2005 CAN BLAU (Montsant, Spain)

This is good, but not as good as the 2004 was.

Dark ruby/mulberry color. Big, galumphy, earthy nose: lots of spicy blackberry, olivey-vegetal scents, with some smoky earthy componenets too. Full-bodied, with broad flavors of mixed berries, granite, and lemon. Good, buoyant acidity helps prop up the large-boned physique (think Yao Ming). Fairly long finish. 88. Drink soon, as I think that this will become more angular with age. Was about $16 at Whole Foods on Bellaire.

2001 Badia a Coltibuono CHIANTI CLASSICO RISERVA (Tuscany, Italy)

This was a very elegant, restrained, yet characterful Chianti we enjoyed while entertaining our friends from Austin, the Hughens.

Dark ruby garnet color. Medium intensity nose of ripe chokecherries and smoky stones. Broad, soft, lightish mouthfeel, with flavors of cherry, new leather, and spice. Lovely, long finish. Not a blockbuster, but very polished. 89. I would drink this now, as I'm not convinced it's going to improve over the next few years. $29 and change at Spec's on Smith.

2002 Casa Lapostolle CABERNET SAUVUGNON (Rapel Valley, Chile)

This had been tucked away unseen in a corner of my wine closet for the last three years, forgotten. It had actually aged very well and was quite a surprise for an entry-level, cheap Cabernet.

Dark black ruby color with the barest hint of amber at the rim. Intense, low-toned nose of cassis, smoke, and a pencil lead/graphite component. Concentrated and medium full-bodies in the mouth, with flavors of dark cassis extract and minerals. Still lots of ripe tannins, which, in conjunction with the deep fruit, lead me to conclude that this guy could age for a few years further still. Impressive for an $8 bottle. 88. (Caveat: I've heard that the regular bottlings of this winery in more recent vintages are not up to the standards it set in 1999-2002 -- so more recent vintages might not measure up to this one.)

2005 Las Rocas GARNACHA "El Renegado" (Calatayud, Spain)

This was a relatively large-scaled but bony Grenache.

Black ruby color. Medium intensity nose of spicy raspberries, smoky gingerbread, and lemons. Very structured (for a Grenache) in the mouth, with big but kinda austere flavors of raspberry, briary underbrush, and earth. Substantial tannin in the fairly long finish. I'm not sure this is going to flesh out or get any better, so I'd drink it now. 85. Was $13.99 at Whole Foods on Bellaire.

Clinton, Giulliani, Huckabee and Obama make Judicial Watch's Top 10 List of Most Corrupt Politicians

Judicial Watch, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization published its list of "Washington’s 'Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians' for 2007". Included in the organization's list of ethically challenged noteables were Presidential Candidates, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY), former Governor Mike Huckabee (R-AR), former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R-NY) and Senator Barak Hussein Obama (D-Ill).

Mrs. Clinton made number one on the list of "Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians for 2007" due to her long and sordid ethics record according to the organization. The group cited the Junior Senator from New York for blocking release of her official White House records, casting suspicion that these records would yield a wealth of information about her role in various Clinton era scandals. Also mentioned were the Senator's repeated filing of false financial disclosure forms with the U.S. Senate.

Former Govenor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee was cited for 14 ethics complaints noted by the group including his use of campaign cash, his use of a non-profit entity to subsidize his income, his subsequent lawsuits against the state ethics commission along with his attempt to shut down the ethics investigative process in his state.

Former Mayor of New York City Rudy Giulliani made the group's list, after it was revealed that he billed various City of New York agencies for security and transportation while the Mayor was engaged in an extramarital affair with his then girlfriend, Judith Nathan who is now his wife. The city was charged for trips to the Hamptons along with the expense of providing a police vehicle and a city driver for Ms. Nathan.

Senator Barak Hussein Obama moved up from the Judicial Watch's "Dishonorable Mention" category last year to number eight on the group's "Ten Most Wanted" list for 2007 when it was discovered that after only two months in the Senate, Obama purchased $50,000 in speculative ventures whose major investors were among his biggest campaign contributors according to Judicial Watch. The report also claimed that a biotech concern benefited from legislation that the Junior Senator proposed only two weeks after purchasing $5,000 of the company's shares.

Other well known politicians that made the group's list were Senators Diane Feinstein (D-CA), Larry Craig (R-ID), Harry Reid (D-NV) and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Judicial Watch's full list can be seen here.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's position as number one on the group's list comes as no surprise here. Scores of books, articles and opinion pieces along with hundreds of hours of air time have chronicled the Clinton's sundry pecadillos for years. As Hillary's handlers have said in response to various accusations about her chicanery and moral turpitude, "that's old news". It's a tactic that employs the usual Clinton camp bob and weave around questions regarding her lack of character and moral fiber. That canned response never answers the question but merely deflects it and swats it away as though it were a fly in hopes that it will go away or drop to the floor. As Peggy Noonan writes, the Clintons perfected a new method of scandal management that starts with "These are lies spread by a partisan conspiracy," proceeds to "That's old news," and ends a few years later, when detailed books come out, with "That's rehash for cash." This way, the Clinton's give themselves a pass and go on to their business as usual behind closed doors.

