Edwards in cat fight with UNC Journalism coed

The New York Times picks up the story of the Breck girl's campaign to silence UNC Journalism student Carla Babb. John Edwards campaign is upset over a student journalist's video entry for an MTV award.

The Times writes that Ms. Babb, posted the report on YouTube as an entry to a video contest sponsored by MTV, giving the report the potential for national viewing. Ms. Babb had initially approached the Edwards campaign to interview a student working as an intern at its headquarters, but the piece changed focus after the initial request, taking a closer look at the location of Mr. Edwards’s campaign headquarters in Chapel Hill, in light of its poverty message, which had been a subject of a column in the university newspaper, The Daily Tar Heel.

Edwards apparently didn't want to get nailed with yet another charge of hyprocrisy after those stories came out about his 28,000 square foot home, the $400 haircuts, the swanky job with the Hedge fund to "learn about poverty" not to mention having two bloggers working for his campaign blaspheming the Son of God and mocking the faith of Catholics in print. In reaction to the vile comments made by the bloggers and the vociferous protest that followed Edwards said, "We're beginning a great debate about the future of our country, and we can't let it be hijacked,". I guess it's OK for his campaign to hijacked by anti-Christian bigots.

Captain Ed weighs in on the latest episode of John Edwards stepping in it.

This demonstrates why Edwards won't win any election, ever. His team shows its inexperience and its heavy-handedness at almost every turn. They have no idea how they come across, and that lack of self-analysis comes right from the very top. Edwards wants to pose himself as the champion of the downtrodden and the equalizer who will bring economic balance -- while building himself a 28,000-square-foot mansion that could house hundreds. He's a poseur, an affectation looking for substance, and when that gets exposed, his campaign attempts to censor those who point it out.

2003 vs. 2004 in Tuscany (and Valpolicella)

I've drunk my last 2003 Tuscan wine. I've concluded that this vintage is a loser.

If you recall the news reports, this was the year that Europe sweltered under unprecedented, record-breaking heat. I've read some reports about how this affected the grapes' ripening, but the main thing I've noticed about every single bottle I've had from anywhere in Central Italy -- regardless of producer or appellation -- is the short, lean, drying and astringent finish. Some of the wines actually had nice noses; the noses of others were astringent and lacking fruit. Regardless of how they smelled and how they tasted on entry, however, they all finished lean and mean.

I had the same observations about several Valpolicellas (and other wines from the Veneto region ) I've had from that vintage too.

Now 2004, at least in Tuscany (I haven't had enough '04 Valpos to draw any tentative conclusions), seems to be a whole 'nuther story. Every '04 I've tasted has been bursting with fruit, concentrated and ripe from entry through the finish. But they've also had superb balance. They've not been New World fruit bombs, but quintessential, European-styled dinner wines. I've got a bunch more in the closet and I am looking forward to trying them.

2004 Santa Ema CABERNET SAUVIGNON Reserve (Maipo Valley, Chile)

Because the 2004 Merlot Reserve was outstanding, I gave its brother, the Cab, a shot. It was very good, but not up to the Merlot's level.

Saturated black ruby color. Sweet, medium intensity nose of cassis, blackberries, and a whiff of rhubarb, along with smoky, gravelly, graphite notes. Balanced, ripe, and decently concentrated, in a medium-bodied frame. Loads of very soft, well-integrated tannins. Very much Bordeaux, rather than New World, in style. 87. A good buy at $10 at Spec's on Smith.

Edwards Places Campaign Headquarters in NC

Drudge links to this video captioned, "Edwards' Campaign Demands Student Journalist Yank Story From YouTube". Why is "man-of-the-people-I-was-a-poor-boy-now-I'm-a-pretty-boy" Edwards have to fear in a student journalism piece about where he chose to locate his campaign headquarters? Is Edwards so insecure about people perceiving him as a hypocrite that he wants to shut down the free speech rights of College Students? The video presents both sides of the story and isn't a "hit piece" or anything like it. For a bona fide agenda driven story trying to pass as impartial journalism, please reference crazy Keith Olbermann or aspiring Marxist Chris Matthews.

