At Least Indianapolis is Smart

Of all places!!! Yep, Indianapolis...

Indianapolis Gay Rights Law Signed

Indianapolis Mayor Bart Peterson has signed the city's gay rights into law.

LGBT civil rights leaders looked on as the mayor put his pen to document in a ceremony at the City-County Building.

City-County Council voted last month to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity in the areas of employment, education, public accommodations, and housing. (story)

The measure passed by a single vote, 15-14.

It was the second time the measure made it to council. It was rejected in April (story) on an 18 - 11 vote after the conservative group Advance America launched an e-mail campaign encouraging its members to write the 29 council members.

The organization and some area evangelical leaders mounted a fierce campaign in a bid to defeat it a second time.

Pastors from nearly a dozen Indianapolis black churches held a prayer service in the City-Council building calling on divine intervention to block the proposed ordinance.
Indianapolis is now one of seven municipalities in Indiana that prohibit discrimination in housing, employment and accommodations based on sexual orientation. Other areas include the cities of Bloomington, Fort Wayne, Lafayette, Michigan City and West Lafayette, and Tippecanoe County. The Indianapolis ordinance also includes protection for transgender individuals.

It's time for Nashville to get a clue!!! Damn it, if freakin' Tippecanoe County, IN can have non-discrimination laws passed for us, what the hell is wrong here???

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