Is it any wonder that a journalist of Noonan's stature who has observed Hillary for years recently commented, Mrs. Clinton is the most dramatically polarizing, the most instinctively distrusted, political figure of my lifetime. Yes, I include Nixon.

The addition of Giulliani and Huckabee to the list is a bit of a stretch since both are not part of the Washington political class per se but only aspire to become D.C. politicians. Yet the entries of these men provides us with a glimpse into their character. Based on their past indiscretions, perhaps the inner workings of a (shudder the thought) Giulliani or (worse yet) Huckabee administration might morph from line items on a web site to headlines in future editions of the nation's newspapers and magazines if either of these gentlemen made their new residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Obama is new to the Washington establishment but appears to have learned quickly how business is done in the political arena. If you look at these and other politicos named in Judicial Watch's list, a pattern becomes obvious. Someone gains a position of decision-making power or influence in government through the help of others looking for favors, grants and contracts from the government. Once the person gains office he/she returns the favor by pushing for beneficial legislation for their sponsors or they garner earmarks for friends, relatives and cronies or secure government contracts to improve land adjoining their own private investment properties. The corrupt politician then builds up his/her own wealth at the expense of the very taxpayers they claim to represent! Those who helped the corrupt politician attain office get the benefit of their new found position. Those who didn't help are ignored and those who opposed them earn their wrath.

In a perfect world this would be called influence peddling. Politicians who claim to represent the little guy and "stand up to the big bad corporate interests" are playing a game of political soap opera for us the unwashed masses while the old media provide them with a stage. They use all the buzz words their focus groups say will resonate with their audience. They have a standard sales pitch approved by their sponsors. They put that sales pitch to use while they're on the campaign trail. Unscrupulous politicians align themselves with companies and industries that are friendly to their cause with the understanding that the candidate will return the favor or look favorably upon the business ventures of the supporter in the future once the candidate is in office. The fact that such politicians villanize one group of businesses and cannonize another is merely a function of the team they have chosen to play on. In debating the differences between such candidates you and I may as well engage in useless arguements as to which is a better car, Chevy or Ford or who's the better football league, AFL or NFL.

Glenn Beck may be onto something when he said the political class have been very successful in dividing the nation ideologically between Democrat and Republican, left and right, ethnic group against ethnic group, one man's religion against another. We need to wake up. We need to recognize that we are first Americans who are committed to the safety, prestige and prosperity of the nation and take note of the fact that nations and peoples around the world aspire to attain the freedoms, comforts and standard of living we take for granted in the USA. These freedoms we have were not granted by any man but given by God. This election let's pray that the person who attains the highest office in the land is worthy of the supreme trust our people will place in the new occupant of the oval office. Let's pray that person will serve the people of the United States out of a love of God and country, devoted to carry out the responsibilities that office with integrity and honor.

Benazir Bhutto Assassinated in Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Former Pakistani Prime Minister, Benazir Bhutto was assassinated by a man who crowded near the two time Prime Minister in the garrison town of Rawalpindi this morning. Ms. Bhutto had just finished addressing a large crowd of supporters and was exiting the rally at Rawalpindi's Liaqat Bagh Park. As Ms. Bhutto was leaving the Park by the rear gate onto Murree road, she was shot twice in the neck and chest by an assailant. The gunman subsequently blew himself up killing nearly a score bystanders after committing the assault.

This craven, cowardly and dastardly act was claimed to have been committed by al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Mustafa Abu al-Yazid, the terror group's commander in neighboring Afghanistan claimed in an interview with a reporter that the attack was ordered back in October by Ayman al Zawahri the number two leader of the infamous terror group in that country.

This outrageous action will make Pakistan's process of moving toward a true democracy more difficult while opposition groups aligned against President Pervez Musharraf try and field a viable candidate to stand against the ruling government in the parliamentary elections slated for January 8th of 2008.

World leaders universally condemmed the assassination and President Musharraf promissed to hunt down and bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice.

Ms. Bhutto was a patriot to her country and despite previous troubles with allegations of pernicious corruption of her administration during her tenure as Prime Minister of Pakistan she truly was a brave woman who felt called to lead her people out of the threat of radical Islamic terrorism. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and loved ones as well as those of the innocent people who died as a result of this barbarous, despicable and indefensible act.

