Jane Fonda: A Vote for Obama

TMZ has a video up of paparazi questioning Jane Fonda as she emerges from a restaurant with friends. You hear one of the cameramen offscreen ask Ms. Fonda which candidate gets her vote in the 2008 presidential election.

Her answer is not too surprising coming from the former outspoken anti-war activist.

Ms. Fonda earned the moniker "Hanoi Jane" for her 1972 trip to Hanoi while the Vietnam War was still raging and Americans were fighting to stop North Vietnamese aggression against South Vietnam. Captured American servicemen like Senator John McCain were being tortured at places like the Hanoi Hilton courtesy of the communist government while Ms. Fonda was being feted by the North Vietnamese. Although she says in retrospect that the trip to Hanoi was a mistake she has never formally apologized for her words and actions during that trip.

Senator McCain recalls with Walter Cronkite those days as a POW in this CBS news segment.

Had George Walker Bush been President of the United States at that time, there would have been regime change in Hanoi.

Blake Hausman brings up the issue of Ms. Fonda's detestible trip to Hanoi during her appearance at Columbia University. Here is her answer.

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