Obama Kids sing about Glorious Leader

Very disturbing video. Children are coached and rehearsed to sing the praises of a political figure as though he were the Messiah Himself. This isn't happening in Kim Jong Ill's North Korea or Fidel Castro's Cuba or even back in the darkest days of the Soviet Union with Young Pioneers coached to sing songs extolling the larger-than-life virtues of Josef Stalin. No this happened in Southern California with children singing about how by following Obama, the One of whom they sing will spread happiness, freedom and change around the world. "We're gonna change the World" Obama's over-amped boosters have officially crossed the line from mere political acolytes to full-blown cult.

Back to Blogging

Since my last post on July 12th of this year noting the untimely passage of Tony Snow I have been overwhelmed by all that has happened in this 2008 election cycle leading up to the the nominations of McCain-Palin for the Pubs and Obama-Biden for the Dems with the battle for who will occupy the Whitehouse only 34 days away. When you couple the fast and furious pace of news on the domestic and foreign fronts hitting with all the subtlety of a firehose I have to confess that I experienced a fair amount of news burnout during this time.

I'm getting back in the fight because I believe this election and the intensity of events we are being bombarded with are like no other in American history and will determine the fate and future of our children and grandchildren but of many untold generations yet to come. Edmund Burke is credited with saying, All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. A oft quoted Chinese curse goes, May you live in interesting times. We certainly live in those times with much gusto. My hope and prayer is to be numbered with the voices of those calling for return to reason and God's favor during a time of mankind's false hope and vexation.


From Glenn;

A READER AT A MAJOR NEWSROOM EMAILS: "Off the record, every suspicion you have about MSM being in the tank for O is true. We have a team of 4 people going thru dumpsters in Alaska and 4 in arizona. Not a single one looking into Acorn, Ayers or Freddiemae. Editor refuses to publish anything that would jeopardize election for O, and betting you dollars to donuts same is true at NYT, others. People cheer when CNN or NBC run another Palin-mocking but raising any reasonable inquiry into obama is derided or flat out ignored. The fix is in, and its working." I asked permission to reprint without attribution and it was granted.

UPDATE: The Anchoress hears similar things. And reader Eric Schubert: "The Edwards debacle was proof enough of where the heart of the MSM lies, and lack of curiousity of the press about Edwards probably cost Hillary the nomination. And that shameful episode offers a warning to the MSM. What if Obama does have a skeleton in his closet (such as a shady deal or outright bribe) that is revealed after he wins the election? While the chance of this scenario is remote, imagine the backlash against the MSM if it could be shown that a reasonable investigation by the MSM would have easily revealed this secret to the public prior to the election?"

ANOTHER UPDATE: Rand Simberg isn't so sure: "Where was the backlash against this about Bill Clinton in 1992? They just seem to continue to get away with it." Well, yes and no. Their reputation and readership/viewership keep falling. And layoffs keep happening. I think they're willing to pull out all the stops because they realize this is the last election where they have a chance at swinging things this way. No point saving your credibility for the future when you don't have a future, I guess . . . .

This...could be wild.

A Special Message from Barack Obama's Teleprompter

Just plain damned funny!

Rumble on!

Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis? V2

Great music, sickening news.

Rumble on!

A Video Every Single Person Needs To See

Go here...watch this...and if it gets removed (again) here is the user who posted it. It will likely be up again!

Every bit of information that Democrats don't want you to know about the economic crisis.

President Bush publicly called for regulation of Fannie Mae multiple times, starting as early as April 2001, and heavily cautioned it in 2003.

The bill that John McCain co-sponsored in 2005, and was rejected by Democrats...including Barack Obama.

And one final note...Barack Obama collected almost $106,000 in lobbying from Freddie Mae in just 3 years. FOUR TIMES the annual amount of the next highest person, Hillary Clinton.

Watch the video, then ask yourself who is responsible for the economic crisis.

MOAB Bombs

Kudos to the House Of Representatives for saving us the Mother-Of-All-Bailouts. The bailout wasn't a bad idea but the bill before the House today was not a step in the right direction. Americans want to know that their $700 billion will buy them protection from such a monstrosity happening again. They want to know people like Frank Raines, Tim Howard, and Jim Johnson will never again be able to dupe the government and by default, the taxpayers.

These men should receive hefty fines and spend time in jail. Why? Two reasons. Ken Lay and Enron. Need I say more?

Now maybe Congress can get to work on an acceptable bill that will address the root issues of the problem and a plan that will be of minimal burden to the taxpayers. Of course, the "blame game" is being played in and out of the halls of Congress. Pelosi blames Bush. Chris Matthews blames McCain. Obama blames Republicans. 94 Democrats (40%) voted AGAINST this bill. Not one or two percent - 40%. Watch this video and see where the blame resides.

Here's some perspective for you:

$700 billion dollars. If you had that much money and 20 years to spend it you would have to spend almost $96 million dollars a day. If you had 50 years you would have to spend more than $38 million per day.

2006 Inama SOAVE CLASSICO (Veneto, Italy)

This was the best Soave I've ever had. An appellation usually associated with industrially-produced, over-cropped wines that taste like water with a bit of alcohol and acidity added, this wine had lots of character! Actually, kind of a schizophrenic character, in that the nose and flavors didn't really match up. It was really good, though.

Eye: Very light gold color.

Nose: Great, pure fruit nose of ripe peaches, apple, and quince, with a subtle earthy-stony note in the far background.

Mouth: Softly-textured and round, but with very dry, intense stony/herbal flavors, with mouthwatering minerally salinity and acidity.

Score: 89.

Cellar or drink? Drink over the next several months.

Price/store: Was $14 at Spec's.

2005 Pierre Labet BEAUNE "Clos du Dessus des Marconnets" (Burgundy, France)

This Pinot Noir was tight and pretty good, although a bit on the tarter side than I like. Lots of the "terroirist" crowd seem to enjoy this style more than I do, however. It should have been a heck of a lot better for $33.

Eye: Vivid medium ruby color.

Nose: Medium intensity nose of cherry, with a hint of tart raspberry, as well as cinnamon, smoke, and powdered stones.

Mouth: Tight cherry and stone flavors, with crisp acidity but only medium concentration and length.

Score: 86+

Cellar or drink? The concentration and ripeness are marginal, but I'm guessing that there's just enough there to warrant 2 years or so to see if this softens up and broadens out a bit.

Price/store: Was $33 at Spec's on Smith, making it NOT a good value.

2005 Chateau Montroche COSTIERES DE NIMES (Rhone, France)

(Notes from memory, as this disappeared before I could take contemporaneous notes).

This is a great value. I think it was around $9 or $10 at Richard's on South Shepherd.

