On the evening of December 16th 1773, a group of fifty to sixty men disguised as Mohawk Indians boarded the British cargo ship Dartmouth moored in Boston harbor. Carefully unloading the ship's cargo of 342 chests of Tea from the East India Tea Company the men split open the chests and tossed the contents into Boston harbor to the delight of throngs of supporters gathered on the docks. By morning, 45 tons of tea had been dumped into the harbor with a loss of nearly $2 Million in modern-day value to the British Crown's official joint-stock company. Trouble between the colonists and King George III had been brewing over the the English parliment and the monarchy's efforts to force Americans to buy tea from the government sanctioned trading company, even though cheaper sources of tea were available to the public from Dutch merchants who did not tax their tea. Americans under the leadership of
Samuel Adams finally delivered their own forceful response to the crown's attempt to dictate the sensibilities of tea consumption to the colonists.
Tomorrow on Friday February 27th 2009, Americans likewise sickened and disgusted by the frivilous and wasteful Tax and Spend policies of this administration, will hold Boston style Tea Parties from sea to shining sea.
Here is a schedule of the festivities along with their locations:
Washington, D.C. Tea PartyFriday, February 27, 2009 12:00pm - 2:00pm LAFAYETTE PARK
Washington, DC
NYC: Saturday, NYC City Hall Park, 2 PM-3PM
Philadelphia, PA Friday, February 27, 200912:00pm - 1:00pmLiberty Hall, Philadelphia
Devon Generally, 215-259-3868
Jackson, Mississippi Tea Party 12:00am-1:30pm (meet and greet from 11-12)
Where: On the steps of the Capital Building in Jackson Sponsors: Friends of FreeRepublic.com and Grassfire.com Notes: Send a clear message to State and Federal office holders regarding the recent passage of the “Porkulus Bill.” Bring flags, drinks, snacks. Bring cameras. Bring your kids.
Atlanta, GA Tea PartyFriday, February 27, 200912:00pm - 1:00pm Georgia State Capitol Building ~ Downtown Atlanta206 Washington St SW
Atlanta, GA Contact Info:770-878-0024
atlantateaparty@gmail.comFayetteville, NC Friday February 27, 2009 12:00pm - 1:00pm Liberty Point Resolves Marker Downtown Fayetteville, Hay St. Ralph Reagan
Shelby County, AL12pm to 1pm Hwy 280 at the beginning of the crest going into Chelsea at entrance to Eagle Point Neighborhood
Calera, AL Tea Party 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Where: Hwy 280 at the entrance to Eagle Point,
1/2 mile south of Hwy 119 Calera, AL Contact:
abish1@email.phoenix.eduGreenville, SC Friday, February 27, 2009 6:00pm - 7:30pm Reedy River Park - Banks of the Reedy River West of Main Street, behind the Peace Center
Columbia, SC Statehouse - no add’l details available at this time. Pls follow link for up-to-the-second developments.
Tampa, FL Tea Party 12:00pm - 1:00pm Where: Federal Courthouse 801 N. Florida Ave. Tampa, FL Contact: John Hendrix; mobile: 803/571-1153
Orlando, FL Tea Party12:00pm - 1:00pm Lake Eola (across from Panera Bread) Orlando, FL
OrlandoTeaParty@MyAmericanism.comFort Meyers Beach, FL Tea Party 11:30am - 1:00pm Location: Bowditch Point Park Street:
50 Estero Blvd. Fort Myers Beach, FL Contact:
katraky@gmail.comNashville, TN Tea Party Friday, February 27, 2009 12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. Legislative Plaza Nashville, TN
Chicago, IL Tea Party Friday, February 27, 2009 11:00 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. Daley Plaza Civic Center 50 W Washington St. Contact Info: 312-282-9310
info@officialchicagoteaparty.comhttp://officialchicagoteaparty.com/Wichita, KS Tea Party 11:30 pm - 12:30 pm Where to Meet: Farm Credit Bank Building 245 N. Waco Wichita, KS Contact:
renaissancelady46@yahoo.comKansas City, MO Tea Party Saturday, February 28, 2009 10:00am - Noon - Kansas City, MO 47th and J.C. Nichols Parkway K.C. MO Kansas City,
MORBALLARD9@kc.rr.comSt. Louis, MO Tea Party Friday, February 27, 200911:00am - 12:00pm The Steps of Arch Wharf Street Saint Louis, MO 636-346-1196
bill@hennessysview.comSpringfield, MO Tea Party (*NCTP) 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lake Springfield Park Springfield, MO Contact:
thedangerousone@live.comTulsa, OK Tea Party Friday, February 27, 2009 11:00am - 1:00pm Veteran’s Park 21st & Boulder Tulsa, OK 918-760-8282
jaiblevins@hotmail.comOklahoma City, OK Tea Party 11:00 a.m. local time on the Capitol Steps Notes: Our message to Congress, Repeal or Retire. Repeal–1. The Mortgage Bailout; 2. The $1 Trillion Pork-Laden Stimulus; 3. The Auto Bailout; 4. The Wall Street Bailout.
Cleveland, OH Tea Party Friday, February 27, 2009 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Public Square in Downtown Cleveland 1 Public
Squarephil.ammar@gmail.comLansing, MI Friday, February, 27, 2009 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. State Capitol in Lansing on North Capitol Ave. Joan: 517/282-2042 Wendy: 517/652-5855
wjdayhome@sbcglobal.netLONE STAR STATE:
Houston, TX Tea Party Friday, February 27, 2009 11:00am - 2:00pm Fondren Green at Discovery Green Park!!! Right in front of Amphitheatre!! Houston, TX 281-579-1956
fcravens1@peoplepc.comFt. Worth, TX Tea Party The Cowtown Bar & Grill Friday, February 27, 2009 3pm to 7pm
7108 Camp Bowie Blvd Fort Worth, TX 76116 682? 817? 570-7910
Seattle, WA Seattle Sons & Daughters of Liberty: A Seattle Action Network Friday, February 27, 2009 12:15pm - 1:15pm Westlake Park 410 Pine St., Seattle, WA
redistributingknowledge@gmail.comPortland, OR Tea Party Friday, February 27, 2009 9:00am - 10:00am Pioneer Courthouse Square @ the corner of Broadway & Morrison (in front of the STARBUCKS)
715 SW Morrison StPortland, OR
Denver, CO Tea Party Friday, February 27, 2009 10:00am - 11:00am The East Capitol Steps Denver, CO
briantcampbellsr@yahoo.comPhoenix, AZ (Tempe) Tea Party12:00 noon, Tempe Beach Park (Meet at 11:45 a.m.) Tempe Beach Park, west of the Mill Avenue Bridge. A parking lot is available next to the park, on Rio Salado Parkway.Sponsors: Americans for Prosperity (AFP) Map: http://phoenix.about.com/library/blmaptempebeachpark.htmRSVP:
Notes: 18th-century attire welcome. Tar and feathers optional. For ideas on homemade protest signs, check out the Nationwide Chicago Tea Party site.
Sacramento, CA Tea Party12:00 noon California State Capitol, North Steps, L Street Sacramento Notes: Wanna burn the stimulus bill?
San Diego, CA Tea Party Friday, February 27, 2009 9:00am - 10:00am Just north of the Star of India, on San Diego BaySan Diego, CA
http://www.nationwidechicagoteaparty.com/Los Angeles, CA Friday, February 27, 2009 9:00am - 10:00am Santa Monica
Pierashleyingram86@gmail.comUpdate from Michelle Malkin 8:30 PM Eastern time on
more events.