The "Kiddie Table" Benefits Concept

How cute! This is so sweet of these homophobes to think of us and give us some scraps of their privileges and rights.

Mass. Gay Marriage Foes Propose Same-Sex Benefits

Conservative lawmakers opposed to same-sex marriage announced legislation on Wednesday to provide hospital visitation and other rights to gay couples.

The bill is meant to counter claims that banning same-sex marriage would deny certain rights to gay couples.

It was unveiled at the Statehouse by Rep. Philip Travis (D-Rehoboth).

Under the "Benefits Fairness Act," couples unable to legally wed would be able to enter a legal arrangement which provides rights for hospital visitation, after-death decisions, inheritance and estate designation and mental health decisions.

The move comes as a ballot question that would amend the state Constitution to outlaw gay marriage is currently making its way through the Legislature.

Travis' bill would apply to gay couples and other family relationships such as siblings or cousins living together.

You know why I call this the "Kiddie Table" Benefits Concept??? Because that's how queers are getting treated in this country. The adults get full perks and get to feast at the "big" table, while we get the PB&J sandwiches at the "kiddie table" of life.

Note this was brought up by a Democrat. I'm getting to shit like this in another patient.

What's dumbass about this is that it would be available to gay couples and "other family relationships." Okay, they try to make it sound nice by putting gay and family in the same sentence, but think for two seconds: those related as family already have the right to hospital visitation, after-death decisions, inheritance and estate designation and mental health decisions.


And I'm sorry but I'm offended that anyone would compare my "'til death do us part" lifelong committment to a relationship to cousins I've never met and a brother I haven't talked to in two years!!! Trust me, there's a big difference!!!

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