Code Pinkos try to intimidate Condi Rice

A Code Pink hag assaults Secretary of State Condeleza Rice as she arrives to testify before the House Foreign Relations Committee on October 24th. How Ms. Rice's security detail allowed this mental case to get within 10 feet of her I hope will be the subject of review by those responsible for the Secretary's physical safety. The screeching, frantic harridan that threatened Dr. Rice was quickly dispatched by members of the Diplomatic Security Service. Police later mopped up the hearing room of other Code Pink lunatics dispersed among the crowd. Thank God this old trout was not armed! Does anyone in the House chamber do a security sweep for goons with red paint splattered on their hands or wearing ridiculous pink colored rags and other ersatz clothing at an event designated for grownups? Between bouts of baying at the moon, the sociopaths at Code Pink love to crow (literally) about how they are "freedom fighters". Yep, they do their level best to fight freedom!

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