2005 Cline "CASHMERE" (Mourvedre, Syrah, Grenache) (California)

Beautiful, dark ruby color with a hint of purple. Very forward fruity nose -- lots of black raspberry jam (replete with the tart pectin) with a hint of rock dust underneath. Lots of clean, peppery blackberry fruit in the mouth -- not complex, but fairly gutsy. Soft texture. Full-bodied, with some iodine-y notes in the finish. I think, however, it may have been a little over-enthusiastically sulfured, as my wife had her familiar flushed cheeks reaction to wines that have lots of sulfites. On taste, I'd give it an 85, but with the caveat about the possibly high level of sulfites. Was $13.99 at World Marketplace on Richmond.

12 Stones - Broken

Friday Night Music. 12 Stones are a great power band hailing from Mandeville, LA. Listening to a Marshall stack pushing a mountain of hot guitar riffs over the sound waves doesn't hurt my genteel rock 'n roll sensibilities one little bit.

In time for Halloween - Profile of Code Pink Lunatic

Sweetness and Light has photos and a link from YouTube up on the flipped out straitjacket case that attacked the Secretary of State the other day. Video and still photos of Dr. Rice's encounter with the nutball appear here.

A profile on the sicko is available here. The scary part is that this psycho was a school teacher at one time. Can you imagine leaving your kids in that care of this creature? "You got a D on your test! A DEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee!"

In the article she's described as someone who "strongly supports the troops" and then goes on to proclaim, “Our troops are committing atrocities." From one side of her mouth she says she supports our men and women fighting terrorists and from the other side she accuses them of unspeakable horrors. That's the zany, madcap, upside down world of Code Pinko.

Code Pinkos try to intimidate Condi Rice

A Code Pink hag assaults Secretary of State Condeleza Rice as she arrives to testify before the House Foreign Relations Committee on October 24th. How Ms. Rice's security detail allowed this mental case to get within 10 feet of her I hope will be the subject of review by those responsible for the Secretary's physical safety. The screeching, frantic harridan that threatened Dr. Rice was quickly dispatched by members of the Diplomatic Security Service. Police later mopped up the hearing room of other Code Pink lunatics dispersed among the crowd. Thank God this old trout was not armed! Does anyone in the House chamber do a security sweep for goons with red paint splattered on their hands or wearing ridiculous pink colored rags and other ersatz clothing at an event designated for grownups? Between bouts of baying at the moon, the sociopaths at Code Pink love to crow (literally) about how they are "freedom fighters". Yep, they do their level best to fight freedom!

Michael Yon: Message from Iraq

Michael Yon is one of the premier citizen-journalists covering the War in Iraq today. Michael has been likened to Ernie Pyle, the Pulitzer Prize winning columnist who covered the battles of World War II from the ordinary soldiers point of view. Michael's experience as a former soldier and photographer and prolific writer have served him well as he writes about the good, the bad and the ugly aspects of the War being fought in Iraq.

His recent post, "Resistance is futile: You will be (mis)informed." is a clarion call for the West to wake up to the necessity of winning this War against terrorism and recognize that the steady diet of bad news they are getting from Iraq does not reflect the reality of the situation that exists in that land.

Some of the most poingient oberservations he makes in the article cover the differences between what we are told by the mainstream press and Hollywood elitists about what is happening in Iraq versus the day-to-day life and struggle for self-determination that the Iraqi people engage in on a 24/7 basis.

Michael tells of, the bizarro-world contrast between what most Americans seem to think is happening in Iraq versus what is really happening in Iraq. Knowing this disconnect exists and experiencing it directly are two separate matters. It’s like the difference between holding the remote control during the telecast of a volcanic eruption on some distant island (and then flipping the channel), versus running for survival from a wretch of molten lava that just engulfed your car.