One can only hope that the country will proceed with the scheduled parliamentary elections on January 8th as promised by Musharraf. The successful implementation of the country's upcoming vote will sound the death knell of al Qaeda and their allies in Asia.

A Late Wish for a Merry Christmas

The first Christmas: Luke 2:1-20
1 And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. 2 This census first took place while Quirinius was governing Syria. 3 So all went to be registered, everyone to his own city.4 Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, 5 to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. 6 So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered. 7 And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. 8 Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. 10 Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. 11 For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: 14 “ Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”15 So it was, when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, that the shepherds said to one another, “Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us.” 16 And they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger. 17 Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child. 18 And all those who heard it marveled at those things which were told them by the shepherds. 19 But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. 20 Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told them.

2001 Triacca VALTELLINA SUPERIORE RISERVA "La Gatta" (Lombardy, Italy)

In the early 1980s, Nebbiolo wines from the four towns comprising the Valtellina (Inferno, Grumella, Sassella, and Valgella) used to be some of my favorites -- they were cheap (always under $10), they were great examples of a lighter, leaner style of Nebbiolo, and, at least in NYC, where I lived, they were fairly widely available. Until I saw this one, I hadn't seen a Valtellina wine in literally decades.

This wine was very light and lean, but had correct Nebbiolo scents and flavors.

Very light ruby/garnet, with a hint of amber at the rim. Sweet, candied cherries and lemons on the nose, with a backdrop of smoky stones. Medium-light bodied, but with persistent flavors tart cherries, old oak barrels, and minerals, leading to a fairly long, but lean and somewhat tannic finish. It would be nice to age this to have the tannin drop out, but I think that the fruit is on the decline, so drink this now. 86. Was about $30 at Spec's on Smith. On its merits, definitely not worth the price, but for a personal trip down memory lane, not bad.

2005 Heartland South Australia SHIRAZ

This was a balanced, full-flavored, complex red.

Saturated black ruby, with some glints of purple still showing at the rim. Intense nose of blackberry and blueberry extract, with some sweet, spiced woodsmoke and hard lemon candy notes. Inky cassis and blackberry fruit, with a nice smoky, bacony component lurking in the background. Full and long in the mouth. Some very soft tannin in the finish augurs for the capability of 2 to 3 more years of aging. 90. Was $15.33 at Spec's on Smith.

Let There Be Peace on Earth

2004 Fattoria Selvapiana CHIANTI RUFINA (Tuscany, Italy)

This was a very elegant, medium-bodied Sangiovese.

Dark ruby-garnet. Complex nose of bright, sweet cherries, menthol, earth, and a sweet, high-toned woody component. Focused and concentrated cherry/mineral flavors, with a long, lean, youthful-feeling finish. There is some tannin for structure here, but it's ripe and soft, not gritty or chalky-textured. Will certainly soften and improve for a year or two. 88. Was $18.89 at Spec's on Smith.

2005 Cortijo III Rioja (Spain)

Like the 2004, the 2005 version of this Rioja reminded me of a Beaujolais.

Medium dark ruby with magenta at the rim. Very nice, straightforward nose of ripe berries and fur. Clean, focused fruit in the mouth, with a nice, stony-minerally component. Good persistence. Based on the 2004 and 2005, I'm guessing that this winery goes in for carbonic maceration fermentation -- like they use in Beaujolais -- for all or at least part of the fruit for this wine. Good value, and would match well with a wide variety of foods. I'm not sure, but I think I got this at Central Market for about $7 or $8. 86.

2006 A to Z Oregon PINOT NOIR

This was disappointing in view of the successful 2005 this winery produced.

Garnet color. Muted nose, giving up only vague whiffs of hard cherry candy and metallic minerals. Soft and light, with tart cherry fruit and a lean, acidic finish. 78. I think this was around $15.

2006 Alois Lageder PINOT BIANCO (Alto Adige, Italy)

This is Italy's version of a good Maconnais white.

Very light straw color. Light intensity nose of chalky minerals, apples, and peach pits. Precise, light-bodied flavors of pear and stones. Although light-bodied, it had an interesting pleasantly oily texture. Lots of minerals in a medium-long finish. 86. Was $12.79 at Richard's on Shepherd.

Time's Idiot Of The Year

I don't want to talk about Putin. He's a scheming little devil. Like the Clintons, people around him mysteriously die. You can take the boy out of the KGB but you can't take the KGB out of the boy.

Gen. Petraeus should have won the distinction of being Time's Person Of The Year. Why did he not win?

What would it say, what would Time be admitting to if Gen. Petraeus was named Person Of The Year?

Yes, American is winning in Iraq. Yes, the surge worked. Yes, Iraq is better off now than under Saddam Hussein's control. Yes, George W. Bush was right. We were wrong.