A big beefy wine with lots of "oomph." Earthy and tight at first, but with airing lots of deep, ripe fruit continues to emerge.

Pick some of this up soon. (I probably would have scored this around 87.)

UPDATE (10/4): I got the price wrong: Richard's at Bissonnet and Weslayan has this for $7.99, making it an unbeatable bargain.

2002 Chateau Souverain Alexander Vallet CABERNET SAUVIGNON (Cal.)

My last bottle of this excellent value, which I last reviewed 2 1/2 years ago here. It's still drinking very well and, I think, could still keep and maybe improve a few more years. In my view, Cabernets from the Alexander Valley tend to drink well earlier than Cabs from other Napa and Sonoma appellations, yet keep for several years.

Eye: Very dark black ruby.

Nose: Gorgeous and complex nose of sweet, smoky balsa wood, blackberry and cassis fruit, charcoal embers and dry gravel.

Mouth: Soft and round, yet concentrated and focused in the mouth. Lots of sweet, ripe blackberry fruit and smoky gravel flavors. A little heat and still some tannin to shed in the back end.

Score: 89+

Cellar or drink? Either one. Drinking well now, but could soften further over the next few years.

Price/store: I don't think this is available any longer, as I bought it three years ago.

When the Wild Life Betrays Me

We are rounding out a dry September with hackberry leaves turning to dust in the sunshine. I've got Jimmy Buffet playing "When the Wild Life Betrays Me" on my iTunes - seemed like the right song for the moment. I love this time in Tennessee. This and our spring make the "suicide weather" winters and chokingly hot summers worth it. I've been re-reading Robert Penn Warren's essay "Democracy and Poetry" and stumbled across a line that he cites from Melville:

"Power unanointed may come-
Dominion (unsought by the free)
And the Iron Dome,
Stronger for stress and strain,
Fling her huge shadow athwart the main;
But the Founder's dream shall flee."

Melville wrote this poem, "The Conflict of Convictions" shortly after the Civil War. He harbored the unhappy suspicion that the Waah (as we refer to it here) and the resultant expansion of the Federal Government held consequences that were not consistent with the republican ideal the nation had been founded upon. As I look at what is going on in Washington as I scribe, I fear the same. A $1 TRILLION transfer of wealth from the U.S. taxpayer to the Feds with the hope that somehow they will be able to return our money by buying assets and selling them later at a higher price simply seems to push the limits of sanity beyond the edge of the universe.

In a very simplistic interpretation of what happened, let me see if I can sum it up for you:

1. In 1974, during the hamstrung Ford administration, the Community Development Act was passed. The premise was that lenders should not discriminate based on a person's ability to repay the loan. (Wait - what?) OK, I shortened it a little, but that's basically what it said. AND IF you discriminated and got caught "redlining," as it was called, well YOU Mr. Banker were in big trouble.

2. Two "GSE's", or "Government Sponsored Enterprises, " Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in place. A GSE is privately owned and operated by shareholders, but they are protected financially by the support of the Federal Government. These government protections include access to a line of credit through the U.S. Treasury, exemption from state and local income taxes and exemption from SEC oversight. They created what became known as the "secondary mortgage market." Private lenders could make bad loans and sell them to Fannie and Freddie! What a country!

3. As a former of partner told me long ago, "if you want to understand how people are going to act, follow the compensation." So, if I am your friendly neighborhood banker who gets bonused when my loan volume goes up AND I can do it risk free...yee haw! And if I work for Fannie or Freddie, I also get compensated by growing the business...and the last thing Ineed is for some accountant to come snooping around - I am incented to give big bucks to friends who will keep the accountants away. Where does one find such friends? Well, here:

All Recipients of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008
Name Office State Party Grand Total

Dodd, Christopher J S CT D $165,400

Obama, Barack S IL D $126,349

Kerry, John S MA D $111,000

Bennett, Robert F S UT R $107,999

Bachus, Spencer H AL R $103,300

Blunt, Roy H MO R $96,950

Kanjorski, Paul E H PA D $96,000

Bond, Christopher S 'Kit' S MO R $95,400

Shelby, Richard C S AL R $80,000

Reed, Jack S RI D $78,250

Reid, Harry S NV D $77,000

Clinton, Hillary S NY D $76,050

Why these are just the people who are working on the bailout! There's Barney and Chris and Barry and Harry...this cabal of elites are exactly where they need to be to protect themselves from the tar and feathers they deserve.

Let me pause to take a question here...umm, you in the back -

Q:"Uh, Perfessor, uh, are you f*&%ing kidding me? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!???"

A: "I see you are upset. Don't worry, it gets worse."

4. Now this game works when housing prices are appreciating and supply is just barely out-pacing demand. Let's say you buy a house for $100,000 and with one of those "exotic" instruments dreamed up by bankers trying to shovel more debt into the FredFan maw, you only put 5% down and it's interest only for five years. Sweet! After all, in five years your house will be worth $200,000 so you can either easily refinance or sell and walk away with a lot of money. In the meantime, you can stock your pad with awesome big screen TV's and put a Hummer in the garage because you have a lot of "equity" - your house is worth so much more than you paid for it one month ago! So far so good. As Glenn Frey would say, "The Heat is on!"

5. Meanwhile, back up on Wall Street, some savvy Harvard MBA's are figuring out that EVERY foreigner wants American debt. Hooray! So let's create this new instrument, a "CDO," or Collateralized Debt Obligation - we'll put that exotic mortgage in it, and the credit card bill for the big screen and the car loan for the Hummer. We'll avoid regulation and rating and tell overseas buyers that this thing has a great cash stream behind it. They buy it, Harvard yard gets a bonus, life is good! It's so good, we'll buy up more and more of this junk...bundle it up and sell it. Hell, we'll outbid Fannie and Fred for some of it.

6. Uh oh. The house isn't appreciating. Uh oh. Gas prices just spiked and I can't afford to make the monthly credit card payment. Uh oh. The mortgage is ballooning and there are a hundred other houses just like mine on the market. This is what a train wreck looks like.

Now I left a lot of details out - how Clinton dramatically expanded the program in 1999, how all his cronies profited from the shell game etc. Basically, all of these things started happening at once. There's plenty of blame to go around. Greed on Wall Street...greed on the part of the American consumer. A massive failure of social engineering - the fundamental premise that everyone SHOULD own a home like all centralized policies is wrong. Some people cannot afford it. They should rent. And if they can't afford to rent, there are plenty of social programs that will help them. This is America, dammit, we take care of our own.

