Pope Benedict XVI visits NYC Synagogue

Pope Benedict XVI became the first Pope in history to visit a U.S. synagogue with his visit to Park East Synagogue on Manhattan's Upper East Side. Welcomed by Rabbi Arthur Schneier the pontif remarked before the assembled congregation, "I find it moving to recall that Jesus, as a young boy, heard the words of Scripture and prayed in a place such as this."

The Pontiff brought his greetings for Passover and accepted gifts of matzo and a seder plate. In exchange Pope Benedict XVI brought a reproduction of a Jewish codex.

Rabbi Arthur Schneier told the congretants, "This momentous occasion takes places on American soil, where men and women escaping the clutches of oppression and religious persecution have built a nation of democracy and freedom. This is a nation which has allowed all religious communities to flourish."

It truly is uplifting when men of God are brought together to invoke His healing and renewal for all people of good will who are called by His name and for His purposes on earth.

As the Psalmist writes, "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" (Psalm 133:1)

APNews has more coverage of the story here.

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