FL Signature Collectors not Successful

Or at least not as successful as those in MA where it's been reported that upwards of 2,000 signatures were gathered under false pretenses so that terrible thing called marriage equality can be stopped.

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With only about a week left organizers of a proposed amendment to prevent same-sex marriage in Florida remain several hundred thousand signatures short of the requirement.

Members of the group Florida-4-Marriage say they have collected about 300,000 of the approximately 600,000 signatures needed for a vote on the amendment in November.
Part of the problem said Florida-4-Marriage campaign chair John Stemberger is the February 1 deadline by which the petitions must be in. That's earlier than in previous years, thanks to a measure pushed by state Republicans.

Ironically it is the GOP that wants to see the amendment put to voters.

The party has been the campaign's biggest sponsor. Last week an investigation by the St. Petersburg Times into funding for Florida4Marriage has found that of the $193,000 that has been raised by the group $150,000 came from a single donor - the Florida Republican Party.

Yet Gov. Jeb Bush, the titular head of the party, publicly said in 2004 that he is opposed to an amendment and a spokesperson for the Governor said Bush was not aware of the donation.

If Florida-4-Marriage fails to get the measure on the November ballot it would make Florida the second state where a proposed amendment banning gay marriage has failed.

In California one group attempting to put a proposed amendment banning gay marriage before California voters failed to submit the signatures required for the June 2006 ballot but said it is working to see the issue put to voters in November. A second group is also trying get its version on the fall ballot but concedes it too is having trouble collecting signatures.

Voters this year will be asked to approve proposed amendments limiting marriage to opposite sex-couples in Alabama, South Carolina, South Dakota and Tennessee.

It seems Americans are wising up to this game. Eliminating an entire group from equal opportunity, equal access, equal protection under the law, and in general life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is VERY un-American.

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