Let's be clear. Despite the drumbeat of the leftists, capitalism did not fail. Capitalism got twisted into a weird form of socialism courtesy of the guaranty of Federal backing. Capitalism, left alone, would not have made the bad loans to start with. In it's purest form, capitalism allows for failure and rebirth. Left alone, it is a stern disciplinarian - if you end up renting under one of those social programs I mentioned above, you are (hopefully) not going to like it and will be incented to move up and on. Take it from someone that grew up all over the world - the worst of our Section 8 housing is damned nice compared to a slum in Haiti or a favella in Brazil.

Now I don't know where the geniuses in Washington are going to net out this weekend. For the first time in a long time, I am damned proud of the House Republicans for stopping the rush to fund the Treasury's checkbook with our money. I acknowledge something needs to be done...my business is at a stand-still thanks to fear and lack of credit in the market...I want something to be done. But I would sure like to see a blend that includes items like a cut in the capital gains tax and a replacement of the "mark to market" accounting rules...and for the love of all that is Holy, can we puleeze cut the spending!!

The prospect that the Treasury Department could become the controlling force in residential and commercial real estate is chilling...it is nothing short of the nationalization of real estate. The shadow of the Dome will cast the prospects of a robust recovery into deep doubt. There is one very thin layer of silver in this dark cloud - whatever happens, the implementation of new spending programs will be seriously curtailed.

Rumble on!

McCain's Media Team Kicks *Donkey*

Have you seen McCain's post-debate ad? They got that out unbelievably fast and it is a solid hit to right field.

Where The Mortgage Crisis Began (Updated)

Columnist Mike Masterson of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette wrote a great article about the current mortgage crisis and its roots. Below are a few excerpts. You can read the full story here.

Excerpt 1
I believe a former investigative reporter for Atlanta’s daily newspaper likely pitched the snowball that grew into the avalanche and buried our leading mortgage institutions. Bill Dedman in 1989 produced a series called "The Color of Money" that exposed the practice of redlining by banks that routinely declined risky home loans in low-income neighborhoods. Dedman wound up with a Pulitzer Prize and supporters for his cause within the federal bureaucracy.

Excerpt 2
“At the crisis’ core,” he wrote, “are loans that were made with virtually nonexistent underwriting—no verification of income or assets; little consideration of the applicant’s ability to make payments, no down payment....

Excerpt 3
...while head of Fannie Mae, “Clinton crony” Franklin Delano Raines was accused of “overstating earnings and shifting losses so he and other senior executives could earn big bonuses.... At the same time, the Clinton administration was pushing Fannie and her brother Freddie Mac to buy more mortgages from low-income households.”

Bill Dedman, the reporter who wrote "The Color Of Money" series of articles has posted a comment below. Mr. Dedman says his report was mischaracterized in the article that was referenced here. He offers a link where you can read the report for yourself.

We Demand Accountability!!

I have not seen the latest version of the bailout bill but below is an excerpt from a recent draft.


Sec. 8. Review. Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.
Does this sound like reform and accountability? If we don't throw the liberals out of office then we deserve whatever we get.

Once Again, Liberals Think We're Stupid

The audacity!! Not of hope but of Dems. How can they sit there and blame John McCain for the failure of the bailout bill when they know full well the Republicans blocked it because of the absolutely unrelated partisan earmarks that THEY (Dems) placed in the bill? I am utterly outraged!!

Here's a quick rundown of the bailout. The government buys mortgages from the failing companies (with our money). Government holds the mortgages and resells them at a later date. Government profits from sale of mortgages.

Where does the profit go? Back to the taxpayers? No. In the government coffers? Partially. Where does the rest of it go? According to the Reid/Pelosi version of the bailout bill, 20% of it will go to ACORN, the ultra-liberal organization that spends its time and money tuning its voter fraud skills.

These people should be recalled today!! This is an offense to the Constitution, our founding fathers, every person who has died or been injured fighting for freedom, and every person who has carried their own weight in this country.

I am livid!! If you are in Nevada I urge you to get together a recall petition against Harry Reid. For you conservatives in the San Francisco area (both of you), the same against Nancy Pelosi.

This is OUR government and OUR money and they work FOR US!! It is time we reminded them of that fact.

The Bailout Needs A Bailout

Partisan bickering. Democrat shenanigans. Political tricks. This is your Congress.

The Democrats are "earmarking" the bailout bill to death. If they would remove the nonsense that has nothing to do with the bailout, Republicans would agree with it.

All of this is taking place while our economy is teetering on the brink of disaster. What is wrong with these people????

I have lost all faith in Washington. Ronald Reagan was so right when he said, "Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is our problem."

We have reached the point of no return. We either fix Washington now or head down the path to socialism and destruction.

Washington Is Broken And We Must Fix It

At the risk of being crucified I am coming out in favor of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailout. Don't misconstrue. I don't like it. Not one bit. But it is necessary to avert a financial calamity.

However, we absolutely must include in any bailout legislation, a clear and strong method of accountability, not just for CEOs and boards, but Congress as well. I know what you're thinking. Congress? Make themselves accountable? To whom?

I have faith in the strength and ingenuity of the American people. We have survived some very, very difficult times. The Civil War, The Great Depression, Jimmy Carter, and now a Democrat controlled Congress. Congress must be accountable to the American people. We must demand transparent government and replace those who refuse to comply.

I've said this many times. Washington is broken. It no longer works for the people. If we don't fix it now, we're doomed. Check this out.

UPDATE: Bill Clinton Says Democrats Are Responsible For Credit Crisis

Chris Cuomo with ABC News asked Bill Clinton if the Dems were playing politics by saying the credit crisis is all the Republicans' fault.

Cuomo: A little surprising for you to hear the Democrats saying, "This came out of nowhere, this is all about the Republicans. We had nothing to do with this." Nancy Pelosi saying it. She signed the '99 Gramm Bill. She knew what was going on with the SEC. They're all sophisticated people. Is that playing politics in this situation?

Clinton: I think the responsibility the Democrats have may rest more in resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was President to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

2006 Dashe Dry Creek Valley ZINFANDEL (Cal.)

A very satisfying, if not complex, Zin.

Eye: Saturated dark ruby with purple highlights.

Nose: Ripe, fruity nose, with lots of friendly black raspberry fruit and some minerals lurking in the background.
Mouth: Soft, deep, and full-bodied, with ripe blackberry and mineral flavors, a long finish, and nice balance with no excess alcoholic heat. Some tannin to ensure another year or two's keeping.

Score: 88.

Cellar or drink? Drink over the next 2 years.

Price/store: Was $22 and change at Spec's on Smith.

Palin And Reagan: Too Stupid To Lead

Atheist Sam Harris has written a piece of garbage in Newsweek bashing Sarah Palin, religion, and ordinary Americans like you and me. You can almost see Harris breathing fire as he continually derides Sarah Palin for being too stupid to be VP.