We all know that isn't going to happen. The liberal media will NEVER admit that George W. Bush was right.

2005 Piping Shrike SHIRAZ (Barossa Valley, Australia)

This was a decent value Shiraz, though showing more of an angular (rather than fleshy) side of the grape.

Nearly saturated brooding black ruby. Medium intensity nose of blackberries, graphite, and toasty balsa wood notes. More angular in the mouth than the nose would lead you to believe -- blackberry extract competing with equal intensity components of peppery minerals and an unusual, high-toned perfumey earthiness. 87. Was $13.49 at Central Market.

Ramadan 1, Christmas 0

Jeff Emanuel at RedState.com has a story today that will just set your anger on fire. I won't rehash the whole thing but I do have some comments. You can read it here.

Was this country founded by Christians or Muslims? Are there more Christians in this country or more Muslims? What holiday is celebrated by more people - Christmas or Ramadan?

If you ask 17 morons in the U.S. House Of Representatives, they might say Muslims and Ramadan.

17 representatives either voted 'no' or 'present' on HR Res. 847, a resolution honoring Christmas. Those same 17 representatives voted 'yes' to HR Res. 635 in honor of Ramadan.

But it gets even better. Compare the language of the two resolutions. They appear in full on Jeff's post.

How much more do we have to endure the hatred and stupidity of our Congress?

Dems United. GOP Fractured.

You may not agree with me about the Dems being united. However, by next Spring they will be united behind Hillary. Well, not as much united behind Hillary as they are united against conservatism and the GOP.

The GOP meanwhile, is fractured. Too many factions fighting for control. I am concerned that those who are not victorious in getting their candidate the nomination will not support the victor. That would be a huge mistake.

There are people who will staunchly disagree with me. They believe a vote for anyone less conservative than Ronald Reagan is a vote for liberalism. They want to turn this country 180 degrees in one election. That is also a huge mistake.

Our focus should be that nothing could be worse than a Hillary Clinton presidency. We must support the candidate who has the best chance of beating Hillary in 2008, regardless of whether we fully agree with their policies or not.

Do I agree 100% with Rudy, Mitt, Huck, or Fred? Not by a long shot. When the primary dust has settled, the Clinton machine will be out to gut the GOP nominee's campaign. We have to support the ones who can stand up against such attacks.

What I fear most is a weak GOP candidate giving Hillary a substantial victory. God forbid.

Global Warming: Politics, Not Science

I'm not a scientist. I'm not a climatologist. I'm not a meteorologist. I'm not a proctologist. But I know when someone is trying to give it to me in the posterior.

Global warming is not about science but about politics, power, and money. Research that shows global warming does not exist or is not man-made is censored by the elite scientific community and the lockstep media.

New peer-reviewed scientific data is contrary to the hype and misinformation being spewed by Al Gore and the UN. We are experiencing nothing more than a natural climate change and there is NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING, we can do about it.

We didn't create this planet, we can't destroy it, and we can't "save" it from climate change. To think otherwise is beyond arrogance and self-importance.

Those of us who have common sense need to join with those in the scientific community who believe science should be pure and unadulterated by politicians to put an end to this man-made global warming nonsense before it destroys economies around the world. We need to be focused on things we can have an effect on like poverty and disease.

2005 Domaine la Montagnette COTES DU RHONE (France)

A very modern style, fruity, clean, and cheap, but uninspiring, Cotes du Rhone.

Dark ruby color. Straightforward, bright fruity nose -- lots of plum and boysenberry, with a barely discernible graphite-minerally component. Balanced, clean, gulpable, with pretty good concentration and length. No complexity or soul here, however, just lots of red berry flavors, leaving the taster wondering where this generic-tasting wine is from and what varietals it's made from. 85. Was $11.92 at Spec's on Holcombe.

2005 Rosenblum Paso Robles ZINFANDEL "Richard Sauret Vineyard" (California)

A ripe, concentrated, flavorful Zin.

Saturated black ruby/purple color. Richly fruity nose of oozingly ripe spicy black raspberries and sweetly smoky scents. Round and soft on the palate, with great persistence of fruit -- mostly blackberry. Spicy and creamy components as well. Not the most complex or mach style of Zin, but very rich, flavorful, and hedonistic. Very nice balance too for a wine with 15.6 % alcohol. 89. Was $24 and change at Spec's on Smith.

2005 Gary Farrell Sonoma County SAUVIGNON BLANC "Redwood Ranch" (California)

OK, but disappointing for the price.

Very light color. Delicate nose of herby gooseberries and chewy caramel, with a teensy amount of underlying earthiness. Broad mouthfeel, but with very understated, polite flavors -- the strongest being a metallic, minerally component, with bitter herbs too. 83. Nowhere near worth the 25 smackeroos I plunked down.

Nice label though.

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