalent of Bill Clinton calling Barbara Streisand a conservative.
Here is an excerpt from Dr. Dobson's rebuttal:
Read the full letter here.
"...he has implied that I am among those who favor a government monopoly of schools, government-funded 'art,' taxpayer supported 'family planning' organizations, taxpayer support for churches and nanny-state activism. Where has this man been? I have fought all of those policies tooth and nail, notably while in his presence."
I agree with Dobson who suspects that Armey has a beef with him over some past disagreements. It's too bad that such a great man like Armey would stoop so low to attack a solid conservative like James Dobson.
Source: FoxNews