Below is an excerpt from an article written by Charles Krauthammer shortly after Ronald Reagan's death. Democrats constantly said Reagan was too stupid to be president and that his stupidity would get us into a war.

Moreover, at the time, Reagan's optimism was deemed pejorative. It was the cockeyed optimism of the simpleton, a man too shallow, unsophisticated, unschooled and unthinking -- in short, too stupid -- to know better. An "amiable dunce," as Clark Clifford, wisest of the Washington wise men, dubbed him. Justin Kaplan's 1992 edition of Bartlett's has only three quotes from Reagan -- all trivial, all designed to make him look silly. It was only under pressure that the next edition added "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" and other historic lines.

Clifford and Kaplan spoke for an establishment that considered Reagan a simplistic primitive -- whose simplistic primitivism was endangering the world. These were the twin themes: Reagan was stupid, and his stupidity made him dangerous. Those too young to remember the 1980s would be astonished to know how common the notion was of Reagan as a warmonger.

Jump forward to 2008. Below is an excerpt from the Newsweek Palin/religion/ordinary American-bashing article:

Palin may be a perfectly wonderful person, a loving mother and a great American success story—but she is a beauty queen/sports reporter who stumbled into small-town politics, and who is now on the verge of stumbling into, or upon, world history.

The problem, as far as our political process is concerned, is that half the electorate revels in Palin's lack of intellectual qualifications. When it comes to politics, there is a mad love of mediocrity in this country. "They think they're better than you!" is the refrain that (highly competent and cynical) Republican strategists have set loose among the crowd, and the crowd has grown drunk on it once again. "Sarah Palin is an ordinary person!" Yes, all too ordinary.

...The next administration must immediately confront issues like nuclear proliferation, ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (and covert wars elsewhere), global climate change, a convulsing economy, Russian belligerence, the rise of China, emerging epidemics, Islamism on a hundred fronts, a defunct United Nations, the deterioration of American schools, failures of energy, infrastructure and Internet security … the list is long, and Sarah Palin does not seem competent even to rank these items in order of importance, much less address any one of them.

Read the full article here.

Does any of this sound familiar? The Democrat mantra is "change." Compare the attacks above that took place more than 25 years ago to the attacks against Sarah Palin and John McCain. Could someone please tell me what has changed?

If Iran is successful in building nuclear weapons and attacks, who do you want in the White House? Someone who will "negotiate" or someone who take care of business? Just look at the UN over the past five years and you will see the results of negotiating with a terrorist state.

Michael Reagan: Welcome Back, Dad

I meant to post this a couple of weeks ago and it just slipped by me.

I have always liked Michael Reagan, partly because I have such great respect and admiration for his father, Ronald Reagan. We haven't always agreed on every issue but he understands the enormous positive impact his father had on this country and the world.

That is why the recent article he wrote about Sarah Palin means so much. This is a MUST READ! Click the link below.

Michael Reagan: Welcome Back, Dad

The Schmidt Hits The Fan. Again.

McCain campaign strategist Steve Schmidt once again empties both barrels on the liberal media. This time he takes aim at the left-wing New York Times. Schmidt was responding to a NYT article attempting to link John McCain to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac while completely ignoring the huge amount of money donated to Obama by the leadership of these organizations.
Let me first say we are First Amendment absolutists on this campaign. The press and anybody who wishes to cover this race from a blogosphere perspective or from a media perspective is of course constitutionally protected with regard to writing whatever they want to write.

But let's be clear and be honest with each other about something fundamental to this race, which is this: Whatever the New York Times once was, it is today not by any standard a journalistic organization.

It is a pro-Obama advocacy organization that every day attacks the McCain campaign, attacks Sen. McCain, attacks Gov. Palin, and excuses Sen. Obama.

There is no level of public vetting with regard to Sen. Obama's record, his background, his past statements. There is no level of outrage directed at his deceitful ads.

This is an organization that is completely, totally, 150 percent in the tank for the Democratic candidate, which is their prerogative to be, but let's not be dishonest and call it something other than what it is.

Everything that is read in the New York Times that attacks this campaign should be evaluated by the American people from that perspective, that it is an organization that has made a decision to cast aside its journalistic integrity and tradition to advocate for the defeat of one candidate, in this case John McCain, and advocate for the election of the other candidate, Barack Obama.
While this was a straightforward rebuke, I doubt it will have much effect on the NYT. They believe they are above reproach and have no cause to be maligned by anyone, much less a Republican.

Sarah Palin: A Pit Bull In Lipstick

The New York Sun has posted Sarah Palin's speech that she was scheduled to give today at the protest against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. It was a solid speech but it was the closing paragraph which told me Sarah Palin was for real.
Never again will we risk another Holocaust. And this is not a wish, a request, or a plea to Israel's enemies. This is a promise that the United States and Israel will honor, against any enemy who cares to test us. It is John McCain's promise and it is my promise.
Read the full speech here at the NY Sun.

Oliphant's Ignorance

I'm not easily offended and when I am I usually get over it pretty quickly. Holding grudges can prevent you from moving forward. This time, the Washington Post has managed to offend me deeply, so much so I am demanding and expect a thorough apology.

On September 9 cartoonist Pat Oliphant slammed Sarah Palin, showed his complete ignorance of Pentecostals, and mocked God. I hope his life insurance policy is paid up. I wouldn't stand near him outdoors.

See the cartoon here.

Many people, including many Christians, are ignorant about Pentecostal beliefs. The difference is Mr. Oliphant chose to ridicule what he does not understand. Speaking in tongues is not some condition like epilepsy or Tourette's syndrome as Mr. Oliphant seems to think. His example of speaking in tongues was completely random and sounded more like something from a bad sci-fi alien movie.

I am not asking you to believe as I do. Read your Bible and judge for yourself. If you choose not to believe in speaking in tongues you will not die and go to Hell. Nor will I for believing it.

Speaking in tongues has been described as a "heavenly language." I don't mean to make this sound humorous but being somewhat of a geek, I have a good analogy. Speaking in tongues is like communicating with God on an encrypted line. The difference is only God knows what is being said. Even the person speaking in tongues does not know what they are saying. We believe there is a real spiritual enemy who seeks to disrupt and destroy our lives. That enemy knows more about the Bible than any Christian on Earth and can understand all human languages.

Let me clarify something else. People don't just speak in tongues at will. It should only happen when the person is prompted by God to do so. The "encrypted" language is there because (a) some things are better off not uttered in an understandable human language and (b) some things don't need to be heard by the enemy. Imagine if General Petraeus broadcast American battle strategies over commercial radio frequencies. How stupid would that be?

