Obama: Small town people in PA cling to Guns or Religion or Xenophobia

Barack Obama steps in it again. His disdain and contempt for America and it's people can't help but leak out of him through the hateful statements made by his wife, his pastor, his associates or the candidate himself.

Here we see one of the limousines pull up in front of one of the Getty homes in San Francisco for an invitation-only Obama fundraiser in the city's most exclusive neighborhoods. The area is commonly refered to as Billionaires row. ZombieTime covered the event here. It was at this venue that Obama allegedly made his disparaging remarks about small-town voters.

While hobnobbing with the smart set at the Pacific Heights home of Gordan and Ann Getty in San Francisco, Obama apparently made deragoratory remarks about the "little people" of Pennsylvania he wants to vote for him while breaking pate' with the Bay Area swells.

Explaining to his well-heeled hosts how the other half lives, Obama said of the small town voters in the Keystone state, "You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them,... And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations,..."

No doubt the candidate was trying to relate his story on the plight of poor rubes living in small town America in a manner that the assembled crowd of typical white persons gathered to contribute to his campaign would readily be able to comprehend.

While in the company of like-minded liberals who view themselves as superior to their small-town bretheren, Obama betrays his scornful opinion of people who make up the American heartland as small minded, superstitious, bigoted little folk and looks upon them with the same disdainful detachment as would his anthropologist mother observing a primitive people. I have a suggestion for the title of the genteel Senator's next book; The Audacity of Unmitigated Gall.

The story of the Obamassiah's latest stumble first ran on the Huffington Post and was picked up by Ben Smith's Blog and has since gone viral, much like the sermons of Obama's racist, anti-American, anti-Semitic "Pastor" of twenty years the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Of course the Senator never heard anything offensive coming from the pulpit in twenty years of attending Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

The foibles of Barack Hussein Obama just keep rolling in as the campaign for the Presidency trolls on toward November. One thing Hillary Clinton can say about Obama's Presidential campaign is that it's the gift that keeps on giving. Why a person could almost dedicate an entire website to the lies, obfuscations and distortions of the Junior Senator from Illinois as has SlickBarry.com.

Expect to see the Senator convene a "major" news conference in front of the first Starbucks to explain how his elitist remarks about America's heartland and its people should be interpreted within the proper "context".

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