Today I am in Iraq, back in a war of such strategic consequence that it will affect generations yet unborn—whether or not they want it to. Hiding under the covers will not work, because whether it is good news or bad, whether it is true or untrue, once information is widely circulated, it has such formidable inertia that public opinion seems impervious to the corrective balm of simple and clear facts.

I wasn’t back in Iraq three days before this critical disconnect rocketed up from the ground and whacked me in the face. There I was with British soldiers, preparing for a mission with a duration of more than ten days in the southern province of al Basra, when someone asked me about the media reports alleging that Basra city had collapsed into violent chaos. Not wishing to trust solely to my own eyes and ears, I asked around and was able to quickly confirm what I’d already noted: conditions in this region had improved dramatically in the months since my previous embed with the Brits.

Read the whole thing here and pass the word around.

Louisiana takes a new direction

Louisiana voters chose U.S. Representative Bobby Jindal to be their new governor in what had been a highly contested election. After the Hurricane Katrina fiasco Governor Kathleen Blanco had decided against running for a second term as the head of the Pelican State.

Bobby Jindal ran on a platform of fighting corruption in government and battling those "feeding at the public trough". Oxford-educated Mr. Jindal is the son of Indian immigrants and becomes the first nonwhite to hold office in the state since the days of Reconstruction.

The A.P. carries the story here.

I wish governor-elect Jindal much success in his new office.

2003 Frescobaldi CHIANTI RUFINA RESERVA "Nipozanno" (Tuscany, Italy)

Another disappointing 2003 -- which I have now all but concluded is a vintage to avoid in central Italy.

Deep translucent black ruby color. Medium intensity nose of gingerbread spices, leather, and winey berries. Good weight and richness upon entry, with flavors of pencil lead and cassis, but as with many 2003s I've tried from this region, it fades in a flash to a clipped finish that is astringent, lean, and minerally. 82. Was about $19 at Spec's on Smith.

2004 Jean-Luc Columbo CÔTES DU RHÔNE "Les Abeilles" (France)

A decent, inexpensive Côtes du Rhône, but nothing to write home about. A little disappointing given the reputation of this Cornas producer.

Medium dark ruby. Mid-intensity nose of lively cherry-raspberry fruit, not-quite-ripe peaches, and rock dust. Medium bodied in the mouth, with crisp cherry fruit and stony notes. 82. Was $8.50 at World Marketplace on Richmond.

Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) Outrageous Remarks on House Floor

Sixteen term Democrat Congressman Pete Stark-Raving-Mad, representing East Bay Area communities from Alameda to Fremont, California engages in a little Soviet propaganda from the Halcyon days of the KGB. "The fish rots from the head" said the wonks of the infamous secret police agency as they waged ideological warfare against the West by manufacturing heinous slanders about American Presidents. This weeks political theatre was no different. Ostensibly the debate was about "saving the children" by taking a program meant to provide healthcare for poor needy children and distending it out of all proportion to finally morph into a fat middle-class entitlement program for "kids" up to 25 years old with parents "scrimping by" on only $83,000 a year. This latest stunt was a ploy to drive private health insurers out of business and create a national health care system through the back door. The Congressman used the opportunity on the House Floor to slander his enemy, the President of the United States. Anyone awake in the East Bay? This nut needs to be sent home by the voters! Instead of addressing grown-ups in Congress he needs to sit quietly in his therapy class making paper airplanes.

Back in the Game

Haven't posted in awhile. I have to admit I've been overwhelmed by speed and intensity of the news coming over the wire as of late.

After my post on Friday September 28th I've been simply floored by statements made by politicians, decisions handed down by the courts, laws enacted by legislatures and coverage given by the media. I've been astounded as to how modern day leftists have so closely and effectively adhered to the goals and talking points of the Communist Party of the Nineteen Sixties.

It's been truly amazing to see just how successful they have been in attaining their goals.

Nikita Khrushchev would be proud of them.

Mao Tse-Tung would blush from their cohesion into American life.

Josef Stalin would call them kindred.

Vladimir Lenin would see them as his progeny.

Karl Marx would proclaim, "Look what I have wrought!"

