The Russian Strategic Bomber Tu-95 being intercepted

Just to show what great guy Putin is now that he has taken a more threatening tone with the West, a Russian Tu-95 like this one buzzed an American Aircraft Carrier in the Western Pacific over the weekend. The AP reports that a Tu-95 "Bear" flew directly over the USS Nimitz twice while another Tu-95 circled 58 miles from the carrier. Four F/A-18 fighters were launched in response to the arriving Bears and escorted the bombers as they flew in the vicinity of the Nimitz. The ploy was a way of telling the U.S. Navy that if the bombers wanted to they could get close enough to fire a shot at the Nimitz. I'm sure it was all in good fun though. The Tu-95 probably had a big smiley face painted on its side to say, "Have a nice day" to the fleet. I always thought the Tu-95 looked kind of cool with its counter-rotating props and 35 degree swept wing. It would be a shame if the Russians were to do something stupid in the air while they were within striking range of our ships. That Vladimir, such a kidder!

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