Barack; the Glass Candidate

Hillary Rodham Clinton was the clear winner in yesterday's Democratic presidential primary in Pennsylvania. Late internal polling by the New York Senator's campaign on Monday showed her with an 11 percentage point lead over her rival according to a report published in the Drudge Report.

An insider with Mrs. Clinton's campaign told The Drudge Report that in many regions of the Keystone state Senator Clinton held a 2 to 1 polling margin over Barack Obama. The Illinois Senator was left behind in a 10 pecentage point vote deficit after having to battle charges of elitisim after disparaging remarks he made about small town voters surfaced on the web while at an invitation only fundraiser at the San Francisco mansion of Gordan and Ann Getty. At that time the junior Senator from Illinois noted, "You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them,... And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations,...".

Yesterday's victory for Mrs. Clinton underscores Jeb Babbin's observation in Thoroughly Beatable Barack that the Illinois Senator has a proverbial political glass jaw. Babbin notes; the supposedly-brilliant Democratic wunderkind can’t take a punch. Like a Hollywood actor, he’s only comfortable, quick and charismatic as long as the crowd is oohing and ahhing. But the moment that he is challenged -- as we first saw in his presser after he lost the Ohio primary in March and again last week in the ABC debate -- the mask shatters. What we see is what we would get with an Obama presidency: a man whose range is so small and ego so huge and fragile that when taken out of his comfort zone, he not only fails to shine, he barely is able to speak.

This congenital weakness of Obama was noted earlier in the campaign during his similarly poor performance while debating Mrs. Clinton on the eve of the South Carolina primary as the Clinton's played Rope-a-Dope with Obama.

During that oratorical exchange, Mrs. Clinton was able to get the cool-as-a-cucumber and logical Obama to look angry, flustered and petulant, qualities that would disqualify him as presidential material to voters in contrast to the Mandarin-like Junior Senator from New York who is well versed in maintaining her cool under pressure. In fact while on the stump in the Palmetto State (Former President) Clinton remarked 'I know you think it's crazy, but I kind of like to see Barack and Hillary fight,'. The tag team of Clinton and Clinton have Obama swinging at their gloves. The Clintons love a good fight and now they've led Obama to the ropes. Expect a knock-out punch from the duo in the eighth round.

We are now in the seventh round of the Clinton v. Obama match up and Obama isn't going to be the one left standing in the eighth round of this thrilla from Catawissa. The mainstream media outlets predictably in the Obama orbit are changing their spin mode from Clinton must have at least a double digit win in Pennsylvania to Clinton campaign suffering from cash shortfall. Despite having outspent his more experienced opponent by a margin of 3 to 1 Obama failed to win Pennsylvania, a key victory for the Clintons in what promises to be a final round dust up between the New York by way of Arkansas middle heavyweight and the Illinois by way of Indonesia welterweight wimp.

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