No longer cast into the same dowdy mold of the Communists of a bygone era, today's Neocommunists run the gauntlet from the hygenically challenged "Peace Activits" terrorizing Universities and citizenry to the carefully coiffured members of the smart set.

The diversity they display on the outsife belies the Marxist orthodoxy they adhere to on the inside. They are not patriots at all but enthusiastic internationalists which explains their tepid reaction to issues of concern for the life and saftey of the Republic. Their allegiance is not red, white and blue but bright ruby red. James Lewis, writing in The American Thinker offers an insightful article here on the evidence for Neocommunism.

Since they have so carefully and faithfully followed the 45 Goals of the Communist Party of the 1960's, in future posts I will make a point of highlighting which of the stated goals of the CP is exemplified by the news coming out of the wire today.

God preserve and defend the U.S.A.

2005 WillaKenzie Estate PINOT GRIS (Willamette Valley, Oregon)

This was a really good white -- loaded with flavor. A white wine acting like a red wine.

Light gold color. Beautiful and intense nose -- melted butter, pear, spice, and stony minerals. Rich and balanced in the mouth, with good weight and an excellent texture. Mineral and fruit (pear/peach/grape) flavors explode on entry and then taper into a lengthy pure pear finish that goes on and on. Superb white. 90. Was about $15 at Whole Foods on Bellaire.

2004 Martinelli "Seven Mules Vineyard" PINOT NOIR (Russian River Valley, California)

This was only the second Pinot Noir I've ever had from this vaunted producer, and it was excellent.
Light ruby color with hints of both amber AND lavender at the rim. Phenomenal nose that seems to change with each sniff -- sappy cherries, musky fur, gingerbread, balsa wood, black peppercorns, caramel. Rich, deep, soft and full-bodied, though not as dense and concentrated as the last Martinelli Pinot I had. Lots of ripe berries, with musky minerals in the long finish. A little bit of alcoholic heat showing through at the end. Very powerful, yet seductive. 91. Was $48 at Flickinger Wines in the Chicago area.

A Stark Reality

Once again I have been pushed past the boiling point. Harry Reid and his cronies in the Senate tried to silence Rush Limbaugh because they erroneously stated that he outrageously criticized our soldiers by calling them "phony". The truth is that Rush only criticized those who blatantly lie about other soldiers' actions and fabricate stories about things that never happened.

Today, Rep. Pete Stark took criticism of our troops not to a new level, but to a typical Democrat level. Mr. Stark said our soldiers murder innocent people. Mr. Stark said President Bush enjoys seeing our soldiers get their heads blown off. Don't believe me? Read it for yourself.

“You don't have money to fund the war or children, but you're going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the president's amusement."

Alan Colmes of Hannity & Colmes tried to make a point that Pete Stark is just one guy with this opinion. Wrong, wrong, wrong!! This attitude is pervasive in the Democrat party. How many Democrats stood against these outrageous words? A Republican asked that they be "taken down" which means to be stricken from the record. Did Speaker Pelosi agree? No. The hideous attack on our troops and President Bush were allowed to remain.

Do you see who rules the Democrat party? It gets more and more liberal every day. If you want to see this country ruled by liberal idiocy, if you want to see socialism replace individual freedom, if you want to see common sense flushed down the toilet, keep voting for people like these morons. And that means Hillary Clinton, too.

Do you want to see this country get on the fasttrack to going to hell in a handbasket? Just keep electing these people who hate everything that is right and champion immorality and mediocrity.

Why is this insane lunatic allowed to be in a position of leadership? Tomorrow should be Pete Stark's last day in office. If he was a Republican, it would be.

2002 Louis Latour MEURSAULT-CHARMES (Burgundy, France)

A terrific, but rather restrained, white burgundy.

Very light silvery-brass color. Gorgeous nose of sweet grapes, talcum powder, vanillin spice, and flowers. Medium bodied, with persistent flavors of marzipan, stones, and pear skins. Long, minerally finish. I usually expect Meursaults to have more buttery, hazelnutty richness than this one, but although this one was atypical, it was very distinctive and elegant. 89. I ordered this one from Flickinger Wines for $39 -- a very good price for a top notch premier cru white burgundy.

