Obama makes George McGovern look like an outright hawk in this 52 second spot that outlines how he would decimate this country's ability to defend itself against nuclear and other high tech weaponry. Obama is the kind of guy Chomskyites the world over can get behind. The Illinois Senator portrays any American expenditure for self-preservation and defense as evil and unwarrented. By initiating a plan like the one he outlines in this video Obama would effectively disarm America and leave the nation vulnerable to attack from Islamic facists and countries intent on our destruction. Senator Obama says he would cut investments in unproven missile defense systems like the one that brought down the disabled satellite last week. Obama would slow development of future combat systems leaving us behind the development of weapons systems by unfriendly foreign nations. Obama says he would set a goal of a world without nuclear weapons. Nice try but that never worked very well with the Soviets. In fact those policies were such a miserable failures that we were left with dangerous vulnerabilities in our missle deterrent until a fellow by the name of Ronald Wison Reagon became President and coined the phrase, "trust but verify". Within nine years the walls of the Soviet Union and their Iron Curtain proxies came tumbling down. Obama, you're no Ronald Reagan!

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