I have heard people pray in tongues, speak in tongues, and sing in tongues all over the world. There are virtually indistinguishable differences between what is heard in the United States, Mexico, Africa, Europe, Asia, etc. Why is that? Compare English to Chinese or Spanish to German. They are completely different. Could one person start a false language and spread it around the world virtually unaltered? I don't think so.

All of this may sound a little freaky to you and that's okay. I felt the same way before I experienced it myself. I am a very logical thinker who analyzes everything to death before I accept it. I've been part of a Pentecostal denomination for 20 years and if this were a hoax or nothing more than random emotional outbursts I would have discovered it by now.

Again, I encourage you to find out for yourself. Don't just believe what someone else tells you. Research it and make your own judgement.

If you're looking for A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief

According to my blog's statistical reports, I've suddenly had a flurry of accesses to my posts from earlier this year" for "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief", sung by David Johansen of the former New York Dolls. I had a rather poor link previously, but found the actual footage from the film credits now on YouTube. I've no idea why the sudden interest in this, but I'll post the video again since this is a bit better.

Out of context, this may not seem very impressive. Take my word for it, it's a touching moment at the end of this movie.

Obama: Anti-Life

The Obama campaign has a despicable ad calling John McCain's ads, well, despicable. In Obama's ad there is a clip of a young woman telling her story of surviving an abortion. First, that is not a John McCain ad. It was paid for by an organization called BornAliveTruth.org. Second, it is not a despicable lie. It's not even a lie. That's why it's called BornAliveTRUTH!

Gianna Jessen is now 31 years old. She survived a saline abortion 31 years ago after being born alive in the abortion clinic and taken to a hospital for care. Now she has pledged herself to stand up for babies who are victims of unsuccessful abortions.

In Obama's response ad, he claims to have "always supported medical care to protect infants." I hear a Bill Clinton answer in that. It is a vague, nondescript answer that can be easily misunderstood. Doesn't everyone support medical care to protect infants? What about fetuses? What about fetuses that aren't successfully murdered in the womb and are born? Liberals don't call them babies or infants. They are a fetus or a blob of tissue. Nice try Obama but I see your semantic deception.

He says he supports medical care for infants but yet he doesn't want his daughters "punished with a baby." You see, this is indicative of an attitude of death, not life.

I have always been annoyed by the liberals who coined the terms "anti-abortion" and "pro-choice." Clever. I wish we controlled enough of the media to get those changed to "pro-life" and "anti-life."

Barack Obama is anti-life. While his ads deny it, his mouth and his voting record confirm it.

What Liberals Really Think About You

If I had a list of the Top Ten so-called "Americans" I despise the most, Bill Maher would be on it. Just above Michael Moore.

Friday night Maher had a panel of political geniuses - columnist Andrew Sullivan who appears to be madly in love with Obama, author Naomi Klein, and Black Eyed Pea Will.I.Am who supports Obama even though he knew nothing about him before he endorsed him. When a reporter asked Will.I.Am if he researched Obama before he supported him, the blank expression on his face was priceless and was better than a 10,000 word description.

The panel was discussing the upcoming election and Andrew Sullivan made the comment that Americans would do the right thing. Maher responded with:
I do not trust Americans to do the right thing or make the right choice. They're just too f***ing dumb.
There you have it. Liberal Philosophy 101. Doesn't it just make you want to be a liberal?

Culture Of Deception

Democrats delighted in using the term culture of corruption to disparage all Republicans during the years the GOP controlled Congress. Yes, a few Republicans made the whole barrel look bad. However, we all know the Democrats wrote the book on corruption.

Let's take a look at Obama. First, he has been heavily financed by the leaders at Fannie Mae. Yet, he denies a connection with them. He had a demonstrable relationship with terrorist William Ayers. Yet, he denies it.

Now he has put out an ad directed at Hispanics that is complete deception. The ad takes a quote by Rush Limbaugh completely out of context and makes it appear he hates Hispanics and wants them to leave the country. Rush was describing the immigration policy of the Mexican government. It had absolutely nothing to do with how he feels about Hispanics.

Now for Biden. He continues to perpetuate the lie that his first wife was killed by a drunk driver. The investigation of the accident found no evidence of alcohol or drugs. Yet, Biden continues to disrespect the driver of the truck and his surviving family. He is hurting someone else to gain sympathy for his own political gain. What a low life!

I think we need to refer to the Obama/Biden campaign and their "connections" as the culture of deception. That is as applicable as any term I've heard used to describe them.

Support Corruption - Elect Democrats

OK, if you are not mad enough yet...

Dan Mudd was in my 8th grade class...he was bottom of the barrel then, time and age have not helped.

2006 Chateau de Lancyre PIC ST. LOUP Rosé (Southern France)

This was a strangely-colored but beautifully fruity rosé.

Eye: Very interesting orangey-copper color.

Nose: Despite the advanced looking color, the nose is redolent of fresh fruit (valencia oranges and cherries) with powdered stones and sweet cream in the background.

Mouth: Soft, round, and fruity, with excellent balance and absolutely pure flavors of sweet grapes, watermelon, and strawberry. Long, fruity finish. Fruit! Fruit! Fruit!

Score: 88.

Cellar or drink? Drink before Thanksgiving.

Price/store: $12.88 at most Spec's stores.

Sorry -- I could find a picture only of the 2004.

2006 Viu Manent CARMENERE Reserva (Colchagua Valley, Chile)

Like lots of other Carmeneres I've had, this wine really needs time to breathe before it starts to show its true colors. Once it airs out a bit, it's a beauty.

Eye: Completely saturated blood plasma color.

Nose: Before airing, it had a very pungent bakers' chocolate nose. After being opened a couple of hours, rich ripe cassis and plum scents wafted out, along with mocha-coffee notes and a smoky/sweet gravelly component.

Mouth: Rich, broadly-flavored, and soft, this wine has loads of ripe blackberry, gravel, and tobacco flavors. Long, lingering finish. Very nice.

Score: 90.

Cellar or drink? This is drinking really well now, but has the stuffing to hold another 2-3 years.

Price/store: Lost the receipt, but I think this was about $15 at Whole Foods on Bellaire.

2005 Mas Donis Barrica (85% Garnacha, 15% Syrah) (Montsant, Spain)

A little on the lean side, but still good.

Eye: Dark, youthful black ruby.

Nose: Sophisticated nose of smoked meat, hot stones, and some subtle blackberry scents.

Mouth: Fairly weighty in the mouth, but on the austere side, with flavors tending more towards a strong minerally component rather than fruit, and with a fair amount of tannin and acidity to complete the lean personality profile. Is nice with food but not so friendly on its own as a sipper.

Score: 85.

Cellar or drink? I'd drink over the next year, as I don't think this has the concentration needed to improve with age.

Price/store: Was $12 at Spec's on Smith.

Where Can I Get A Bailout Check?