2004 Luigi Righetti "Campolieti" VALPOLICELLA Classico Superiore (Veneto, Italy)

This wine isn't bad, but it doesn't taste like Valpolicella -- whether Ripasso style or regular style.

Crystalline dark ruby color. Boisterous nose of very tightly-wound fruit (berries, cherries, and plums) and pungent minerally scents (almost verging into acetate). Tight, simple, and crisp in the mouth, , with focused fruit on entry, fading quickly into a metallic/minerally finish. 81. Was $10.65 at Spec's on Smith.

2003 Ridge York Creek ZINFANDEL (Napa Valley, California)

This was a terrific, Bordeaux-styled Zinfandel.

Dark black ruby color. Extremely complex nose -- smoky wood, eucalyptus, tobacco leaf, oozingly ripe mountain berries, and a dusty gravel note. Very structured (for a Zinfandel) and intense flavors of cherry syrup and blackberry, together with a smoky iodine-y component. The flavors were almost Rhone-like (like a big Gigondas mixed with some Hermitage). Significant but well-integrated tannin in the very long, minerally finish. 90. Would be killer with mesquite-grilled lamb chops. I got this a while ago for around $26, but I'm not sure where. I do know that most stores are now carrying the 2004s and 2005 Ridge releases, however, so it may be hard to find this one.

2005 Cellier Pinol LUDOVICUS (Tierra Alta, Spain)

A good wine with an unusual texture.

Very dark ruby with purple highlights. Forceful nose of sweet blackberry and peach juice, together with sweet warm cream, and sharp scents of scorched earth, smoky graphite, and dried brambly notes.

Ripe, but with lots of seemingly large-grained, yet not coarse, tannins in the mouth, creating an unusual mouthfeel. Full bodied, with a long, fruity finish, but with lots of the tannins remaining on the tongue. Maybe these tannins will drop out with a year or so in a cool cellar. 85+. Was $9.99 at Whole Foods on Bellaire.

The Only Thing We Have To Fear...

JFK didn't live in 2007. We have more to fear now than just fear. We have Hillary Clinton. There are three things I fear when I think of her being the next President of the United States.

  1. Spending - Hillary admitted it just a couple of days ago. She has so many ideas on how to spend OUR money, we couldn't possibly afford it all. Finally, she is honest about something. Universal health care, expanded programs for preschoolers, expanded support for Planned Parenthood, expanded support for the National Endowment For The Arts, and the list goes on and on and on.

  2. Taxes - Tell me...How is the government going to pay for all of these programs? Everytime your hear the phrase, "Raise taxes on the rich", I want you to hear this word in your head..."Lie!" The rich can't and won't pay enough taxes to cover the cost of these enormous programs. Who is next in line? That's right. The middle class. The beasts of burden who support this nation. The rich have tax lawyers and deductions that keep their taxes at a minimum. The poor don't pay taxes. You figure it out. But hold onto your wallet while you are figuring it out.

  3. Attack On Conservatism - There has been a gradual increase in open hatred towards conservatism and morality over the past 15-20 years. What we are seeing now with the attacks on Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh, religious leaders, people who stand against government control of religious expression, is nothing compared to what we will see if Hillary Clinton is elected.

I just gave you three overwhelming reasons to vote in November 2008. I don't care if you don't like any of the GOP candidates. I don't care if you think you need to make a statement to the GOP leadership. Don't cut off your nose to spite your face! This country and the middle class can't afford it.

Bring It On Chris!

Self-proclaimed "independent" Chris Matthews of MSNBC's Hardball said that if bloggers accused him of being partisan after the GOP presidential debate, he would "go rip".

Having the personality that I do, I love a challenge or a threat. 99 percent of the time I am quiet and soft-spoken. But if you challenge me on something I am passionate about, you will see a different side of me.

