So, This is What is Wrong With Nashville

People can't figure out how to use the remote control!!!

NBC Nashville Station Latest To Dump Daniel

NBC's Nashville affiliate has closed The Book of Daniel after the show, whose main character is a pill-popping Episcopal priest with a gay son and a pot-dealing daughter, drew thousands of complaints.

WSMV-TV General Manager Elden Hale Jr. said he decided to pull the show starring Aidan Quinn after NBC rejected the station's request to air it overnight instead of during "family viewing time."

Despite its third-place finish nationally, the show won its time slot last Friday in the Nashville TV market.

Hale said viewers objected to the language, the sexual content and the portrayal of Jesus, who appears to Quinn's character for regular chats.

WSMV's general voice mailbox shut down within 20 hours of the airing of the two-hour premiere last Friday because 137 complaint messages jammed the machine, WSMV officials said. There also were complaints via e-mail and regular mail, including letters bearing church letterheads.

I knew these little "c" christians were illiterate and such, but I didn't think it was SOOO bad they couldn't utilize a remote control. Then again, they have to be directed with church pamphlets on what to think and how to vote. They can't think for themselves. What made me think they could manage a remote??? JEEZ!

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