Asa! Rally With Mitt Romney and Haley Barbour

First, in maintaining full disclosure, I did not see Mitt Romney and Haley Barbour. We had a family event scheduled at the same time as the rally but I left the family event early.

I did get there in time to meet with Asa Hutchinson, the next governor of Arkansas, and his communications director, David Kinkade. David is a great guy. Send him a note and thank him for all of the hard work he has done on this campaign. His e-mail address is

After the rally we watched the Arkansas vs South Carolina game which started to resemble a blow out but then became a close game. Arkansas pulled it out in the end with a 26-20 victory. I suspect the governor's race next Tuesday will be very close, with Asa running out the clock at the end to pull out a hard fought victory.

If you live in Arkansas and you haven't voted yet, please vote for Asa. We need his leadership to move Arkansas forward.

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