Admit it Chris, you are on the left-side of center. You are not a moderate or an independent. I used to enjoy watching your show until I began to see the liberal in you come out. I saw it again in the GOP presidential debate. It was somewhat subtle, but yet it was there. You have a latent dislike of conservative politicians.

When you interview Democrats, at times I have thought you should change the name of your show to Softball. In your defense, I have seen you occasionally grill a liberal who is leaning too far left.

Regardless, the bottom line is that you should remain completely objective without any bias in your questions and responses during a debate, but you can't. I do not condemn you for that. What I do take issue with is your attempt to inaccurately paint yourself as an "independent".

Contract Kill

Is there anyone out there who hasn't figured out that the attacks on Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh are part of an organized effort by liberals to take out a huge chunk of conservatives' information pipeline?

This is so obvious to me. In the end, it will backfire on the libs. They realize they are losing the war on issues. Their "solutions" are devoid of common sense and fly directly in the face of the Constitution, in many cases.

Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Tom Harkin, Henry Waxman, and the other left-fringe libs are pathetic. They can't win based on their ideas so they resort to attacking the other side. In most cases, they have to twist the facts or blatantly lie to even have a shred of substance.

Fear not, Rush and Bill O'Reilly aren't going anywhere. Their popularity was birthed out of the American public's growing disdain of our government's out-of-control spending and continued encroachment on our freedoms. As soon as the libs figure out that this is a dead end road, they will move on to something or someone else.

2005 Fournier SAUVIGNON (Blanc) (VDP, Loire, France)

This was a great buy in a crisp, flavorful, refreshing white. Tastes like a baby Sancerre or Pouilly-Fume, but at 1/3 the price.

Extremely light color -- light gold, with greenish and silvery glints. Inviting nose of peaches covered with freshly-squeezed lime and lemon juice, and a little pungent chalky/minerally stuff in the background. Lively and fruity in the mouth, with light body and refreshing crisp-appley fruit and a steely dry finish. I could drink this style of wine forever without tiring of it. 88. I think this was about $8 at Richard's. I got it at the one on Richmond (near Chimney Rock), but I've seen this wine at other Richard's as well. GET SOME!

2005 CUVÉE DE PEÑA (VDP, Southwest France)

This cheap red -- which I am guessing has a lot of Grenache in it -- is a GREAT buy.

Medium dark crystal ruby color. Lively, fruity nose: cleam plummy and boysenberry fruit, sweet cream, smoky, stony minerals. Fresh, lively, and fruity in the mouth, with bright cherry/berry fruit, and a crisp, balanced finish. A terrific everyday dinner wine with character, balance, and freshness. 87. A great buy at $6 at Spec's on Westheimer.

Nonvintage TARANTAS Rosé (Spain)

This is a cheap, organic, generic, and, most importantly, GOOD Spanish rose.

Deep bubble gum pink color. Deeply fruity nose, with plum juice, strawberry juice, and bubble gum scents. Lots of up-front fruit in the mouth -- mostly cherry and watermelon -- with a touch of tomato skin. Long steely finish. Fairly full-bodied. Very good value at about $6 at Whole Foods on Bellaire. 86.

Sen. Tom Harkin On Drugs

I have inadvertently discovered a potential cure for liberalism. I say "potential" because the pharmaceutical companies have not yet developed a pill that will minimize the effects of stupidity and arrogance.

Sen. Tom Harkin is a perfect example. He is a perfect liberal. When you have no substance nor evidence, make something up. With the media in your backpocket, you have a sounding board that will echo your fabrications all over the country.

Rush Limbaugh was misrepresented by Media Matters on his comment about "phony soldiers". He was not referring to all soldiers who oppose the war or the mission. His statement was directed at one phony soldier who lied (typical liberal) about events that never happened.

Since Harkin can't attack Rush with the facts, he has to resort to a personal attack. Dripping with arrogance and condescension, Harkin virtually accused Rush of being "on his drugs again."

Maybe Sen. Harkin is on drugs. Maybe he should be. If the pharmaceutical companies ever develop that drug for stupidity and arrogance, he should get the first prescription.

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