Hillary Clinton - Rocky Balboa - And Bowling with Obama

You can't beat the Democrats for sheer entertainment value!

Hillary Clinton compared herself with Rocky Balboa yesterday in comments made during a meeting with the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO. The former first lady remarked, "Let me tell you something, when it comes to finishing a fight, Rocky and I have a lot in common. I never quit. I never give up." Continuing her boxing analogy Mrs. Clinton said, "I know what it's like to stumble. I know what it means to get knocked down. But I've never stayed down, and I never will."

The fiesty Junior Senator from New York has never been a shrinking violet when it comes to a good knock-down drag-out fight. She's just getting warmed up. While addressing the crowd Mrs. Clinton recalled the famous scene in the first Rocky movie from 1976 where Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa ascended the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Clinton proposed that quitting the race now would be as though, "Rocky Balboa had gotten halfway up those art museum steps and said, 'Well, I guess that's about far enough."

Think Mrs. Clinton will just melt away just because the prospect of a floor fight at the Democratic convention looms ahead and some namby-pamby super delegates are fretting about a split in the party and urging her to quit?

Fugehtaboudit! The Clinton's haven't had this much fun since they played "Rope-a-Dope" with the Illinois Senator during the South Carolina debates.

While I'm at it, here's an inspirational video montage for the Senator.

The Clintons aren't going to stop campaigning when they see a victory that can be grabbed out of the jaws of defeat. Mrs. Clinton knows that by winning the upcoming Pennsylvania primary by double-digit margins she will take the glow off Obama and slow down what seems like an inevitable victory for the Illinois Senator.

And if Obama's Pennsylvania campaign is anything like his bowling game the Clintons have nothing to worry about. Barack managed to rack up a whopping 37 pins after bowling at Pleasant Valley Lanes in Altoona, Pennsylvania during a recent campaign stop. After playing 7 of 10 frames Obama's score sheet showed 37 as his game total. That's a 3 followed by a 7. --- 37.

I think the Clinton's should challenge Obama to a bowl-off for the primary. If Bill and Hillary had made an appearance at that venue, they'd be running the front desk, ordering your pizza, getting your shirt size, taking deposits and fitting you for a pair of those snazzy shoes to sport about on the lanes while you're perusing the bowling balls and bowl a 300 while your soda's being served!

Here's Senator Obama on the Lanes in Altoona. I don't think he's going to be recruited to play in any Bowling Leagues anytime soon, though he was very good natured about the whole thing.

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