Can anyone tell me where I can get in line for a government bailout? My business is not suffering from gross mismanagement but just in case things go south I would like to know where I can get a big check.

How logical does this sound? Obama supports bailing out Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG, automakers, and anyone else who wants a government handout. At the same time he is going to cut taxes for 95% of Americans while raising taxes on the "rich" and corporations - who he is bailing out. That makes about as much sense to me as a quadratic equation did the first time I saw one in Algebra class.

This is typical liberal nonsense. More of the same. Tax and spend. Tax and spend. Tell me where the "change" is!

Liberal Math

I've heard it said several times now that Barack Obama will cut taxes for 95% of Americans. Since only 60% of Americans pay income tax, I'm curious about how The One plans to pull that off. Here are a few factual income tax numbers using accepted mathematical methods.

Wage Earners
Income Taxes Paid
Top 1%
Top 5%
Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%
Bottom 50%

This chart shows where the tax burden lies and contrary to every liberal who has ever opened their mouth, the "rich" are not getting a break while the rest of the country pays all of the income taxes. That is an outright lie.

The next time you hear a liberal say Bush or McCain want to give tax breaks to the rich, just remember that 50% of the wage earners in this country are supporting the other 50%.

Income tax chart from National Taxpayers Union Foundation

Liberal Hysteria

I have been a registered voter for more than 25 years. I have closely followed politics for more than 15 years. The attacks against Sarah Palin are the worst I have seen. If there was a "vast right-wing conspiracy", it pales in comparison to the mob mentality that is controlling the nutcases on the left. And I do mean nutcases.

These nutcases are not simply the extreme left-wing kooks like Code Pink, ELF, and Barbara Streisand. These are self-proclaimed "mainstream, unbiased" media personalities. Their attacks against Sarah Palin are unveiled and vicious. The group includes members of the television news media, major newspapers, and magazines. The only reason it doesn't include radio is because no liberal has been able to successfully maintain enough of an audience to stay on the air.

These attacks go beyond typical liberal behavior. They don't like Sarah Palin because she terrifies them. She is the same type of strong leader as Ronald Reagan. And they attacked him ruthlessly as well. Reagan showed the world that conservatism works and works well. Liberalism suffered major damage during Reagan's presidency.

If Sarah Palin can survive this assault and John McCain doesn't manage to shoot his own campaign in the foot by being too moderate, she will be our next president and that is the most exciting news of this campaign.

A True Obamanation Takes On P.C.

An excellent spoof on the Mac and P.C. Commercials that had my sides splitting at a VERY well placed one-liner.

Legacy Parkway - a pretty great drive

Like thousands of my fellow Utahns, I have been eagerly anticipating the opening of the Legacy Parkway. I took the opportunity of driving it twice when returning from Layton this weekend. I give it an A grade. It's a really pleasant drive. Here's what I like.

  1. The pavement is new, smooth, and quiet
  2. Traffic is just a little slower at 55 MPH, a more relaxed drive. The UHP was patroling for speeders and drivers for the most part were probably keeping it under 65. No aggressive drivers.
  3. You are surrounded by fields, you feel like you are driving out in the country instead of a concrete high speed freeway.
  4. No concrete "sound" walls blocking views of the mountains.
  5. The nature trails running alongside the parkway are occupied by numerous walkers, joggers, bikers.
  6. I discovered some new wetlands that are accessible by car
  7. The overpasses are aesthetically designed for beauty as well as function.
  8. The curving road truly does give you interesting views and makes it kind of fun to drive. It would be fun to drive fast on those curves, I'll admit, but I do like that 55 MPH limit.

There are only a couple of things I don't like:

  1. There are lots of small animals getting hit by cars. Hopefully, the wildlife will adapt to the parkway.
  2. There is no entrance or exit to North Salt Lake. Somehow I missed that little important fact during the construction. Since the parkway begins in NSL, I had just assumed we would be the first on-ramp from the south. I have to use 500 South in Bountiful. Not as convenient as I would have liked.

I have to compliment our state for this new parkway. If we must build more freeways to carry thousands of more drivers through sensitive environments, this is an example of a good compromise. And it's a pleasure for a driver.

Pulling Out All The Stops

The Obama campaign and its supporters are stopping at nothing to portray the McCain campaign in a bad light. Literally.

The Atlantic Monthly contracted liberal photographer Jill Greenberg to take photos of John McCain for the cover of their magazine. While everything appeared to be on the level, something sinister was being executed. And the deceptive photographer admits it.
When The Atlantic called Jill Greenberg, a committed Democrat, to shoot a portrait of John McCain for its October cover, she rubbed her hands with glee.

She delivered the image the magazine asked for—a shot that makes the Republican presidential nominee look heroic. Greenberg is well known for her highly retouched images of bears and crying babies. But she didn’t bother to do much retouching on her McCain images. “I left his eyes red and his skin looking bad,” she says.

After getting that shot, Greenberg asked McCain to “please come over here” for one more set-up before the 15-minute shoot was over. There, she had a beauty dish with a modeling light set up. “That’s what he thought he was being lit by,” Greenberg says. “But that wasn’t firing.”

What was firing was a strobe positioned below him, which cast the horror movie shadows across his face and on the wall right behind him. “He had no idea he was being lit from below,” Greenberg says. And his handlers didn’t seem to notice it either. “I guess they’re not very sophisticated,” she adds.

I cannot believe the McCain camp would allow a photograph of a cover to be used without campaign approval. That is an error in judgement.

And it gets worse. You have to see this.

We can expect more of this and we need to demand equal and fair treatment.

Excerpt from Little Green Footballs

Whoopi Doesn't Know History

Here is a transcript of part of The View...

ELISABETH HASSELBECK: There has also been a question burning amongst voters and actually our viewers, and that is the question of Roe v. Wade. And as president, if you were, no softballs coming from me, even though you have my vote. Would you as president work to overturn that? And then would Sarah Palin be working to overturn Roe v. Wade?

SENATOR JOHN McCAIN (R-AZ): I think what we would be doing is appointing or nominating justices to the United States Supreme Court and other courts who strictly interpret the Constitution of the United States. We would not impose a litmus test on any issue because that’s not fair to the American people. But they would have to have a clear record of strict interpretation.

BARBARA WALTERS: That’s kind of the other way of saying people who would want to overturn Roe v. Wade.

McCAIN: That, that, well, that is saying that, I believe Roe v. Wade was a very bad decision, Barbara. [audience groans] I think it was a bad decision. I thought other, I thought other decisions of the United States Supreme Court were bad decisions. But I want people on the Court who, quote, "do interpret" and not just on the issue of Roe v. Wade, but on other issues.

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Do I have to be worried about becoming a slave again?

McCAIN: My interpretation of the Constitution of the United States is that the United States Supreme Court enforces the Constitution of the United States and does not legislate nor invent areas that are responsibilities, according to the Constitution, of the legislative branch.

HASSELBECK: So it was in how the law came up, it was in how Roe v. Wade came apart was the issue. You, you want it to be through the Constitution from the people not from the bench.

McCAIN: And I believe that if Roe v. Wade were overturned, then the states would make these decisions.


McCAIN: Yes?

GOLDBERG: Can you just, and I don’t want to misinterpret what you’re saying. Did you say you wanted strict Constitutionalists? Because that, that-

McCAIN: No, I want people who interpret the Constitution of the United States the way our founding fathers envision-

GOLDBERG: Does that-

McCAIN: -for them to do.

GOLDBERG: Should I be worried about being a slave, about being returned to slavery because certain things happened in the Constitution that you had to change.

McCAIN: I, I understand your point.

GOLDBERG: Okay, okay.

McCAIN: I understand that point and I, I, [applause] thank you. That’s an excellent point.

GOLDBERG: Thank you sir.

McCAIN: And I thank you.

WALTERS: Before we go, before we go, just to give a different picture because you talk- [laughter]

GOLDBERG: I got scared.

JOY BEHAR: She’s picturing herself on the plantation.

GOLDBERG: I got scared. I gotta start running.

WALTERS: You and Sherri, we’ll take care of you. Us white folk will take care of you.


Whoopi asks the question not once, but twice.

Maybe Whoopi should actually READ the Constitution.

The Thirteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution;
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime where of the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

I wonder if she is also worried that only white people will be allowed to vote, or that women won't be allowed to vote if "strict constitutionalists" are appointed as a judges.

Radical Islam Threatens Sir Paul

As Israel celebrates it's 60th anniversary as a sovereign state, radical Islamic Preacher Omar Bakri has a message for him.
Self-styled preacher of hate Omar Bakri claimed the former Beatle’s decision to take part in the Jewish state’s 60th anniversary celebrations had made him an enemy of all Muslims.

Sources said Sir Paul was shocked but refused to be intimidated.


“Instead of supporting the people of Palestine in their suffering, McCartney is celebrating the atrocities of the occupiers. The one who is under occupation is supposed to be getting the help.

“And so I believe for Paul McCartney, what he is doing really is creating more enemies than friends.”

Explaining his comments, Bakri told the Sunday Express: “Our enemy’s friend is our enemy.

“Thus Paul McCartney is the enemy of every Muslim. We have what we call ‘sacrifice’ operatives who will not stand by while he joins in a celebration of their oppression.

“If he values his life Mr McCartney must not come to Israel. He will not be safe there. The sacrifice operatives will be waiting for him.”

In the report, Bakri also states that the next 9/11 will happen in Britain.

Again..."Religion of Peace?"


ABC's Calculated Editing Of Sarah Palin Interview

The full transcript from Charlie Gibson's interview with Sarah Palin has hit the Internet and how different it is from the edited version that appeared on television. The edits were calculated and mislead the viewers into thinking that Sarah Palin is inexperienced and hawkish. Imagine that. Liberals trying to make a conservative look bad.

Keep it up lib media. We enjoy seeing you destroy your credibility, as if you had any to begin with.

You can see the full transcript and the edited portions in bold here at Newsbusters.org.

Obama Campaign Makes Fun Of McCain's War Injuries

The Obama campaign has stooped to a new low. A recent ad makes fun of John McCain because he "can't send an e-mail".

That is a slap in the face to every disabled veteran. John McCain's injuries prevent him from doing simple activities that you and I take for granted. One of those things is typing. He is also unable to comb his hair and tie his shoes.

That's great Obama. Make fun of our disabled veterans. Keep it up. I would love to see McCain win by 20 points in November

Demonstrable Liberal Bias

In 2007, Charlie Gibson interviewed Barack Obama for the first time in what can be described as "softball" or a "puff piece". Gibson did not grill Obama as he did Sarah Palin and he did not come across with a condescending tone.

Read the transcript from the Obama interview which has ZERO foreign policy questions, ZERO questions about the economy, ZERO questions about energy. Only questions about his life.

The (Deranged) View

First, unlike a liberal, I will admit that I am biased against The View. I despise that show. If it wasn't for Elizabeth Hasselbeck I would probably lobby for the show's cancellation. Whoopie Goldberg is a complete and total moron. And Joy Behar is worse.

In response to John McCain's statement that he would appoint justices to the Supreme Court who were strict constructionists, Whoopie Goldberg asked John McCain if she should worry about being a slave again.

I have two problems with that statement. First, that may be the most ridiculous left-wing accusation I've heard in this entire campaign. Even more ridiculous than the accusation that Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy. Second, when was Whoopie Goldberg EVER a slave??? Has she been reincarnated?

You see, liberalism has no basis in nor any relationship with the truth. Liberalism is more akin to hysteria and fear which breeds hatred toward conservatives. All of which are baseless.

Whoopie, don't worry. You won't have to pick any cotton or hoe any beans when John McCain becomes president.

On the issue of separation of church and state, John McCain masterfully gave his personal views about faith and God and totally annihilated the mob of angry women (primarily Whoopie and Joy).

Barbara, you are a broadcasting legend and I enjoy your interviews. But can you please, please, get rid of the kooks on The View? Opposing opinions is fine but hysterical liberals ruin your show.

Liberals Will Be Liberals

I was prepared to write a post complaining about the biased and poorly conducted interview Charlie Gibson did with Sarah Palin tonight but what's the point? What else did we expect? Liberals will act like liberals. Mislead, ask questions with the intent to entrap, mischaracterize answers, take quotes out of context, feign disbelief, and act in a condescending manner. Tonight, we saw them all.

Sarah Palin is not a foreign policy expert. But she will be. And she will handle situations with wisdom unlike Obama who simply wants to appease our enemies.

Photo AP / ABC News


Today, along with my fellow Americans, I want to remember and honor those who lost their lives in the senseless, barbaric attacks seven years ago.

While it was one of the saddest days in American history, heroes were born that day. Heroes who risked and gave their lives to save others. Heroes in the Twin Towers. Heroes on the ground. Heroes on United Flight 93.

Those heroes exemplify American compassion, American spirit, and American bravery. We will never forget you.

Obama's Constitutional Lesson

On Monday Barack Obama attempted to give us a lesson on the Constitution while defending terrorists.

"We may think this is Mohammed the terrorist. But it might be Mohammed the cab driver. You might think it’s Barack the bomb thrower. But it might be Barack the guy running for president. Don’t mock the Constitution! Don’t make fun of it! Don’t suggest that it’s un-American to abide by what the founding fathers set up! It’s worked pretty well for 200 years!!"

I have an idea. Don't mock the Constitution, just interpret it so that it promotes your agenda. Barack Obama is a socialist pig. Without lipstick.

Failing American Colleges

In a test of 60 questions, no college in America scored over a 70 in terms of economics, foreign policy and government.

I was fortunate enough to get an 80 (I got 48/60).

I missed #’s 5, 15, 18, 19, 23, 27, 33, 35, 37, 38, 42, and 50.

Go try it!

H/T: Wyatt

2006 Castillo de Monseran GARNACHA (Carinena, Spain)

An outstanding buy in a flavorful, fun, soft red.

Eye: Dark ruby with a slight purple tinge at the rim.

Nose: Bright, ripe, fruity nose: raspberries and ripe cherries, along with a slight herbal, minerally component (but mostly it's about the fruit).

Mouth: Loads of crisp, minerally raspberry flavors, with good concentration and a soft texture. Nice balancing acidity too.

Score: 87.

Cellar or drink? Drink over the next year.

Price/store: Got this at Spec's for $6.83, but Whole Foods on Bellaire also has this for $7.99 (and still a very good buy at that price).

2005 Domaine Jean-Luc Dubois CHOREY-LES-BEAUNE "Clos Margot" (Burgundy, France)

A good (not great) Pinot Noir that is fairly priced, as PNs go. Features some bright, crisp Pinot fruit and good balance.

Eye: Medium dark ruby with purply highlights.

Nose: Bright, tart fruity nose of crisp cherries, crushed rock powder, and rhubarb.

Mouth: Tart cherry and stony mineral/graphite flavors. Very tightly-wound, but with decent concentration and length. The texture is quite light.

Score: 87.

Cellar or drink? I would cellar this one for 1 - 3 years, and it will likely soften and gain a little complexity.

Price/store: Was $21 and change at Spec's on Smith.

Sarah Palin's Non-Pastor Problem

I have attended an Assembly of God church for almost 20 years. In those 20 years we have had numerous guest speakers, some of whom I did not agree with. I don't even agree with my pastor 100% of the time.

Is God punishing Israel for rejecting Jesus Christ? I don't think so. Is God punishing Muslims with the Iraq War for being an enemy of Israel. I don't think so. Are you going to Hell if you voted for John Kerry or if you vote for Barack Obama? Well...

JUST KIDDING!! Lighten up!! I don't know this pastor personally but I am quite sure he was joking. I have heard jokes like this before. If he wasn't joking, he does not represent the view of the Assembly of God churches nor does he represent the view of his own church.

You libs out there need an education on the modern church. In most church members are not a bunch of mind-numbed robots who go get their marching orders each Sunday (or Saturday), then go regurgitate everything they were told. We have the freedom and the discernment to weed out the things that aren't right.

If my pastor was spewing hatred and lies like Jeremiah Wright does, I would be looking for another church immediately. I wouldn't have sat under him for 20 years.

So you libs are way off base with this Sarah Palin pastor thing. You have no solid foundation to stand on. You are grasping at straws. So give it up before you make fools out of yourselves. Oops! Too late.

Obama: Not A Muslim But...

I do not believe Barack Obama is a Muslim. However, more and more ties to Muslims, some with ties to terrorists, is making me very uncomfortable.

Before I get labeled a religious bigot, let me say there are good people in the Muslim faith. It is not Obama's associations with these people that I have an issue. It is the fact that his father was a Muslim in addition to a long list of associations with Muslims who have some power.

Obama called Jeremiah Wright his "mentor". Wright is decidedly anti-American and has a close assocation with Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation Of Islam. In stories about Obama's well-hidden relationship with slum lord Tony Rezko, I never once heard that Rezko was born in Syria. His family was Catholic but many of his business associations have been with Muslims. Now Obama has been shown to have a past relationship with Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour, a international lawyer/Muslim activist who said, and I quote:
“White people don't feel bad, whatever you do to them, they deserve it, God wants you to do it and that's when you cut out the nose, cut out the ears, take flesh out of their body, don't worry because God wants you to do it."

There are more associations and you can look them up yourself. Some have been inaccurately portrayed so be sure to research and verify each one.

Red State Update: Obama Admits He's A Muslim?

Good clean fun!

Yay For My Sister!

My sister, Michelle has finally had enough of griping to me about her frustrations towards Obama and his adoring fans in the media. Therefore she has created her own blog, Lamb in the Lion's Den.

It's very aptly named since like The Man, she is in the north-east where liberalism is as common as grass. Wait...bad analogy for that region. Liberalism is as common as a high-rise building in Manhattan. Better!

Her blog is new, but it is very informed. I was impressed at some of the information she had dug up. Like the fact that the media has latched on to Todd Palin's DUI 22 years ago, but not Obama's admitted drug use about the same time. Or, how they have also pitched the stories about Bristol Palin's unwed pregnancy at the age of 17, but they make no comment about how Obama's mother was only 18 when she gave birth to Barack, and was not married until after he was concieved. Nor do they mention the fact that even though Bristol is pregnant, she is accepting the consequences of her actions rather than feeling like she has been "punished with a baby" and aborting it.

Chekc it out...NOW!

MTV Mocks Sexual Purity

By definition as a conservative, I tend to think things through before I make a decision. Sometimes things irritate me so bad I just have to respond immediately.

I did not watch MTV's VMA awards. It is nothing more than a bunch of losers voting for other losers.

This morning I read a story about the ultra-liberal, left-wing, British host of the awards. He called President Bush a retard. He made fun of Bristol Palin's pregnancy. That's rude but expected.

Then he went on to ridicule The Jonas Brothers for wearing purity rings. That crossed the line for me. Who is he to ridicule a young person for making a good decision? What a moron! This is what liberals think and teach. Everybody should do whatever makes them happy. There should be no restrictions. He even said that "a little bit of sex never hurt anybody". Idiot.

My hat is off to American Idol winner Jordin Sparks for putting this idiot in his place. She responded with:

"I just have one thing to say about promise rings. It's not bad to wear a promise ring, because not everybody – guy or girl – wants to be a slut."

Yes! You go girl!

Obama: The Bible Is Irrelevant

A friend just sent me a link to the video below showing Obama "making fun" of the Bible. After watching the video, I have a slightly differing opinion of the message Obama was trying to send, or at least a different way of reaching the same conclusion.

If the video is not available, click here.

Obama isn't as much making fun of the Bible as he is saying it is irrelevant. Based on his remarks and smugness, he is saying that the Bible is contradictory and has no relevance in modern society.

I have not jumped on the "Obama is a Muslim" bandwagon but after this and his gaffe yesterday where he mentioned "my Muslim faith", I am starting to wonder.

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